RENEW Wisconsin Hosts Electric School Bus Events

RENEW Wisconsin Hosts Electric School Bus Events

On Wednesday, September 20, RENEW Wisconsin held multiple events focused on the benefits electric school buses (ESB) can bring to Wisconsin. The EPA’s Clean School Bus Program provides $5 billion over five years to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and low-emission models. RENEW worked with Lion Electric to bring an electric school bus to Wisconsin, promoting the health and financial benefits of clean transportation.

 To start the day, RENEW held private tours of a Lion Electric school bus for Republican Legislators in conjunction with the Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum and private tours for Democratic Legislators in conjunction with Wisconsin Conservation Voters. Both events provided a platform for attendees to ask questions about the bus and program to Lion Electric and RENEW Staff.

After the private tours, RENEW and Lion Electric staff opened the electric bus tours to the public, inviting passersby and anyone interested to ride the bus around the Capitol and ask questions of the experts.

RENEW and Lion Electric ended the day at Forest Edge Elementary School, offering the opportunity to tour the bus, hear from students why they want to electrify their school’s transportation, and tour the Forest Edge facility, Wisconsin’s first net zero school!

RENEW was grateful for the opportunity to bring an electric school bus
to the public and private sectors. The EPA announced the opening of
its 2023 Clean School Bus Program on September 28, 2023, which will remain open until January 31, 2024. To learn more or ask questions about this
program, please reach out to us at

Speeches from Forest Edge: 

Why do fifth graders want Electric School Buses? 
Why do Seniors want Electric School Buses?

2023 Clean School Bus Rebate Program Now Open!

2023 Clean School Bus Rebate Program Now Open!

The EPA has made $500 million in rebate funding available for the 2023 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebate Program. The application period opened on September 28 and will remain open until January 31, 2024. This is the second rebate funding opportunity through the multi-year funding program.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched this program to help school districts purchase new, cleaner school buses for little or no cost. The Clean School Bus Program funds the replacement of existing diesel and gas-powered buses with cleaner buses that result in better air quality on the bus, near bus loading areas, and in the community generally. This program not only protects the health of children and the environment but also reduces operational costs for schools.

2023 Clean School Bus Rebates Overview

The EPA is prioritizing applications from high-need, rural, and Tribal school districts. There are nearly 100 Wisconsin school districts on the priority list. School Districts are eligible to receive rebates of up to $345,000 per school bus, up to 25 buses per district. These funds are also intended to cover the cost of charging infrastructure.

The deadline to apply for this year’s rebate program is January 31, 2024. School districts that previously applied for CSB funding may reapply if they meet eligibility requirements. Applicants on the 2022 CSB Rebate waitlist must also reapply.


Important Dates



Online Rebates Application Period September 28, 2023 – January 31, 2024
Final date to submit questions January 10, 2024
EPA reviews rebate applications and begins the selection process February 2024
EPA notifies applicants of selection and posts selectees online. Selectees can proceed with purchasing new buses and eligible infrastructure April 2024
Selectees submit Payment Request Forms with purchase orders April 2024 – October 2024
Deadline to receive new buses, install EV chargers, replace old buses, and submit final documentation April 2026

The following entities are eligible to apply for EPA school bus rebates:

  • State and local governmental entities that provide bus services, such as public school districts, including charter schools, with an NCES District ID.
  • Eligible contractors such as for profit or nonprofit entities that have the capacity to sell or finance clean or zero-emissions school buses or related charging infrastructure to school bus owners.
  • Nonprofit school transportation associations.
  • Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, or tribally controlled schools responsible for the purchase of school buses or providing school bus service for a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) funded school.

For questions about eligibility, please contact  

For more information on electric school buses, route planning assistance, and applying to the Clean School Bus Program, contact RENEW at

Why I Purchased a Used Plug-in Hybrid

Why I Purchased a Used Plug-in Hybrid

The transition to a clean and renewable economy includes many paths from all the economic sectors. Some of the transition decisions are made by government, some by business and NGOs, and some by individuals. When it comes to individuals, there are multiple options, such as where we live, our homes and how we live in them, what we eat, what we throw away, and how we travel, to name a few.

When it comes to getting around, the options are varied: walking, biking, ride-sharing, using public transportation, and driving a car, whether gas or electric. In most cases, it’s a combination of these options.

As a self-proclaimed energy geek, I take pride in regularly assessing my energy footprint. I’ve been doing this since the first Earth Day in 1970 when I was a junior in college (yes, I’m dating myself!). I’ve also been labeled as “frugal” by my friends and acquaintances, an apt label considering I still have some shirts from the 1970s. Both my educational training and work in the clean energy space over 40-plus years allow me to tackle both energy and financial impacts systematically.

This particular skill set came in handy when my 2010 Toyota Prius, with 135,000 miles, started to show signs of age and expense. It was time to use my energy assessment tools and frugal habits to select the best vehicle that fit my values. For me, the decision was based on current and future driving patterns, energy and environmental impact, and price ( incentives included).

I walk or bike for most of my short trips in Madison, WI, that are 5 miles or less. My partner of eight years lives almost 10 miles away, and I usually drive to her place three or four times each week. We are both retired and go on occasional daily or weekly road trips that can be hundreds of miles away.

The Inflation Reduction Act now offers up to $4,000 tax credit for qualified used plug-in hybrid electric vehicles that are at least two years old, are purchased after December 31, 2022, from a certified car dealer, cost less than $25,000, and have 7 KW or higher battery storage. To be eligible for the tax credit, an individual must have an Adjusted Gross Income of $75,000 or less and $150,000 or less for married couples for the current or previous tax year.

So, for me, the goal was to find a plug-in electric hybrid that delivered at least 25 miles on electric power, got good gas mileage, had less than 50,000 miles on the odometer, and would qualify for the federal tax credit.

The most likely candidates to fit these requirements were the Toyota Prius Prime, the Hyundai Ionic, and the Kia Niro. All three could be charged overnight using a standard 120-volt outlet, which I had next to my driveway. There are pros and cons for each of these, based on personal preferences and price. In total, my search lasted about six months.

Major online car retailers, like Carfax and Autotrader, helped to determine what was available within a reasonable distance from Madison. Unfortunately, I was unable to find eligible vehicles in the immediate Madison area during this time period. Locating an eligible vehicle for less than $25,000 was also a major limiting variable.

Eventually, I found and purchased a 2018 Toyota Prius Prime from a car dealership in Eau Claire, WI, that met my requirements. After almost three months of charging and driving, I’m pleased with my purchase. The car has been delivering a pretty standard 30-31 miles on pure electric power in town, and 54 to 58 miles per gallon.

After about 2,000 miles I’ve used just 15 gallons of gas. Depending on my final tax status, I’ll have a highly energy-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicle for about $20,000. This definitely meets my energy and frugality goals. I credit the Inflation Reduction Act as key in focusing my attention on a vehicle that allowed me to fulfill my goals.

– Don Wichert
Emeritus Board Member and Founder of RENEW Wisconsin

Clean Energy Legislative Update • September 2023

Clean Energy Legislative Update • September 2023

The 2023-24 legislative session in Wisconsin is nearing the halfway point. Much has happened in the last year, and we are hoping to make great strides by the end of the current legislative session.

This year’s biennial budget bill for 2023-25 had several provisions we were monitoring — however, most of them were removed from the final version. The budget did ultimately include a $75 increase to annual registration fees for electric vehicles.

Despite the outcome of the budget bill, there are still opportunities in several key areas. One of our main focuses of late has been net metering and the two rate cases before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW). We are also working to remove barriers in the effort to build EV charging infrastructure while also supporting bills that would allow Wisconsin residents to participate in community solar projects.

Net Metering Proposal

In most states, when you generate electricity from solar panels on your property, you get a credit for the energy you produce, reducing your electricity purchases from the utility and some compensation for sending any excess electricity from your system back to the grid. RENEW Wisconsin has been active in two net metering rate cases before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW).

In the Alliant Energy rate case, RENEW and Alliant have agreed to preserve net metering for two years and have created a clear pathway for future rooftop solar installations. At the end of the two-year period, new Alliant solar customers will shift away from net metering and into Power Partnership, a proposal that will support the sustainability of the solar industry.

RENEW still believes that net metering is the best policy for Wisconsin’s current solar industry, and our opposition to MGE’s proposal continues. The comment period for MGE’s rate case before the PSCW has closed. A final decision from the PSCW in both the MGE and Alliant rate cases is expected in late October or early November.

  • RENEW staff has testified in both rate cases before the PSCW.
  • RENEW has encouraged and empowered our members and the public to support net metering through the public comments process.
  • RENEW staff is engaged with state legislators, making them aware of how these rate cases will affect their constituents and the solar industry in general.

Electric Vehicle Charging

Recognizing the need for better access to charging stations to support the electric vehicle industry, RENEW is working to support efforts to remove some of the barriers created by restrictions in state law. State law limits private companies’ ability to build charging stations by only allowing electric utilities to sell electricity to the public.

  • RENEW anticipates legislation (likely led by Sen. Howard Marklein) to be introduced this fall to remove some of these barriers.
  • RENEW is seeking a proposal that would allow non-utilities to provide electricity at charging stations by using the national standard of charging by the kilowatt hour rather than by the time it takes to charge.
  • RENEW staff have been in regular communication with various interested parties and we hope to see movement on this proposal soon.
  • To support these efforts, we also have preliminary plans to host educational, lobbying, and test-driving electric vehicle events through the fall.

Community Solar

Current Wisconsin state law limits solar installations to larger utility-built projects and smaller rooftop installations on private property of individual homes or businesses. What is lacking is the option for community-based projects for individuals to participate in solar energy generation even if they do not own the building or have adequate sun exposure or roof space to accommodate solar installations.

RENEW Wisconsin has joined a coalition of groups that support community solar projects that would provide new opportunities for the industry and customers. Two bills were introduced earlier this year that would allow Wisconsin residents to participate in community solar projects. SB 226 was authored by Sen. Duey Stroebel, and AB 258 was authored by Rep. Scott Krug.

  • RENEW is encouraging the chairman of the committee, Sen. Julian Bradley, to schedule a hearing in October in the Senate Committee on Utilities & Technology.
  • More than 30 organizations are listed as lobbyists on the proposal, with an almost equal number for and against.
  • Utility groups and labor representatives have strongly opposed the bills.
  • Supporters along with RENEW include the Alliance of WI Retailers, NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Association, League of WI Municipalities, WI Property Taxpayer Association, and Fieldworks Power.


Electric School Buses – the Clean and Cost-Effective Transportation Solution for Your Community and School District.

Electric School Buses – the Clean and Cost-Effective Transportation Solution for Your Community and School District.

Electric school buses have zero tailpipe emissions, offering clean and healthy rides and reducing operating expenses. However, the upfront cost of $375,000 is a significant barrier. Fortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Clean School Bus Program allows school districts in all 50 states to replace old diesel buses with new electric buses at no cost.

Last month, I drove a school bus for the first time. Despite not having much experience driving large vehicles, I was pleasantly surprised by how similar it felt to driving my 2020 Chevy Bolt EV. The ride was smooth and quiet, and the regenerative braking system made it easy to control the large bus without needing to use the brakes too often. Overall, it was a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

The electric bus I drove – a LionC electric school bus – can carry 77 students for up to 155 miles on a single charge. This bus was fresh off the assembly line at the new LION assembly plant in Joliet, IL. The plant is located about 90 miles south of the Wisconsin border and is North America’s largest electric school bus assembly plant. The plant opened earlier this year and will support 1,400 Clean Energy Jobs and produce 20,000 fully electric school buses and electric trucks per year.  

Why Clean School Buses? 

Every day, more than 25 million American children rely on school buses for safe transport to and from school, collectively covering over three billion miles each year. However, the exhaust from these buses can harm human health, particularly for children whose lungs are still developing. To address this issue, the Clean School Bus Program provides rebates and grants to replace existing diesel and gas-powered buses with cleaner models. This initiative aims to improve air quality as well as the safety and well-being of our students, their bus drivers, and the surrounding communities.

Electric school buses are both cleaner and cheaper to operate than diesel buses. On average, diesel buses use 6 miles per gallon [mpg], while electric buses boost that efficiency to an equivalent of 17 mpg. Electric school buses can save more than $170,000 on fuel and maintenance throughout their lifespan. Furthermore, Wisconsin’s lack of petroleum production means that switching to electric buses can keep our energy dollars in the state, support local jobs, and contribute to the state’s general economic growth.

Wisconsin Schools are Going Electric!

Last fall, 15 school districts in Wisconsin took advantage of the Clean School Bus Program and were awarded 65 electric school buses scheduled to be delivered by October 2024. The EPA is now preparing for a second round of rebates, which will be announced this fall. Schools and transportation contractors can apply online for Clean School Bus rebates, which are awarded through a lottery system. Priority is given to rural, tribal, and high-need school districts. Those that qualify can receive up to $395,000 to purchase a bus and charging station in exchange for an older diesel bus for up to 25 buses. The list of prioritized school districts can be found here.

You can sign up for updates on the Clean School Bus Program and see the list of 2022 award recipients. For more information on electric school buses, route planning assistance, and applying to the EPA’s program, contact RENEW at

Diesel School Buses Negatively Impact Children’s Health: The Solution — Electric Buses

Diesel School Buses Negatively Impact Children’s Health: The Solution — Electric Buses

Growing up in Wisconsin, I took the bus to school every day. I remember playing games outside with kids from my neighborhood as we all waited for the bus. I also remember the growing headaches, finding it odd that my asthma would worsen, and how I would often cough or struggle to catch my breath while trying to talk with my friends as we got off the bus.

I used to describe this as feeling “blah” as I started my school day. Symptoms like these are unfortunately common for children exposed to exhaust from the diesel buses they take to and from school every day.

According to 2022 data from the World Resources Institute, more than 20,000,000 U.S. children ride the school bus across the United States, and over 90% of U.S. school buses run on diesel fuel. In Wisconsin, the Wisconsin School Bus Association reports that approximately 50% of school children ride the bus, with the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) reporting more than 800,000 enrolled students and over 347,000 students transported. It’s also important to note that the private school students transported by Wisconsin public school districts are not included in these numbers.

While a short bus ride may seem harmless, the tailpipe emissions from a diesel bus can and do have negative impacts on children’s health, moods, and lung development. While diesel buses drive students to school or sit idling in front of schools, children are exposed to unhealthy concentrations of pollutants.

Even if a diesel bus is not pumping out black smoke, this doesn’t mean it is not releasing harmful emissions into the surrounding air. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), nitrogen oxides in diesel emissions can cause tiredness, irritability, headaches, and nausea, but greater symptoms appear in the high number of children riding to school with asthma.

Children makeup roughly 40% of all asthma cases despite representing only about 25% of the United States population, and nearly 100,000 students in Wisconsin are recorded to have asthma each year. Research has concluded that diesel exhaust can cause daily irritation of asthma, leading to an increase in the severity and frequency of asthma attacks. Such emissions can cause inflammation of the airways that can cause the onset of asthma or lead to a long-term increase in the severity of asthma.

study conducted in 2017 found that a child will typically miss three to five school days after an asthma attack, often alongside a parent or guardian who must also miss work. Reducing an asthmatic child’s exposure to diesel exhaust can decrease the number and severity of asthma attacks they may have and increase their attendance and well-being in school.

So, the headaches, lethargy, and shortness of breath I felt are among the common immediate symptoms from diesel exhaust exposure, especially for a child with asthma like I was, but what about the other long-term health effects?

Many institutions, including the Internal Agency for Research on Cancer, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the National Toxicology Program, have concluded that diesel exhaust is a harmful carcinogen. They found that exposure to such pollution is closely tied to the development of lung cancer.

Diesel exhaust contains multiple EPA criteria air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and fine particulate matter, as well as over 40 chemical compounds that are classified as a Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Fine particulate matter in diesel exhaust can be especially harmful. These pollutants are smaller than 1 micron in diameter, allowing them to penetrate deep into the lungs leading to decreased lung function, further increased risk of lung cancer, and increased asthma severity.

Children, whose lungs are still developing, breathe at faster rates than adults, making them more susceptible to these health risks. In a study conducted by the NRDC titled “No Breathing in the Aisles,” scientists were able to specify just how much diesel exhaust children were exposed to on their daily routes to and from school and how this exposure threatened children’s health.

Luckily, emissions from diesel buses have improved with newer bus models since this study was completed due to EPA updates on filtration requirements, but immense volumes of diesel exhaust still spew out of school bus tailpipes today. More recently (in 2016), the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) released a landmark report citing research, including a 2015 University of Michigan study linking the negative effects of diesel emissions on the health of school children, particularly for those in disadvantaged groups who are more likely to ride the bus to school.

In response to the negative health link between diesel emissions and school children’s developmental health, the EPA launched the Clean School Bus USA fleet upgrade program for diesel school buses in 2013, which supported the adoption of cleaner technology, including diesel emissions controls and propane. The EPA also instituted an ongoing national idle reduction campaign for school buses and, more recently, Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) funding to reduce toxic emissions from all diesel vehicles.

The benefits of transitioning to cleaner modes of transportation are clear, especially when you consider that there is no known safe level of exposure to diesel exhaust for children. Electric school buses are a cleaner, healthier alternative to diesel buses. These vehicles lead to a 100% reduction in tailpipe emissions per diesel bus replacement. However, the daunting upfront costs often deter school districts and school bus providers from purchasing them.

The EPA has offered a solution to this expensive issue. With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021, the EPA launched the  Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebates Program to assist districts in the shift to clean and zero-emissions (ZE) electric school buses for U.S. school children. This program allows school districts and third-party bus companies to apply for rebates so they can replace their old diesel buses with new electric school buses at no cost.

Lion C electric busIn fact, with the costs of recharging and maintenance for electric school buses being significantly lower than that of refueling and maintenance costs for diesel buses, school districts can save thousands of dollars every year by transitioning to these clean buses.

In the 2022 funding cycle, 15 districts in Wisconsin were awarded rebates from the EPA for a total of 65 electric school buses that are expected to go into operation during the 2024 school year. This will aid in the transition to zero carbon emissions for students in Wisconsin and positively impact their health and development going forward.

The EPA CSB Program decreases the pressure on school districts to cover the daunting upfront costs of electric school buses. With this funding, schools can feel reassured in their decision to make a cost-effective transition to cleaner, healthier buses for their students. This opportunity, however, will not be around forever. The time to take action and improve the health and well-being of Wisconsin students is now.

Sign up today to stay in touch about the Clean School Bus Program here. For further information about electric school buses, the Clean School Bus Program, and how you can help your school district transition to cleaner transportation, feel free to contact RENEW at