From a news release issued by Focus on Energy:

(October 1, 2009) – Wisconsinites continue to realize the financial and energy savings of installing ENERGY STAR® qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in their homes. And now, for a limited time, Focus on Energy is offering CFLs for a discounted price at participating retail locations throughout the state.

Focus, Wisconsin’s statewide resource for energy efficiency and renewable energy information, is launching the annual promotion October 1, 2009.

CFLs that have earned the ENERGY STAR last up to 10 times longer than standard incandescent bulbs and are 75 percent more efficient – saving as much as $30 over the course of their lifetime. In addition, the bulbs produce 75 percent less heat than their standard counterparts, making them safer to operate.

“Over the past several years, thousands of residents throughout Wisconsin have reduced their energy use and utility bills by installing ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs, but there are still many who have not made the switch,” said Rhonda Pittman, Lighting Program Manager. “In these tough economic times, there is no better time to install a product that will save money while also helping Wisconsin’s environment.”

While financial savings associated with using CFLs remain one of the primary reasons Wisconsin residents opt for them, CFLs also offer environmental benefits. Because qualified bulbs use so much less energy to operate, less pollution is being generated.