Trees, Ownership, or Finances Blocking Access to Solar Energy? No Problem with Community Solar- A Guest Blog

Trees, Ownership, or Finances Blocking Access to Solar Energy? No Problem with Community Solar- A Guest Blog

From the Summer 2023 Hornblower newsletter, published by the Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association.

Community solar is on a steep incline locally, regionally, and nationally. By the end of 2022 there were over 2,000 community solar projects distributed across 40 states, including Wisconsin.

Community solar allows individuals to support or own part of a solar system with others in their community. The supported solar system is typically located close to your county, has good solar access, and can take advantage of economies of scale and professional management.

Many households do not have the ability to adopt solar energy at their residence due to shade, are not owners, or don’t have the finances to purchase a solar system. The Dudgeon Monroe neighborhood has a lot of trees, which is fantastic for many reasons: shade, beauty, oxygen, wind barriers, and noise reduction, to name a few. However, large trees, especially on the south side, reduce the energy and economic ability to make electricity from the sun on your home or business. 

Community solar allows almost everyone to support adoption of solar energy wherever they live or whatever their financial situation. The three current options for Dudgeon Monroe residents include: joining MGE’s Shared Solar Program, investing in the SolarShareWI Co-op created by RENEW Wisconsin, or Legacy Solar’s Co-op. 

There are many ways to support solar in our neighborhood besides placing panels on a home or business. It’s a way to earn a modest return on extra cash while doing your part to support a clean energy future.

MGE’s Shared Solar program offers households and small businesses the opportunity to reserve a share of the electricity produced by MGE’s solar arrays in Middleton serving the program.

SolarShare WI Co-op allows co-op members to invest in 1-5 megawatt solar projects in Wisconsin and get a projected return on their investment of 5%.

Legacy Solar Co-op allows members to buy bonds or be a “Tax Sponsor” in systems typically on nonprofit commercial applications like churches, schools, and similar buildings.

Don Wichert, May 2023
Founder of RENEW Wisconsin and Emeritus board member.

Submit a comment in support of the Langdon Mills Solar project!

Submit a comment in support of the Langdon Mills Solar project!

Langdon Mills Solar is a 200-megawatt solar project with a 50 MW battery energy storage system proposed for development in the Towns of Courtland and Springvale in Columbia County, Wisconsin. As designed, Langdon Mills Solar would generate homegrown, affordable, emission-free electricity sufficient to power the equivalent of approximately 30,000 homes. If approved, construction on Langdon Mills will begin in 2024 and is anticipated to be operational in 2026. For more information, visit the application here. If you want to learn more about how Langdon Mills Solar has engaged with the community, check out their website here. RENEW Wisconsin submitted testimony in support of Langdon Mills Solar in Docket 9818-CE-100, which you can access here.

Solar projects larger than 100 megawatts must gain approval from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) before they can proceed to construction. Along the way, there are opportunities for public comment at the township, county, and state levels.

Please help us demonstrate Wisconsin’s enthusiastic support for solar power and this project by submitting a comment supporting Langdon Mills Solar. Be sure to specifically reference the project and the benefits that it can bring to Wisconsin. The deadline for submitting comments is May 23, 2023.

Submit a comment in support of the Elk Creek Solar project!

Submit a comment in support of the Elk Creek Solar project!

Elk Creek Solar is a 300-megawatt solar project with a 76.6 MW battery energy storage system proposed in the Township of Springbrook in Dunn County, Wisconsin. As designed, Elk Creek Solar would supply homegrown, affordable, emission-free electricity to power the equivalent of approximately 60,000 homes. If approved, Elk Creek will begin producing clean power by the end of 2025. For more information, visit the application HERE. If you would like to learn more about how Elk Creek Solar is engaging with the community, check out their website HERE. If approved, Elk Creek will begin producing clean power by the end of 2025. RENEW Wisconsin submitted testimony in support of Elk Creek Solar, which you can access HERE.

Solar projects larger than 100 megawatts must gain approval from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) before they can proceed to construction. Along the way, there are opportunities for public comment at the township, county, and state levels.

Please help us demonstrate Wisconsin’s enthusiastic support for solar power in general and this project in particular by submitting a comment in support of Elk Creek Solar. Be sure to specifically reference the project and the benefits that it can bring to Wisconsin. The deadline for submitting comments is May 12, 2023.

Submit a comment in support of the High Noon Solar Energy Center!

Submit a comment in support of the High Noon Solar Energy Center!

High Noon Solar Energy Center is a 300 megawatt solar project with a 165 MW battery energy storage system proposed in southwest Columbia County, near Portage. As designed, High Noon would supply homegrown, affordable, emission-free electricity to power the equivalent of approximately 58,000 homes. If approved, High Noon would begin producing clean power by the end of 2025. For more information, visit the application here and RENEW Wisconsin’s testimony here.

An exemplary testimony to the benefits this project offers Columbia County comes from PSC comments submitted by Larry Nelson, a 4th generation farmer in Lodi, Wisconsin.

I support High Noon Solar. I am a participating landowner and 4th generation farmer on a century family farm. We grow corn and soybeans on our farm. 100% of our Corn goes to ethanol. With the auto manufacturers transitioning to electric vehicles, I am very concerned as to what this will do to our ethanol market and increased demand for electricity. Since our family started farming in the 1800s, there has been a lot of changes to agriculture and ways to be profitable. Our family has adapted over the years to remain in agriculture and stay profitable. This is not an easy task as many family farms have disappeared over the years. The High Noon Solar project is an opportunity for us to diversify our farm income. In my opinion this is just another way to farm the sun, just as we have done to grow crops over the years. Our farmland in this project does not disappear. This is a temporary use of our land. It will be seeded down and have solar arrays on it. By seeding it down the land will be protected from erosion and runoff. Our land naturally drains and we have NO DRAIN TILE. We use commercial fertilizers on our farm along with chemicals as needed. We do not have any livestock so no manure is spread on our land. The environmental assessment has been done. There are no significant impact. This project will bring beneficial jobs into our community and will have a positive economic impact. This will also bring in 1.2 million in annual tax payments to Columbia County and participating townships. There are many financial benefits from this project in all aspects but the most important one is this is good for our environment and we are doing our part to fight climate change for future generations. Thank you for your consideration.


Larry Nelson
Lodi, Wisconsin

Proposed power plants larger than 100 megawatts must gain approval from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) before they can proceed to construction. Along the way, there are opportunities for public comment at the township, county, and state levels. Please help us demonstrate Wisconsin’s enthusiastic support for solar power in general and this project in particular by submitting a comment in support of the High Noon Solar Energy Center. Be sure to specifically reference the project and the benefits that it can bring to Wisconsin. The deadline for submitting comments is March 1, 2023.  

[Note: Your comments need not be as lengthy as the sample below, which was drafted to present various supporting perspectives on health, environmental sustainability, and rural economic development. We encourage you to articulate the points that matter most to you. But it’s OK to frame your comments at a very high level if that’s what you’re comfortable with.]


I write in support of the High Solar Energy Center, presently under review at Docket No. 9814-CE-100. This project, like other combined solar and battery storage projects approved by the PSCW in recent years, would protect human health and the natural environment while strengthening the state’s economy.


Consistent with Wisconsin’s Energy Priorities Law, High Noon will provide these benefits by converting locally available, noncombustible renewable energy resource—sunshine—to electricity, and feeding zero-emission into existing power lines and the battery energy storage system onsite. As configured, High Noon will displace fossil fueled generation at all times, which will measurably reduce the volume of airborne pollutants and greenhouse gases discharged from Wisconsin sources.


In-state solar projects can be counted on to energize the local economy through increased revenues to local governments while diversifying our resource mix and bringing Wisconsin a step closer to energy self-sufficiency. The economic benefits come in two forms. Initially, High Noon will create between 600 and 700 jobs in Wisconsin during the project’s construction phase. Second, once it has been placed in service, High Noon will provide rental income to participating landowners as well as payments in lieu of taxes to local jurisdictions hosting the project. Projects like these can also provide an economic hedge to farmers and rural landowners whose products are subject to commodity market forces and weather conditions that are beyond their control and can often be unforgiving.


In addition to the health and environmental benefits referenced above, High Noon will also deliver benefits to the land within in the project’s footprint. The developer proposes to revegetate the land with a mix of deep-rooted plants under and around the installation. Managing the land in this fashion will improve soil health, reduce erosion, and increase biodiversity. Finally, High Noon will have no measurable impact on local agricultural output, as  crop yields per acre in Columbia County have steadily increased since 1960.


I respectfully encourage the PSCW to rule that High Noon Solar Energy Center is in the public interest and issue a permit enabling the project to proceed to construction. Thank you for your consideration of my views.

Submit a comment in support of the Northern Prairie Solar project!

Submit a comment in support of the Northern Prairie Solar project!

Northern Prairie is a 101-megawatt solar project proposed for development in the Town of Cylon in St. Croix County. As designed, Northern Prairie Solar would supply homegrown, affordable, emission-free electricity to power the equivalent of approximately 25,000 homes. If approved, Northern Prairie will begin producing clean power by the end of 2024. For more information, visit the application summary here and RENEW Wisconsin’s testimony here.

Solar projects larger than 100 megawatts must gain approval from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) before they can proceed to construction. Along the way, there are opportunities for public comment at the township, county, and state levels.  Please help us demonstrate Wisconsin’s enthusiastic support for solar power in general and this project in particular by submitting a comment in support of Northern Prairie Solar. Be sure to specifically reference the project and the benefits that it can bring to Wisconsin.  The deadline for submitting comments is January 20, 2023.  

[Note: Your comments need not be as lengthy as the sample below, which was drafted to present a variety of supporting perspectives relating to health, environmental sustainability, and rural economic development. We encourage you to articulate the points that matter most to you. But it’s OK to frame your comments at a very high level if that’s what you’re comfortable with.]


I write in support of the Northern Prairie Solar project, presently under review at Docket No. 9815-CE-100. Like other solar projects approved by the PSCW this decade, this project would protect human health and the natural environment while strengthening the state’s economy.


Consistent with Wisconsin’s Energy Priorities Law, Northern Prairie Solar will provide these benefits by converting a locally available, noncombustible renewable energy resource—sunshine—to electricity, feeding zero-emission energy into existing power lines. As configured, Northern Prairie’s output will displace fossil-fueled generation, which will measurably reduce the volume of airborne pollutants and greenhouse gases discharged from Wisconsin and Minnesota sources.


In-state solar projects can be counted on to energize the local economy through increased revenues to local governments while diversifying our resource mix and bringing Wisconsin a step closer to energy self-sufficiency. The economic benefits come in two forms.  Initially, Northern Prairie Solar will create more than 150 jobs in Wisconsin during the project’s construction phase. Second, once placed in service, Northern Prairie will provide rental income to participating landowners and payments in lieu of taxes to local jurisdictions hosting the project. Projects like these can also provide an economic hedge to farmers and rural landowners whose products are subject to commodity market forces and weather conditions beyond their control and can often be unforgiving.


In addition to the health and environmental benefits referenced above, Northern Prairie Solar will also deliver benefits to the land within its footprint. The developer proposes to revegetate the land with a mix of deep-rooted plants under and around the installation. Managing the land in this fashion will improve soil health, reduce erosion, and increase biodiversity.


I respectfully encourage the PSCW to find that the construction of the Northern Prairie Solar project is in the public interest and issue a permit enabling the project to proceed with construction.


Thank you for your consideration of my views. 


Submit a comment in support of the Saratoga Solar project!

Submit a comment in support of the Saratoga Solar project!

Saratoga Solar is a 150.5-megawatt solar project with a 50 MW battery energy storage system proposed in Wood County, near Wisconsin Rapids. As designed, Saratoga Solar would supply homegrown, affordable, emission-free electricity to power the equivalent of approximately 40,000 homes. If approved, Saratoga will begin producing clean power by the end of 2025. For more information, visit the application HERE and RENEW Wisconsin’s testimony HERE.

Solar projects larger than 100 megawatts must gain approval from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) before they can proceed to construction. Along the way, there are opportunities for public comment at the township, county, and state levels.  

Please help us demonstrate Wisconsin’s enthusiastic support for solar power in general and this project in particular by submitting a comment in support of Saratoga Solar. Be sure to specifically reference the project and the benefits that it can bring to Wisconsin. The deadline for submitting comments is January 6, 2023. 

[Note: Your comments need not be as lengthy as the sample below, which was drafted to present a variety of supporting perspectives relating to health, environmental sustainability, and rural economic development. We encourage you to articulate the points that matter most to you. But it’s OK to frame your comments at a very high level if that’s what you’re comfortable with.]


I write in support of the Saratoga Solar project, presently under review at Docket No. 9816-CE-100. This project, like other combined solar and battery storage projects approved by the PSCW in recent years, would protect human health and the natural environment while strengthening the state’s economy.


Consistent with Wisconsin’s Energy Priorities Law, Saratoga Solar will provide these benefits by converting locally available, noncombustible renewable energy resource—sunshine—to electricity and feeding zero-emission into existing power lines and the battery energy storage system onsite. As configured, Saratoga Solar will displace fossil-fueled generation at all times, which will measurably reduce the volume of airborne pollutants and greenhouse gases discharged from Wisconsin sources.


In-state solar projects can be counted on to energize the local economy through increased revenues to local governments while diversifying our resource mix and bringing Wisconsin a step closer to energy self-sufficiency. The economic benefits come in two forms. Initially, Saratoga Solar will create more than 200 jobs in Wisconsin during the project’s construction phase. Second, Saratoga Solar, once placed in service, will provide rental income to participating landowners as well as payments in lieu of taxes to local jurisdictions hosting the project. Projects like these can also provide an economic hedge to farmers and rural landowners whose products are subject to commodity market forces and weather conditions that are beyond their control and can often be unforgiving.


In addition to the health and environmental benefits referenced above, Saratoga Solar will also deliver benefits to the land within its footprint. The developer proposes to revegetate the land with a mix of deep-rooted plants under and around the installation. Managing the land in this fashion will improve soil health, reduce erosion, and increase biodiversity.


I respectfully encourage the PSCW to find that the construction of the Saratoga Solar project is in the public interest and issue a permit enabling the project to proceed with construction.


Thank you for your consideration.