From an article by McLean Bennett in The Spectator, the student newspaper of the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire:

Several details of a new, multi-thousand dollar “green” coffer need to be ironed out, said Student Senate Treasurer, senior Michael Umhoefer, who helped push for legislation last month to implement an account to fund environmental projects on campus.

The new account would cost students about $20 a year, with the money in the account aimed at funding a variety of green initiatives and environmental student-faculty research projects. But Umhoefer said questions about just where the account money will come from and who will oversee it still remain unanswered.

Those questions, he said, will be resolved if and when the account gets approval from the UW- System Board of Regents. Whether the legislation will even get that far remains to be seen; the $200,000-plus piece of legislation still has to get approval from the student body, which will cast its decision on the account in an online referendum Nov. 20.