April 2012
+ Siting rule survives challenge, takes effect
+ Community wind sweeps into western Wisconsin
+ St. Croix County Wind Project seeks PSC approval
June 2011
+ State’s Hostility Toward Renewables Escalates
+ “Leaders” Lag Citizenry on Wind Support
April 2011
+ Siting Rule Suspension Rocks Wind Industry
+ Glenmore Wind Survives Raucous Opposition
February 2011
+ Walker, Legislature Open Fire on Siting Rule
+ Site Puts WI Wind Facts at Your Fingertips
September 2010
+ Stringent Siting Rule Heads to Legislature (summary of proposed rule’s provisions)
May 2010
+ PSC Sets Hearings for Turbine Siting Rules
+ Tall Turbines Set to Breeze into Green Bay Area
+ Schools Roll Out Northwind 100 Turbines
February 2010
+ PSC Gives Go-Ahead to Glacier Hills Project
+ From PSC’s Order on Glacier Hills
+ Milwaukee Reels in 270 Jobs With New Wind Generator Manufacturing
December 2009
+ Decision Nears on Glacier Hills Wind Park
+ Excerpts from WEPCO Witnesses on “Wind Turbine Syndrome”
October 2009
+ Wind Permitting Bill Becomes Law of the Land
+ Final Environmental Impact Statement Released for Glacier Hills Wind Park, including “Glacier Hills at a Glance” and a list of parties to the technical hearing.