An announcement from the Public Service Commission:
MADISON – The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) will hold public hearings on Monday, November 3rd in Eau Claire and La Crosse on Xcel Energy’s request to adjust its electric rates. Excel has requested to increase their electric rates by 8.6 percent.
When a utility requests a change in rates, the PSC conducts a thorough audit of the utility’s expenses and revenues. The agency will look at the amount Xcel needs to provide a reliable source of energy to customers, which includes costs of fuel, maintenance, new construction and environmental protection.
Public comments on Xcel’s application will be included in the record the Commission will review to make a decision. The PSC has the authority to approve, deny or modify the application. Citizens are encouraged to attend the hearings, which will be broadcast simultaneously from three different locations at the following times:
Monday, November 3
3:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.UW-La Crosse
Wing Communications Building, Room 102
1725 State Street
La Crosse, WIUW-Eau Claire
Old Library, Room 1132
105 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire, WIPublic Service Commission of Wisconsin
Amnicon Falls Hearing Room – 1st floor
610 North Whitney Way
Madison, WIIf you cannot attend the public hearings, but would like to provide comments, you can do so on the PSC’s website at through November 3. Click on the Public Comments button on the PSC’s homepage and click on the case title.
Hearing locations are accessible to people in wheelchairs. Anyone requiring accommodations to participate should contact Docket Coordinator Jodee J. Bartels at (608) 267-9859. Documents associated with Xcel Energy’s application can be viewed on the PSC’s Electronic Regulatory Filing System at Type case numbers 4220-UR-115 in the boxes provided on the PSC homepage, or click on the Electronic Regulatory Filing System button.