Vernon Electric Cooperative Community Solar

Madison Gas & Electric filed an application this week to launch a pilot program, which, if approved, would result in the construction of a 500-kilowatt array atop the
Middleton Municipal Operations Center under construction. Under the
proposal, MG&E will market the output from this array in 250 watt
increments to residential customers, up to a maximum of 3 kW per
household. Participating customers would pay a one-time up-front payment
to MG&E and then receive, at a partially fixed price over a 25-year
period, output up to one-half of their annual electric usage.  Under
current rates, the price of electricity received through the Community
Solar array would be close to the levels that Green Power Tomorrow
customers pay for their renewable electricity.

As was done with other utility community solar initiatives,
RENEW plans to submit comments on

Eau Claire Electric Cooperative Community Solar Array

this pilot program to the Public Service Commission. The agency’s decision should occur before the end of October—check back with us to find out if the PSC approved MGE’s Community Solar tariff. For more information on this proposal, you can review the application here.  The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote a short article on MG&E’s proposal, which can be accessed here.