Oak Creek company transitions from small shop to major energy saver

From a news release issued by Focus on Energy:

(August 12, 2009) – Like many Wisconsin businesses, Columbia Grinding, Inc. started out with a dream, a lot of hard work and limited resources. In 1953 the business opened as a 1,800-square-foot one-man shop in South Milwaukee. By 1978, the production workload grew and the first employee was hired. Today, Columbia Grinding has grown to 35 employees and a 43,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in the Oak Creek Industrial Park.

Although the company’s values remain the same, over the years Columbia Grinding has enhanced its energy efficiency and high-performance standards to power its state-of-the-art equipment, processes and services.

With the help of Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative, Columbia Grinding’s Oak Creek, Wis. plant has reduced energy consumption by more than 230,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 14,000 therms of natural gas – enough energy to power 40 houses for a year. The company will also save $33,500 on its energy bills each year.

Since 2008, Columbia Grinding has received $13,500 in cash incentives from Focus on Energy to boost its efforts toward becoming more energy efficient. The biggest energy saver was an innovative air filtration system installed last month that will significantly reduce the facility’s heating and air conditioning loads. The system connects with the existing energy management system to provide automated control of the make-up air and exhaust in the main production area.

Highlights of the 20th Annual Energy Fair

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Madison Gas & Electric followed Madison residences from when they boarded the bus in the capital city to the fair and back again.

Program restarts: Badgers love 'Clunkers' cash

From an article by Mike Ivey in The Capital Times:

The experts continue to debate the pros and cons of the “Cash for Clunkers” rebate program, but Wisconsin car buyers have already given it a big thumbs-up.

Wisconsin is 10th in the amount of cash requested from the program based on figures from the U.S. Department of Transportation released this week.

Of the nearly $775 million in clunker cash requests so far, more than $24 million came from Wisconsin. Michigan, California and Ohio were the top three states.

The U.S. Senate has approved another $2 billion for the program, which was initially funded with $1 billion.

Officially known as the Car Allowance Rebate System Act, the measure provides up to $4,500 in taxpayer subsidy for those who trade in an old vehicle for a more efficient model. To qualify, the old car needs to get 18 miles per gallon or less while the new one must get at least 22 mpg.

Area really needs to focus on energy

From a story on WQOW-TV, Eau Claire:

Eau Claire (WQOW) — A new report shows our area really needs to focus on energy.

The report from the West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission shows how energy consumption has risen 35% in our area over the past three decades. Over the same time our population has only increased about half that.

The new report focuses on Barron, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Polk, and St. Croix counties. It includes several areas that those counties need to work on.

The report showed in 2005, only 4.5% of Wisconsin’s energy came from renewable resources. The commission feels like the region can do better than that. It says the options for conservation exist, but many communities aren’t making that a priority.

There were several issues found by the commission regarding resources. The report shows more farmland is being taken out of production and converted to other uses. From 1990 to 2007, the region lost half a million acres of farmland. From 1987 to 2007, the region lost 58% of its dairy farms.

Water consumption increased 50 million gallons a day between 1979 and 2005. The report found that there is an increase in organic farms and that there is an opportunity for our region to become an organic food and feedstock supplier to the twin cities.

Doyle encourages Rapids residents to sign up for free energy audits

From a news release issued by Governor Jim Doyle:

Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (August 11, 2009) – Governor Jim Doyle today urged Wisconsin Rapids homeowners to take advantage of Recovery-funded projects and sign up for free energy inspections by young workers in an Energy Advocate project led by the Department of Workforce Development (DWD).

“These young workers can help you save on your utility bills and conserve energy,” Governor Doyle said. “During their visit, they can install free energy saving devices such as a low-flow showerhead. Wisconsin is receiving more than $141 million for weatherization under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Our energy advocates can help you take an important, first step to big savings.”

The project is one of many ARRA-funded efforts that will employ approximately 4,000 Wisconsin young adults statewide through June 2011. With federal ARRA funds, Governor Doyle provided 25 individuals, 18 to 24 years of age, employment in “green jobs,” while also helping homeowners cut utility bills, save money and conserve energy.

Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative, has partnered with the DWD and the Northcentral WI Workforce Development Board, to offer Together We Save-a summer program dedicated to helping residents in select communities save energy and money at home.

Wisconsin Rapids is one of five cities chosen for the Energy Advocate project. These five cities were selected based on high unemployment, predominantly older homes and many young people seeking jobs. The ARRA-funded project provides for five energy advocates in each community for the Together We Save effort. . . .

Participation is limited
Together We Save presents homeowners a limited-time opportunity to save energy and money with energy efficient improvements that are good for them, their families, and the environment. Interested residents are encouraged to learn more about the program and schedule their home energy audits by calling (715) 459-2547.

Program restarts: Badgers love 'Clunkers' cash

From an article by Mike Ivey in The Capital Times:

The experts continue to debate the pros and cons of the “Cash for Clunkers” rebate program, but Wisconsin car buyers have already given it a big thumbs-up.

Wisconsin is 10th in the amount of cash requested from the program based on figures from the U.S. Department of Transportation released this week.

Of the nearly $775 million in clunker cash requests so far, more than $24 million came from Wisconsin. Michigan, California and Ohio were the top three states.

The U.S. Senate has approved another $2 billion for the program, which was initially funded with $1 billion.

Officially known as the Car Allowance Rebate System Act, the measure provides up to $4,500 in taxpayer subsidy for those who trade in an old vehicle for a more efficient model. To qualify, the old car needs to get 18 miles per gallon or less while the new one must get at least 22 mpg.