The 2nd Sawyer County Earth Day Event of 2008 was listed as one of the top news stories in the Sawyer County Record’s Year in Review.

We didn’t need to read that the Celebration of Earth Day-local solutions to global problems- drew more than two hundred local people to the Sawyer County Fairgrounds We were there again bringing together organizations, businesses, schools, & people from our area exhibiting and speaking about renewable energy, composting, fuel efficiency, gardening, natural & locally produced foods, water quality, and many other displays

Sustainability is defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

The first & second Earth Day Events facilitated by the Sawyer County Democratic Party and Good Friends highlighted and informed the visitors as to what is available in our area to assist them in not only becoming more sustainable in their individual lives, but how our communities can work together to be sustainable.

Because we know you are a community leader and pioneer in the sustainability movement and have been working hard in assisting our county’s residents in understanding and incorporating green and healthy practices in their lives, we would like to invite you to participate in the 3rd Earth Day Event- Local Solutions to Global Issues, April 25, 10-4 pm at the Sawyer County Fairgrounds near Hayward.

There is no charge to you for table or space for displays. You will be responsible for whatever taxes or fees for any products that might be sold by you. You are encouraged to fill out the attached document and return it at your earliest convenience. This will help us to assist you with your needs and assure a space for you. Set up time will begin at 9am on the 25th.

This year instead of a separate area for speakers and presentations, we will provide a “roving mic” which will be available throughout the day in the exhibition hall for you to do a short presentation about your display to visitors and other participants if you wish.

Protecting the earth and living lives individually and as communities that ensure that our grandchildren & their grand children will enjoy the good sustainable life has never been a politically partisan goal. It is all of our goal. We all are responsible for leaving the earth in better shape than we inherited. We all need to work together, no matter our beliefs or political leanings.

Thank you for what you are already doing and providing to the people of Sawyer County and our region. And thank you for your consideration in being a participant in the 3rd Sawyer County Earth Day Event this year.

For more information, questions, comments, you can call Waldo at 715-354-7450 or email You can also contact