A commitment to wind energy development will serve as an economic catalyst for Wisconsin, creating jobs in manufacturing, construction, transportation, and operation & maintenance of wind turbines. SB 185/AB 256 make our state more manufacturing and other supply chain businesses that create jobs. By establishing statewide standards for siting small and medium sized wind farms legislators can provide an economic boost to Wisconsin’s economy.

• 1,000 MW of new wind development in Wisconsin would create over 3,000 new jobs and provide $1.1 billion in economic benefit.1 Currently, over 600 MW of planned wind development is stalled due to the lack of statewide permitting standards.
• Wisconsin ranks fourth among states in terms of potential for job gain, and fifth nationally for potential investment.2
• In 2007-08 Operating Engineers erected 88 turbines for WE Energies’ Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center. More than 400,000 labor hours were devoted to completing the project.

“We support SB 185/AB 256. Without this legislation we fear that good Wisconsin jobs will be lost to Iowa and Minnesota. A lot of our members, who are residents of Wisconsin, have traveled to those states in order to sustain a livable salary so that they can feed their families. Unless we have some uniform standards in the state we will not see the full potential for wind here in Wisconsin. Wind farm construction is good for our members. Wisconsin’s economy needs this generation and Local #139 needs these family supporting jobs here in Wisconsin.” (Joint public hearing May 12, 2009) -Terrance McGowan, Operating Engineers #139

“We think it’s important to encourage the development [of wind power] here in Wisconsin. There are good Wisconsin jobs at stake here. There are good Wisconsin companies that work in the design of these small wind farms, design the components that are used. There are good Wisconsin businesses that work in the maintenance of these wind farms. It is good work for Wisconsin workers.” (Joint public hearing May 12, 2009) -R.J. Pirlot, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce

1 U.S. Department of Energy. “Economic Benefits, Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions, and Water Conservation
Benefits from 1,000 MW of New Wind Power in Wisconsin” October 2008
2 Renewable Energy Policy Project. “Component Manufacturing: Wisconsin’s Future in the Renewable Energy
Industry.” January 2006.