Dane County is Now Powered by 100% Clean Energy, becomes the 4th County Nationally to Reach Major Achievement

Dane County is Now Powered by 100% Clean Energy, becomes the 4th County Nationally to Reach Major Achievement

On April 18, 2023, RENEW Wisconsin joined County Executive Joe Parisi, Alliant Energy, SunVest Solar, and other community representatives at the newly constructed Yahara Solar Project to celebrate Earth Week. With the completion of the 90-acre solar project, Dane County has become the 4th County in the United States to power all of its county facilities with 100% renewable electricity.

The Yahara Solar Project is a crowning achievement and an innovative approach to developing clean energy. It will initially be owned and operated by the developer, SunVest. Alliant will deliver the power generated to its customers, and Dane County will receive renewable energy credits (RECs) in return for leasing the land. After seven years, the Yahara Solar Project will be sold to Alliant Energy to become part of the utility’s clean energy generation resources. Pieper Electric was the installation contractor and worked with multiple local unions.

County Executive Joe Parisi and Dane County have demonstrated remarkable climate and clean energy leadership. Since 2011, the County has built cutting-edge technology to power heavy-duty equipment like snow plows and garbage trucks. In addition, Dane County also established an Office of Climate and Clean Energy in 2017. Over time, Dane County has built solar projects at the airport, campsites, and other county facilities. In 2020, Dane County released the Climate Action Plan: Today’s Opportunity for a Better Tomorrow which included a path to deep decarbonization.

Dane County’s efforts to demonstrate practical solutions to reducing energy bills and emissions are a model for the nation. Now Dane County is working to share that knowledge with residents. Check out the most recent podcast from Dane County Executive Joe Parisi, Kathy Kuntz (Director of the Office of Climate and Clean Energy), and me, Heather Allen (Policy Advisor for RENEW Wisconsin). This podcast discusses how the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) makes it easy to save money and shift to clean, renewable energy.

Learn How You Can Benefit from the IRA:
• The Dane County Office of Climate and Clean Energy
• Rewiring America’s calculator to help identify which tax credits and up-front discounts you can utilize.
• MadiSUNsolar.com for Dane County residents interested in going solar.
• RENEW Wisconsin’s programs help nonprofits go solar and purchase electric vehicles.
• RENEW’s summary of the Inflation Reduction Act and clean energy resources.

Podcast Links:
• Video

The 2023 Clean School Bus Program Grant Application is Open. Apply now!

The 2023 Clean School Bus Program Grant Application is Open. Apply now!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just announced a new round of competitive funding through the Clean School Bus (CSB) Grants Program. This is the second funding opportunity for clean school buses from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Unlike the 2022 Clean School Bus Rebates, this new funding opportunity is competitive – instead of a lottery. We encourage school districts to partner with other communities, transportation providers, and electric utilities for their application. Any eligible school district or third-party applicant must be set up on grants.gov and SAM.gov. Interested parties should confirm they are registered and current on both websites as soon as possible.

Why Electric School Buses? 

Cost savings: electric buses get the equivalent of 17 miles per gallon (MPG) compared to 6 MPG for diesel buses; these savings can amount to more than $170,000 across the bus lifecycle.

Health benefits: electric school buses cut diesel emissions, benefiting communities burdened by air pollution and high childhood asthma rates. 

Energy security and independence: electric buses can run on locally sourced renewable energy from a nearby solar or wind farm, which helps the local economy. 

Electric buses have operated safely and reliably in many parts of the United States, including MichiganMinnesota, and Alaska. Although electric buses are cheaper to own and operate than traditional diesel buses, the initial cost of new buses has been a barrier to adoption, and only a few schools have been able to afford them. The Clean School Bus (CSB) Grants Program is solving this problem by covering up to 100% of the cost of new buses so that schools can save money without a significant out-of-pocket expense. Sounds too good to be true? Check out this blog post to find the list of school districts that already received awards for new electric buses in Wisconsin.  

2023 Clean School Bus (CSB) Grants Program Overview
The EPA is awarding approximately $400 million in competitive grants under the Clean School Bus (CSB) Grants Program. The grant application will allow for a minimum of 15 buses and up to 50 buses for school district applicants and for a minimum of 50 and up to 100 buses for third-party applicants serving at least four school districts. Awardees will receive up to $395,000 per bus without cost-sharing or matching requirements. Applications must be submitted electronically to EPA through grants.gov by Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (ET).

Eligible applicants include the following entities:

  • Local or State governmental entities providing school bus service to one or more public school systems
  • Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and tribally controlled schools providing school bus service to one or more Bureau-funded schools
  • Nonprofit school transportation associations
  • Public charter school districts responsible for the purchase, lease, license, or contract for the service of school buses for that charter school 
  • Eligible contractors

Please refer to the grant Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for specific information about this

Important Dates

Activity Date
Information Sessions The first Information Session will be on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. (ET). Click here to register.
Deadline for Submitting Questions Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (ET)
NOFO Closes – Application Deadline Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (ET)
Anticipated Notification of Selection  November 2023 to January 2024
Anticipated Awards February to March 2024

Schools can submit questions to cleanschoolbus@epa.gov. Please type “Clean School Bus NOFO Question” in the subject line of your email. The deadline for submitting questions via email is Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (ET). Schools may also contact Francisco Sayu, Emerging Technologies Director RENEW Wisconsin, at francisco@renewwisconsin.org, for general help with this grant application.

Empowering Wisconsin Communities with Federal Clean Energy Investments

Empowering Wisconsin Communities with Federal Clean Energy Investments

The clean energy revolution is taking place across America, and Wisconsin communities can benefit in several ways. For example, by transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy, the state can reduce its dependence on expensive fuel imports, which currently amount to $14 billion annually. Clean energy can also support new jobs, attract private investment, reduce carbon emissions, improve public health, and create a more sustainable environment for future generations.

The federal government has ambitious clean energy goals, and communities across Wisconsin are taking advantage of federal programs like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to replace aging diesel school buses, rebuild bridges and ports, and improve air quality and resiliency. This blog post highlights clean energy investments made in Wisconsin communities through the IIJA and the IRA (see table below). Projects were identified using “The Climate Wins Here map” developed by  ActOnClimate. Feel free to use this interactive tool to learn about ongoing clean energy investments in Wisconsin and beyond.

Despite these wins, we must do more to support clean energy deployments in the state. A recent Wisconsin Public Radio report highlights that rural communities are disadvantaged when competing for federal funding. Paradoxically, these rural communities have the greatest needs and opportunities to benefit from federal funding. Whether it is a solar project that reduces coal imports, a new electric school bus that cuts fuel costs, or a microgrid that increases reliability, these projects improve the quality of life for host communities. 

In her book “Rural Renaissance, Revitalizing America’s Hometowns through Clean Power” Michelle Moore presents a practical and inspiring guide to creating economic opportunity through clean energy. Moore uses examples from communities across the U.S. leveraging natural resources, cooperative work, and innovation to bring electricity and prosperity to rural America. Today, the clean energy transition provides another opportunity to leverage our abundant resources (sunlight, wind, and land) and federal clean energy investments to create a more prosperous life for all Wisconsinites. It is up to us, and we must seize this opportunity.

In short, federal clean energy legislation has opened up new opportunities for communities in Wisconsin to improve their quality of life. The Climate Wins Here map is a helpful tool for identifying ongoing clean energy investments in the state. We encourage communities to use data, technology, and partnerships to build a cleaner, more sustainable future through clean energy. Feel free to contact RENEW for more information about federal funding for clean energy projects in your community.


Federal Clean Energy Investments in Wisconsin, April 2023

Funding Amount 
ARP Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring Competitive Grant
Clean Energy and Power
ARP Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring Competitive Grant
Clean Energy and Power
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
$ 1,975,000 
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
FTA Bus and Low- and No- Emission Grant Awards
Clean Transportation
Awarded Clean School Bus Program Rebates
Clean Transportation
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation
Environmental Resilience/Remediation
Tribal Climate Resilience
Environmental Resilience/Remediation
Tribal Climate Resilience
Environmental Resilience/Remediation
National Coastal Resilience Fund
Environmental Resilience/Remediation
RAISE 2022 Grant Award
Port Infrastructure Development Grant Awards
RAISE 2022 Grant Award
RAISE 2022 Grant Award
White House releases new guidebook to demystify the  Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

White House releases new guidebook to demystify the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

On Thursday, December 15, the Whitehouse released a new Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) guidebook. The IRA will increase access to clean energy through a combination of grants, loans, rebates, incentives, and other investments.  With billions of dollars of new investment in clean energy and climate resilience, Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk called the IRA both “a historic opportunity and a historic responsibility.” The IRA has the potential to reduce emissions in the United States by 40% below the 2005 baseline but will require the effective and efficient deployment of these resources.

The IRA Guidebook is a valuable tool in helping to prepare your school, business, family, and community to be prepared to access these resources as they become available. Each of the IRA 100+ programs will be rolled out on a slightly different timeline, so it is helpful to become familiar with the information hubs. CleanEnergy.gov is the clearing house for all IRA resources and will be regularly updated with new information.

The guidebook covers 135 programs, from production tax credits for clean energy to tribal climate resilience grants. The guidebook provides essential information for each program:

  1. Program Description
  2. Amount of funding available
  3. Program Timing
  4. Program eligibility
  5. Cost share requirements

Also worthy of note, the Guidebook website also lists programs by the federal agency. You can find that information towards the bottom of the page. As those programs are updated, this website will be the first place to find the new information. Bookmark this page, as agencies are writing the program details now.

Programs are listed by the agency on a table at the bottom of the guidebook resource page.

The guidebook is an excellent resource for individuals, families, businesses, local governments, tribes, and nonprofits. Rewiring America’s IRA calculator is another useful resource. Households can use this tool to estimate how much money they can save or access from the Inflation Reduction Act. As the IRA becomes more refined, RENEW will continue to share information.  Please see the links below to learn more. 

More Resources

Thanks to Maria Redmond and the Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy for links to resources