Hello! My name is Jane McCurry and I started working as a Program Manager at RENEW Wisconsin in July of 2018. My work involves researching the electric vehicle (EV) market and trying to figure out what RENEW Wisconsin can do to accelerate EV adoption.

My Story

I grew up in Metro-Detroit and both of my parents worked for Ford Motor Company. My connection to the automotive industry is made nearer and dearer by my family’s ties to Henry Ford. Henry Ford’s mother, Mary Litogot Ford, is an aunt on my maternal direct lineage (my mom’s maiden name is Litogot). Growing up, I loved learning about Henry Ford and the rise of automobiles and it seems natural that my role with RENEW has started with studying the transportation sector.

I’ve spent my first two months deeply researching electric vehicles, charging stations, learning what other states and advocacy groups are doing, and investigating the Volkswagen diesel emissions settlement, which provides funding to every state to advance cleaner vehicles.

Before my job at RENEW, I had never driven an EV and didn’t know much about them. After getting behind the wheel of the Tesla Model 3, Chevy Bolt, Chevy Volt, Ford Fusion Energi, and the Nissan Leaf, I can say that all of them are quiet and much more fun to drive than my current car. I am fond of my red Ford Escape, but it will definitely be my last gasoline vehicle.

Electric Vehicles Match RENEW’s Mission

Not only are EVs fun to drive, but they represent a huge opportunity to decrease fossil fuel use and increase renewable energy production in Wisconsin. If cars run on electricity instead of petroleum, we can drive on energy produced in Wisconsin from renewables. That means no tailpipe emissions and cleaner air for everyone.

The market for electric vehicles is just starting to develop. If more consumers (like you and me!) are educated about the benefits of driving electric, there won’t be any doubt that EVs are the best option. I’m confident many of the short-term barriers to adoption will go away as demand for EVs increases. With proper consumer awareness, EV adoption has the potential to skyrocket.

I’m excited for a future where we all drive on renewable energy.  Stay tuned for more information about transportation electrification, what RENEW is doing to support adoption, and opportunities to fuel our vehicles with clean, renewable energy.