by Don Wichert

As part of a US DOE Sunshot grant, MREA subcontracted with RENEW to investigate whether Wisconsin’s interconnection rules were up-to-date or needed amending.

RENEW led a team that conducted an installer interconnection survey, assessed Wisconsin’s current interconnection rules, compared Wisconsin’s rules to national best practices,  and had 6 meetings with an interconnection workgroup to consider all relevant information and make recommendations, if warranted.
RENEW petitioned the PSC to open a docket to amend 10 specific items in the current rules that are out-of-date and need to be streamlined to reduce the time and lower the cost of interconnection (
The PSC is now conducting an investigation to get stakeholder input on the need to open an interconnection rules amendment  docket.  Comments are due by Monday, June 17, at noon.
It is very important that members of the renewable energy supply chain businesses and other stakeholders urge the PSC to open a docket on this topic.   These comments have to be filed as described in the linked PDF or here:
ALL filed documents related to docket can be found in WI Public Service Commission’s Electronic Regulatory Filing (ERF) system by following these simple steps.
  1. Go to Search ERF @
  2. Type in docket number 5-gf-233 in docket search box and then click on {GO} button.
These rules only get evaluated about every ten years or so.   If you ever had an issue with interconnection or would like to see the process get easier, faster, and cheaper without reducing safety, now is the time to make your comments heard.
Please let us know if RENEW can be of additional assistance in submitting comments.