How loud is a wind turbine?

How loud is a wind turbine?

From GE Reports, a blog that is sponsored by GE but created by a group of tech bloggers and editors. The content covers topics from aviation to alternative energy to healthcare — virtually everything in the “innovative technology” space.

High-speed rail open houses set

From an article in the La Crosse Tribune:

Wisconsin Gov.-elect Scott Walker has said he will halt the state’s participation in the high-speed rail project.

But open houses for the environmental impact study on the proposed Milwaukee-Twin Cities high-speed passenger rail corridor remain set for Nov. 30 in La Crosse, Nov. 29 in St. Paul, Minn., and Dec. 6 in Rochester, Minn., the Minnesota Department of Transportation said Wednesday.

The study, which began in March, will analyze all possible routes for high-speed passenger rail between Milwaukee and the Twin Cities, MnDOT said. La Crosse- and Winona-area leaders have sought to have the high-speed corridor follow Amtrak’s Empire Builder route through the region.

The Wisconsin DOT will host the La Crosse open house from 5 to 7 p.m., with a brief presentation at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 30 at the Best Western Riverfront Hotel, 1835 Rose St. Public comments will be accepted at the open houses and through the Minnesota DOT’s website beginning Nov. 29.

Permitting Turbines in Wisconsin: What We've Learned in 12 Years

From a presentation by RENEW executive director Michael Vickerman at the November 15-16, 2010, in St. Paul, MN:

•Understand that demographics matter – there is a deep cultural divide between farm households and commuter households
•Developers who operate in a transparent, above-board, even-handed manner will eventually earn the community’s trust
•Maintain an active presence in the community – figure out a way to support youth groups and local charities
•How one responds to complaints in the first year of project operation will make a lasting impression
•While it not possible to please all the people all the time, strive to stay on the good side of the most influential residents
•Eventually, wind turbines will become an accepted part of the landscape
•Good neighbor payments are helpful, but they’re no panacea
45 dBa sound thresholds are here to stay
•Sensitivities to environmental impacts vary widely – how individuals may respond to environmental changes can’t be predicted accurately
•Opposition to wind energy capture is as old as Don Quixote
•Some individuals are intrinsically put off by tall structures and continuous motion
•Public acceptance of WI’s smallest projects has been very high

Rally for trains this Saturday! Noon, Nov. 20, Intermodal Station

Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values.

When: Saturday, November 20th, 12:00 – 12:45 p.m

Where: Milwaukee Intermodal Station, 433 West St. Paul Ave

Who: Congresswoman Gwen Moore (invited); Sen. Spencer Coggs, SD 6; Robert Craig, Citizen Action; Rosemary Wehnes, Sierra Club; Phil Neuenfeldt, AFL CIO (invited), and You. More details.

If we want to save this train, we need to speak up now! Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values. Let’s extend the popular Hiawatha service connecting Chicago and Milwaukee. Let’s create a safe, convenient efficient way to travel throughout the Midwest. We can make a difference, IF we stand together. Please attend and bring a friend!

Rally for trains this Saturday! Noon, La Crosse Amtrack Station

Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values.

When: Saturday, November 20th, 12:00-12:45 p.m

Where: La Crosse Amtrak Station, 610 St. Andrews St

Who: Representative Jennifer Shilling, AD 95; Jennifer Dausey, UW La Crosse / Sierra Student Coalition; Marilyn Pedretti, Sierra Club – Coulee Region Group (invited)and You. More details.

If we want to save this train, we need to speak up now! Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values. Let’s extend the popular Hiawatha service connecting Chicago and Milwaukee. Let’s create a safe, convenient efficient way to travel throughout the Midwest. We can make a difference, IF we stand together. Please attend and bring a friend!

Rally for Trains, Saturday, Nov. 20, Eau Claire

Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values.

WHEN: Saturday, November 20, NOON

WHERE: Phoenix Park, Riverfront Terrace & S. Barstow St, Eau Claire, WI

Speakers include Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (invited); Jeremy Gragert (UW Eau Claire graduate); Representative, West Central Rail Coalition (invited). More details.

If we want to save this train, we need to speak up now! Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values. Let’s extend the popular Hiawatha service connecting Chicago and Milwaukee. Let’s create a safe, convenient efficient way to travel throughout the Midwest. We can make a difference, IF we stand together. Please attend and bring a friend!