Clean Energy Legislative Update • March 2025

Clean Energy Legislative Update • March 2025

The 2025 legislation is starting to heat up, there are plenty of legislative issues moving through the legislature! Here are a few that we are tracking:

Technical fix to EV-charging — Senate Bill 96

This bill clarifies how the charging tax is administered. It does not apply to level 1, 2, or 3 chargers located at a residence, as the intent of the law was to apply to public chargers. The actual entity that owns or operates the charging station must register, file, and pay the charging excise tax.

RENEW supports SB 96.

Local Project Approval — Senate Bill 3 & Assembly Bill 7

This proposal drastically changes the regulatory landscape for renewable energy projects. The bill adds a requirement that any solar or wind project over 15 megawatts needs approval by the local town, village, or municipality before being considered by the Public Service Commission.

Wisconsin’s current law is considered the gold standard for siting as large projects over 100 MW require PSC approval, and smaller projects fall under local jurisdictions. The change would make it more difficult to site future development and create greater uncertainty for private developers.

RENEW is joined by at least 17 lobbying groups opposing the bills.

Right of First Refusal — Assembly Bill 25 & Senate Bill 28

Wisconsin utilities have introduced the ROFR bill again this session, which would give incumbent utilities first dibs [right] to construct, own, and maintain transmission lines in the state, and only after they decline the project [refuse], then other transmission companies could be considered. 

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator or MISO oversees transmission needs in the Midwest, and the grid operator has plans for major upgrades to be made in the next decade. MISO rules require sharing of the cost of construction, maintenance, and operations across all beneficiaries of the added infrastructure. Wisconsin’s three transmission utilities – Xcel Energy, Dairyland Power Cooperative, and American Transmission Company could be considered in the bidding even without ROFR. 

RENEW does not have a specific position on the bill but generally supports expanding transmission to support the growing demand for electricity. 

The groups supporting the measures outnumber those opposing two to one. At least 15 republican legislators have registered in opposition during a recent hearing on the bills. Several amendments are pending.

Climate Accountability Act — LRB 2137

Several democratic legislators are working on legislation to reduce carbon emissions by requiring that Wisconsin adopt concrete and accountable climate action plans to cut greenhouse emissions by 52% by 2030 and maximize the economic benefits of climate action for all Wisconsin residents.

Resolution honoring the 55th anniversary of Earth Day

This joint resolution supports Earth Day founder, former United States Senator and Governor of Wisconsin Gaylord Nelson on the 55th anniversary of the celebration, first held on April 22, 1970.

Clean Energy Legislative Update • January 2025

Clean Energy Legislative Update • January 2025

Working with the state legislature is both an art and a science — utilizing expertise and seizing opportunities, as well as continuous relationship-building. With the start of the 2025-26 legislative session, the process is intensified as we welcome new faces and navigate changes. The recent election led to 37 freshmen policymakers for Wisconsin’s legislature, resulting in changes to committee makeup and leadership in the State Assembly and Senate. Here are the highlights.

Senate Leadership

Continuing as Majority Leader is Sen. Devin LeMahieu, President Pro Temp is Sen. Patrick Testin, Assistant Majority Leader is Sen. Dan Feyen, and Majority Caucus Chair is Sen. Van Wanggaard.

Changes to the Republican leadership include Sen. Mary Felzkowski (R) as Senate President replacing Sen. Chris Kapenga, and Sen Rachel Cabral-Guevara (R) as Caucus Vice-Chair, replacing Sen. Joan Ballweg who lost her senate re-election.

On the Democratic side, continuing in their leadership roles are Minority Leader Sen. Dianne Hesselbein and Assistant Minority Leader Sen. Jeff Smith.

Sen. Mark Spreitzer moved up to the Minority Caucus Chair, replacing Chris Larson, and Sen. Dora Drake became the new Caucus Vice Chair, replacing Sen. Spreitzer.

The Senate makeup now is 18 Republicans – 15 Democrats.

Assembly Leadership

Continuing as Speaker is Rep. Robin Vos, Speaker Pro Temp is Rep. Kevin Petersen, and Majority Leader Rep. Tyler August. Caucus leadership continues with Chair Rep. Rob Summerfield, Vice-Chair Rep. Cindi Duchow, Secretary Rep. Nancy VanderMeer, and Sergeant at Arms Rep. Treig Pronschinske.

New to leadership on the Republican side is Rep. Scott Krug (R) as Assistant Majority Leader, replacing retired Rep. Jon Plumer.

On the Democratic side, continuing in their Democratic Leadership roles are Minority Leader Rep. Greta Neubauer, Assistant Minority Leader Rep. Kalan Haywood, Caucus Chair Rep. Lisa Subeck, and Caucus Vice Chair Rep. Clinton Anderson.

Changes in Democratic caucus leadership include new Minority Vice Chair Rep. Clinton Anderson, Secretary Rep. Mike Bare, and Sergeant at Arms Rep. Jodi Emerson. They are replacing Reps. Jill Billings, Kristina Shelton (retired), and Lee Snodgrass respectively.

The new Assembly make-up is 54 Republicans – 45 Democrats.


Senate Utilities and Tourism Committee
The five-member Senate Utilities and Tourism Committee retains Sens. Julian Bradley (R) as chair and Sen. Smith (D). New members are Republican Sens. Feyen, and Jesse James as well as new Senator (former Representative) Melissa Ratcliffe (D).

Assembly Energy & Utilities Committee
The Assembly Energy & Utilities Committee retains Rep. Dave Steffen as Chair, and Republican members Summerfield, Adam Neylon, Shae Sortwell, Paul Tittl, and Travis Tranel with Jerry O’Connor, Calvin Callahan, and Chanz Green joining them.

Returning Democratic members are Subeck and Supreme Moore Omokunde with additions of Rep. Sheila Stubbs and brand-new Rep. Maureen McCarville. The committee has three fewer members now with a total of 13, nine Republicans to four Democrats.

Joint Committee on Finance
The Joint Committee on Finance includes eight Representatives and eight Senators with four of the 16 representing the democratic party. This committee oversees bills with fiscal implications and crafts the state budget. The Co-Chairs remain Sen. Howard Marklein and Rep. Mark Born.

On the Senate Republican side, Sens. Duey Stroebel and Ballweg did not return to the legislature and Sen. Mary Felzkowski left the committee for her Senate President’s role. They were replaced by Sens. Romaine Quinn, Rob Stafsholt, and Bradley. Sen. Bradley also chairs the Senate Utilities and Tourism Committee of interest to us.

The Assembly committee side includes one new member — Rep. Karen Hurd who is replacing retired Rep. Terry Katsma.

More information about various committees and state legislators can be found on the Wisconsin State Legislature’s website

In the upcoming weeks, RENEW staff will be meeting with the freshmen legislators and committee members to start fresh conversations on renewable energy and RENEW’s legislative priorities.

Clean Energy Legislative Update • November 2024

Clean Energy Legislative Update • November 2024

Now that Election Day is behind us; some people are happy with the results and some are not. While others are still awaiting the results of narrow victories and anticipating recounts in others. We are slowly working to try to absorb the outcome, consequences, and possible opportunities for the next few years.

At first glance, the obvious. Americans are divided. The whys and hows can be left to those more knowledgeable about elections than I am. 

With Republican Donald Trump’s reelection as President, many people in the renewable energy industry as a whole have questions about the future. Much could change under the new administration, rescinding funding for parts of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), cuts to other incentives, changes to trade policy and greater costs for imported parts, a shift to a pro-fossil fuel agenda, and the possible roll-back of rules — all creating overall uncertainty. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, however, had the support of both parties and may prevail. The ramifications might not be known immediately, but we will continue doing what we can to help the industry navigate whatever changes may come. 

President Trump’s administration, from the selection of the cabinet secretaries to many other roles in government, will have an easier time getting confirmations approved as the U.S. Senate is also back in Republican control. The outcome of the U.S. House is yet undetermined.

Wisconsin’s Democratic U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin was re-elected, continuing her support of clean energy. Wisconsin congressional delegates retained the same party affiliations with one new representative in the 8th Congressional District, Tony Wied replaced Mike Gallagher who resigned earlier. 

At the State Capitol

Republicans retained their majority in the State Senate and State Assembly, but their margins have shrunk.

The Senate is now 18-15. Out of the 16 contested districts, Democrats flipped 4 seats held by Republicans, retained the vacant Democratic seat in the Milwaukee area, and protected the district in La Crosse held by Brad Pfaff. This means the State Senate no longer has the ability to override a governor’s veto by supermajority. It also means that the 2026 election will be hotly contested.

The losses:

Sen. Duey Stroebel, past author of the Community Solar legislation and opponent of ROFR (Right of First Refusal bill that utilities desperately wanted to pass to ensure more say in transmission projects). The race is noteworthy because of the staggering amount of political dollars spent as well as the apparent result of redistricting. For the coalition working on the Community Solar legislation, the shift is to find another Senate lead process and reintroduce the bill, with maybe a slightly different process.

Sen. Rob Cowles – no longer in the legislature because of his retirement after 42 years. He was a champion for all things renewable, and a thorn to some, because he questioned, challenged, and offered change to the usual. His genuine interest in the issues will be missed. We are thankful for their support of our issues.

The gains: 

In the 30th Senate District, newly elected Jamie Wall brings a wealth of local government experience. As a candidate, Jamie participated in the RENEW Wisconsin Energy Fund event in the Green Bay area. There are 3 other new senators to work with.

In the State Assembly

The margins are likely to be 54-45, with Republicans ceding 10 seats. 

One of the losses, significant to the Community Solar legislation, is Rep. Binsfeld who cosponsored the bill. But potential pluses are the two dozen new state representatives with fresh ideas and experience that could lead to greater support for our issues.

The narrower majority could also mean different committee make-up, in terms of the number of Republicans and Democrats assigned to committees, and a greater need for bipartisanship on issues. For the energy committee in particular, it also means a lot of new people as many committee members retired.

More to come as we prepare for the next legislative session and welcome the newly elected in the public policy arena.

Wisconsin Municipalities Secure Additional EV Charging Infrastructure Funds

Wisconsin Municipalities Secure Additional EV Charging Infrastructure Funds

On August 27, the City of Milwaukee and Dane County learned that their Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant Program applications were approved. This funding will provide $14.9 million to support the installation of 53 new charging sites for the City of Milwaukee and $13.2 million to build 92 new charging sites for Dane County.

This funding is unrelated to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program but complements the NEVI funds that Wisconsin DOT has to install EV charging on major highways. In total, we can expect just shy of 200 chargers across the state thanks to these complementary funding sources.

This grant application process is a great example of collaboration across many disciplines and backgrounds in the energy sector. Local governments, utilities, and clean energy advocates like RENEW Wisconsin all contributed to this effort. It illustrates the invaluable work that can be accomplished when we collaborate on clean energy and technology projects.

While the projects are still in the early stages of development, the aim is to install and support EV charging where it usually wouldn’t occur. These areas will likely be low to moderate-income communities or near multi-family dwellings, specifically those that don’t have access to garage parking. In Dane County, we can also expect to see charging stations installed in suburban and rural areas.

It is wonderful to see communities and local governments step up in big ways in Wisconsin to support equitable and beneficial electrification.

Clean Energy Legislative Update • August 2024

Clean Energy Legislative Update • August 2024

Voters turned out at levels not seen in 60 years for this year’s primary to make their voices heard on several important statewide issues! News sources report that the turnout was over 25 percent with numbers in Dane County and the City of Madison, reaching nearly 30 percent. According to the Waukesha Freeman, the WOW counties had a 40 percent turnout.

Referendum Questions

In past blogs, I covered the proposed changes to the Wisconsin Constitution, shifting how federal dollars are spent in the state and giving the legislature more control. The results show almost 60% of the voters statewide rejected the amendments. As a result, the Governor will continue to have the authority to act on behalf of the state when it comes to emergency funding and other unallocated federal dollars.

This is a significant victory for those who opposed the changes, such as the Wisconsin Conservation Voters, and the Democratic legislators, who argued that the legislature would be unpredictable and slow to respond during a crisis, delaying critical funding.

Republican legislators and groups supporting the amendments such as the Badger Institute and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, claimed the changes were necessary to provide checks and balances to the Governor’s power.

Referendums historically passed 2/3 of the time. The rejection this time shows the power of the voters and is indicative of the tremendous effort put forward by the groups fighting them.

Primaries Under New Maps

As voters navigated the new districts, the results showed some incumbent losses — inevitable when two legislators were drawn into one district. We also saw many new faces claim victories for the numerous open seats created by the new maps.

Though we don’t yet know the full impact of the new maps. Results so far have been mostly positive for incumbent candidates.

State Senate

In the Milwaukee area, two state representatives vied for the open seat of Senate District 4, where Dora Drake (D-Milwaukee) prevailed over Lakeshia Myers. Drake will face no opposition in November, securing the seat for her.

In the Madison area, in the open seat for Senate District 16 vacated by Melissa Agard who is running for Dane County Executive, another Melissa beat out two other state representatives to win the primary. Melissa Ratcliff (D – Cottage Grove) won over Reps. Baldeh and J. Anderson without an opponent in November, she has secured the senate seat.

State Assembly

The Energy & Utilities Committee Chairman, Rep. Dave Steffen (R- Green Bay) survived a primary challenge. While another nearby incumbent, Republican Peter Schmidt (R-Shawano) lost to Rep. Elijah Behnke from Oconto in a new district.

Congressional Primary Wins

In the 3rd Congressional District, Rebecca Cook came out on top in the three-way Democratic primary. Cook will face Republican incumbent Derrick Van Orden in November.

In the 8th Congressional District, Tony Wied won his own three-way primary on the Republican ticket. He will face Democrat Kristin Lyerly in November.

The remainder of the candidates running in their respective congressional districts were not primaried.

The general election is slated for Tuesday, November 5, 2024. With plenty of time to get to know all the candidates and make your vote count.

Wisconsin HOMES Rebate

Wisconsin HOMES Rebate

With the launch of the Home Efficiency (HOMES) rebate program, Wisconsin is the first state in the country to begin utilizing IRA funds to help homeowners increase the energy efficiency of their homes. Focus on Energy launched the program in August 2024. This groundbreaking initiative is designed to help homeowners improve their home’s energy efficiency in a more accessible and cost-effective way.

How to Get a HOMES Rebate

The goal of the HOMES rebate is to help people improve the efficiency of their homes. One of the first steps in home electrification and energy efficiency is to evaluate the efficiency of your house to better understand where homes are losing energy, whether through leaky windows, poor insulation, or outdated appliances. Since every person consumes energy differently, getting an energy assessment is a crucial first step to understanding your specific situation and in qualifying for a rebate.

HOMES will offer rebates for whole-home energy projects, such as improving insulation, and heating and cooling equipment. Participants can save anywhere from $1,500 to $10,000 on a project, depending on income, whether they live in a single-family or multi-family home, and how much energy they expect to save.

While renters are not eligible to receive a HOMES rebate, you can encourage your landlord or building owner to participate in the program.

*Table from Focus on Energy

The rebate also has a retroactive aspect. Home Efficiency Rebate projects that started on or after August 16, 2022, are eligible for rebates if they meet specific criteria. To qualify for retroactive HOMES program rebates, projects must comply with all final federal and state program requirements.

Reducing Energy Burden

These rebates offer a crucial first step for many Wisconsinites to become more energy efficient and reduce their energy burden in the process. Energy burden is defined as the percentage of a household’s income that is spent on energy costs, such as electricity, heating, and transportation. According to the American Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy, the average energy burden for Wisconsin is 2 percent, but some low-income households face energy burdens as high as 9 percent. These rebates are a great first step in ensuring more Wisconsinites see their energy burden reduced to a manageable level.

A Cleaner, Healthier Wisconsin

This effort will also help lower emissions from our residential sector. The residential sector is responsible for 8 percent of Wisconsin’s greenhouse gas emissions. In Madison, homes contribute 19.8 percent to the city’s overall emissions. In Milwaukee County, residential energy use made up 25 percent of the county’s total emissions as recently as 2018. By making our air cleaner we not only combat the impacts of climate change, but also collectively benefit associated from fewer days of school and work missed due to illness, less frequent hospital visits, and can lower the localized number of respiratory illnesses.

The rebates also provide a welcome injection into local economies by increasing demand for energy-efficient products and services, which will support new jobs in the energy-efficiency sector. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy projects that these programs will help families nationwide save around $1 billion each year and create 50,000 jobs within the country.