From an editorial in the La Crosse Tribune:
Scott Walker isn’t even governor yet, and he has lost an $810 million game of chicken with our money. He has undoubtedly lost jobs and certainly will lose the company that moved to Wisconsin to help build trains for high-speed rail.
And, he’s declaring victory.
He’s off the rails before the train even left the station.
He told us that he didn’t want to contribute to runaway federal spending. He didn’t want to invest in high-speed rail. Instead, he wanted to use the federal money to improve Wisconsin’s roads.
That was a wonderful theory — but the federal government repeatedly told him that the money would go for high-speed rail projects.
And, the feds told Walker that if Wisconsin wasn’t interested, other states would get our money.
California, here it comes. Yes, you’re the big winner of $624 million, courtesy of your friends in Wisconsin. Florida, you’re getting $342.2 million of our money. Washington, here’s to you — $161.5 million from the Badger State. Even you, Illinois, our cursed neighbors to the south: You’re getting $42.3 million from Wisconsin.
Scott Walker is thoroughly pleased to hand you this money, courtesy of the taxpayers of Wisconsin.