RENEW Wisconsin is seeking submissions for Renewable Energy Stories to be presented at the 2020 Renewable Energy Summit on January 16, 2020 at the Monona Terrace in Madison, WI. This portion of the Summit involves a short, fast-paced format highlighting renewable energy stories across Wisconsin. 

The Renewable Energy stories will be presented in the Madison Ballroom of the Monona Terrace to an audience of approximately 450 conference attendees. Projector screens and amplification will be provided and presenters will receive free admission to the conference.


Presentations must adhere to a strict format of exactly 20 slides which will automatically advance every 15 seconds for a total presentation time of 5 minutes. Speakers should rely on powerful imagery (with minimal charts, words, or graphs) to tell their story. 

Presentations should be informative, inspiring, and entertaining. Any topic relating to clean energy will be considered, including but not limited to: solar energy, wind energy, geothermal, hydropower, biogas, microgrids, electric vehicles, or battery storage.

While your submission for consideration will not require a finished product, here are a few tips for crafting your presentation:

  • Choose a story you are passionate about and know well
  • Form an outline for your story
  • Choose your images (photos of people are typically the most compelling)
  • Create your slideshow
  • Practice and Edit your story/outline to fit within the confines of the presentation format
  • Practice
  • Practice more

The two most important components of this format are images and timing. The best presentations contain images that hold the audience’s attention and help tell your story. Each image is only displayed for 15 seconds, so it’s important to be succinct and effective with your words and your story. If your story is selected, RENEW staff will be available to help you fine tune your presentation, if requested. 


For consideration, please submit:

  • Your presentation title
  • One image that best illustrates the essence of your story
  • A speaker bio
  • A brief presentation abstract

Submissions will be assessed on the merits of being “informative, inspiring, and entertaining” and evaluators will also consider the diversity of program content and speakers. 

Renewable Energy stories submissions must be submitted by November 30th, 2019. RENEW will select 3-5 stories to be presented at the Summit and presenters will be notified no later than December 19th, 2019.