The Wisconsin State Senate will vote on Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) Commissioner Tyler Huebner’s appointment this week. Help us keep Wisconsin moving forward by urging your State Senator to vote to confirm Commissioner Huebner.

With the recently announced resignation of Chairperson Rebecca Valcq, a “no” from the Senate on Commissioner Huebner’s would create uncertainty at the PSCW, and stall progress.

There is broad support for his appointment — including from four of the five investor-owned utilities that service Wisconsin. Since his appointment nearly four years ago, Commissioner Huebner has:

  • Approved hundreds of megawatts of homegrown clean energy.
  • Voted in favor of net metering, protecting Wisconsin’s solar industry.
  • Served as Board President of the Organization of MISO States, ensuring Wisconsin constituents like me benefit from improved energy infrastructure.
  • Offered expert insight and knowledge of renewable energy and energy efficiency, helping the Commission make smart energy decisions for Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Senate Committee on Utilities and Technology has already voted 3-2 against Commissioner Huebner. Your voice is required to ensure the full Senate doesn’t do the same.