From an article in Northland’s News Center:
Governor Jim Doyle is urging Wisconsin residents to take action now to keep their households warm during this winter.
Residents are urged to contact their local utility if their heat is currently disconnected and to take advantage of the state’s energy-efficiency programs as well low-income bill payment assistance programs to ease the burden of household energy costs during the winter season.
“During a Wisconsin winter, no family should have to choose between putting food on the table and heating their homes,” Governor Doyle said. “There are many programs in place to ensure that hard working low-income households make it safely through the season and now is the time to take advantage of the services the state offers.”
Under Wisconsin law, consumers cannot be disconnected during the heating moratorium period from November 1 to April 15 so long as they are connected at the start of the moratorium. . . .
Residents may also qualify for assistance paying their heating bill through the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP), which provides financial assistance to low-income residents who may struggle to pay utility bills this winter.
WHEAP is part of the state’s comprehensive Home Energy Plus program which provides assistance with emergency energy needs, emergency furnace repairs, conservation service and weatherizing low-income households. . . .
To receive more information about how to apply for the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program, call the Home Energy Plus hotline at 866-432-8947, or visit