From a news release issued by WPPI Energy:
Black River Falls – As Earth Week approaches, many homeowners will be considering how to incorporate “green” principles into their own homes. One Black River Falls couple is leading the way.
Tom and Verona Chambers will celebrate the completion of their net zero energy home during a 4:00 p.m. ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony on Thursday, April 16. The Chambers’ net zero energy home combines state-of the art, energy efficient construction and appliances with renewable energy systems to produce as much
energy as the home consumes, achieving a “net zero” impact on our nation’s energy supply.
Through WPPI Energy’s GreenMax Home initiative, the Chambers have designed and constructed the first owner-designed and inhabited net zero energy home in the region that can be reasonably and affordably replicated in a cold climate. The couple’s home demonstrates a wide variety of practical, energy-saving
approaches that any homeowner could adopt to save energy and help protect the environment.
Present for the ribbon cutting will be:
+ Homeowners Tom and Verona Chambers
+ Representative Mark Radcliffe (D-Black River Falls)
+ Utility representatives, contractors, project partners and other service providers for the home
+ Local government officials.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
4:00 p.m.
118 James Street
Black River Falls, Wisconsin