by jboullion | Aug 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
Wisconsin Residents Urge PSC to Reconsider Funding Suspension
Immediate Release –
Between August 2nd
and yesterday, more than 630 individuals, businesses and organizations
submitted comments urging the Public Service Commission (PSC) not to
suspend Focus on Energy incentives for solar and small wind energy
systems. The comments were posted following a preliminary PSC decision
to suspend solar and small wind incentives for the duration of 2013.
overwhelming majority of Wisconsin residents favor clean energy
development, and thousands of Wisconsin citizens and companies have
built renewable energy systems with assistance from Focus on Energy,”
said Tyler Huebner, Executive Director of RENEW Wisconsin. “Judging by
the extraordinary outpouring of support for continuing incentives to
solar and small wind, it’s clear that the PSC’s move to suspend
incentives struck a nerve with the public.”
issue is the PSC’s decision in late July to base the level of funds
available for solar and small wind on actual expenditures instead of
obligations, which had been the standard practice with Focus on Energy’s
renewable energy program since its inception in 2002.
is no need to let administrative formulas create an uncertain,
unpredictable business environment for Wisconsin’s solar and small wind
markets. There are simpler and less disruptive ways of balancing
allocations among different renewable technologies, which would allow
customers to continue accessing these incentives and our small renewable
energy installation businesses to keep their doors open.“
Focus on Energy is authorized to spend up to $10 million per year to
help customers use more renewable energy, a suspension would ensure that
funding in 2013 will fall well short of the target. We urge the PSC to
take note of this show of support for clean energy and allow funding for
solar and small wind to continue.” Huebner said.
Update: RENEW Wisconsin was contacted by the Focus on Energy Rewards Program to notify RENEW that as of Wednesday, August 14, 2013, the PSC has not issued
the final order. The Residential Rewards Program will continue to
process new reservation applications for Solar Thermal and Solar
Photovoltaic until the order has been issued OR funds have been exhausted.
Wisconsin is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that
leads and represents businesses, organizations, and individuals who seek
more clean renewable energy in Wisconsin. More information on RENEW’s
Web site at
by jboullion | Aug 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
With comments from RENEW’s executive director Tyler Huebner, Mike Ivey’s article for the Capitol Times dissects the Public Service Commission’s decision to suspend Focus on Energy incentives for wind and solar. According to quoted Focus on Energy officials, the incentive program is looking to the PSC for direction, direction that Wisconsin residents must work to steer toward investment in the state’s once growing wind and solar industry. You have the opportunity to voice your concern over the PSC’s decision until 12pm today. Please add your voice to the 500+ comments that have already been submitted to the PSC.
Efforts to develop the solar and wind energy industry in Wisconsin have taken another hit, although not a completely unexpected one.
Under orders from the Public Service Commission, the state has stopped offering grants to help homeowners and rural residents install solar or small scale wind projects.
The move stems from a previous PSC decision to shift renewable energy incentives offered through the Focus on Energy program to biofuel projects.
The Focus program is overseen by the PSC in conjunction with state electric utilities, who fund the effort via money collected from ratepayers.
Up to $10 million in renewable energy funds are available annually. The commission last year voted to commit 75 percent of that funding to biofuels, with the remaining 25 percent going to solar and wind projects.
The commission says biofuels in Wisconsin offer greater energy efficiency potential than solar or wind.
But biofuel projects — which include burning waste wood or using manure digesters to generate electricity — have been slow to develop and won’t come close to using all the available funding this year. Focus projects it will spend $3.05 million total on renewable, with a breakdown of $1.6 million for solar and $1.4 million on biofuels.
So to maintain a 75-25 split in renewable spending for 2013, the commission ordered a halt to the solar and wind grants through the end of this year.
Suspension of the grants was made public last week by the environmental group Renew Wisconsin, which is urging concerned citizens to weigh in with PSC prior to its meeting on Aug 13.
by jboullion | Aug 9, 2013 | Uncategorized
Recently released research investigating wind turbine sound complaints in the province of Alberta Canada and infrasound and low-frequency sound levels near Australian wind farms provides a compelling argument for wind energy. Chris Long’s article below highlights this research, showing that wind turbine sound complaints are uncommon unless instigated by anti-wind groups and that infrasound and low-frequency sound levels are not impacted by nearby wind farms.
By Chris Long
The last few weeks have been busy ones on wind turbine sound, with new
developments continuing to cast doubt on anti-wind groups’
claims.Perhaps the most telling is a new study from Canada’s Pembina Institute, looking at wind farm complaints (or rather, the lack of wind farm complaints) in the province of Alberta, where some of the earliest wind farms in Canada were installed.
In a blog post about the study, Pembina’s Benjamin Thibault explains,
“[U]nlike some parts of the country, we don’t tend to hear much about
[wind power in Alberta], so my colleagues and I wondered whether, in
fact, we were just missing something.”
In fact, it turned out, while the Alberta Utilities Commission, which
regulates electricity in the province, has a 13-year-old database with
the records of 31,000 contacts from members of the public, not one of
those 31,000 contacts has been about the sound of operating wind
turbines. That’s a very striking finding, but it lends credence to the
work of Australian Prof. Simon Chapman of the University of Sydney, who has a pending study
finding that complaints about turbine sound in Australia are heavily
focused on areas where anti-wind groups have been conducting public
Pembina researchers went further to unearth evidence of complaints, Mr. Thibault says, contacting:
“- Operators of existing wind energy projects;
– Municipalities (municipal districts and counties) where operating wind energy projects are located;
– Local and provincial health authorities; and
– Municipal agricultural fieldmen.”
The results?
“The operators of the wind farms did report some complaints during
operations, noting eight unique complaints, most of which were resolved
noise complaints (five), along with a few generalized complaints about
wind energy broadly.
“Only three complaints about operating wind farms came to the seven
Alberta municipalities with wind energy projects: one about ice throw
that was investigated and dismissed, one about the density of wind
turbines offering a terrorism opportunity, and one about noise, which
was referred to the operator.
“No more complaints were found with the health contacts surveyed (two
regional health inspectors covering municipal districts with over half
of Alberta’s wind energy) or the livestock contacts (five agricultural
fieldmen also covering the majority of the experience).”
by jboullion | Aug 8, 2013 | Uncategorized
Since last Friday over 430 individuals and local businesses have stood up to register their concern for Wisconsin solar and wind energy.
The PSC announced that comments will be accepted through Noon on Monday, August 12th. Also, they issued a document that indicated comments are being taken on the five specific issues the PSC Commissioners decided upon. Please visit RENEW’s website to learn more and add your voice by commenting in the PSC’s open docket 05-GF-191 (some additional tips for your comments are below).
On Issue #4 in your comment, please emphasize that obligations should be used rather than actual outlays to determine the amount of funding distributed for renewable energy incentives.
- Businesses need predictability and certainty to flourish and hire more employees. The on-again, off-again history with Focus on Energy incentives undermines the ability of renewable energy companies to maintain staffing levels, let alone plan for future growth. Consistency in expectations is what nurtures a market, not a lottery style incentive structure that no one can bank on.
- Ending these incentives for solar and wind renewables because the biogas, biomass, and geothermal projects are still in progress doesn’t make any sense. Even though the accounting is difficult, it’s not nearly as difficult as the impacts of lost jobs throughout Wisconsin.
- In the last five years the price of solar energy has dropped in half, making it a more affordable and cost effective option for customers. That trend should prompt the PSC to reconsider the idea of having Groups of renewables, because market conditions have changed quickly.
- Other states like Minnesota and Georgia have adopted pro solar policies to take advantage of this rapidly growing industry sector. How does Wisconsin gain from discouraging investment in clean energy and driving businesses to locate in other states?
by jboullion | Aug 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
Cathy Stepp, Secretary, Department of Natural Resources, headed a ceremony to enroll Red Eye Brewing Co. brew pub and restaurant in the Wisconsin Green Tier program at the Tier 1 level last week Wednesday at Red Eye, Washington Street, Wausau. Red Eye has the distinction of becoming the first brew pub and restaurant in Wisconsin to achieve this status and the only Green Tier 1 business in Marathon County. Read last week’s press below and Cassandra Vinch’s article for WAOW to learn more.
To achieve enrollment, Red Eye had to demonstrate a satisfactory environmental record, commit to superior environmental performance and implement an Environmental Management System. Tier 1 is designed to encourage innovation, collaboration and new environmental goal setting.
According to Brett Danke, an owner, Red Eye has since it opened in May 2008 implemented an environmental policy and practiced sustainability efforts throughout its business operation. The company’s environmental record was documented in its Green Tier application. (Red Eye Environmental Policy follows).
According to the DNR, Green Tier Program legislation provides incentives such as regulatory flexibility and permit streamlining to environmentally responsible businesses. The law creates a program in which qualified businesses make legal commitments to superior environmental performance through contracts negotiated with the Department of Natural Resources. The businesses in exchange are allowed flexibility in how their environmental goals are achieved.
Ceremony in Shadow of Solar Panels
Sec. Stepp will present the Green Tier 1 enrollment certificate to Danke during ceremonies to be held in the shadow of the solar voltaic panels car port in the Red Eye parking lot. Alderperson Romey Wagner will speak on behalf of the City of Wausau. A reception and tour of Red Eye’s environmental business practices will follow.
Applications of its environmental policy most obvious to Red Eye visitors are the solar voltaic panels car port installed in June, solar water heating panels on the roof and waterless toilets in rest rooms. A conversion to all LED lighting was recently completed.
To reduce its carbon footprint, Red Eye purchases food ingredients locally and regionally, sends its spent brewing grains to local farmers for feed, uses recyclable containers for takeout foods, and serves beer only in glass mugs and glasses or refillable take away growlers. Excess baked goods are donated to a local food pantry.
Red Eye is located on a Metro Ride bus route. It promotes bicycle transportation by its guests. And it sponsors an adopt-a-highway cleanup effort.
by jboullion | Aug 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
Tom Content’s article for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel examines the repercussions of the Public Service Commission’s decision to suspend Focus on Energy incentives for solar and wind energy installations. Comments from RENEW Wisconsin are included in this article but please also see our website for key points to include in a comment to the PSC in docket 5-GF-191. By registering your concern over this chilling development you are standing up for Wisconsin jobs, 330-Wisconsin based wind and solar businesses, and clean, renewable energy.
By Tom Content
Incentives that help homeowners install solar electric and solar hot
water systems in Wisconsin are being suspended for the second time in
three years. A recent decision by the state Public Service Commission means the
state Focus on Energy program will stop awarding the solar incentives
from mid-August through the end of the year.
Focus is an initiative that’s overseen by the state PSC as well as
the state’s utilities. Focus on Energy was created to to help utility
customers receive incentives to make homes and businesses more
energy-efficient and install renewable energy systems.
“We understand that there will likely be some frustration due to any changes,” Focus on Energy said in announcing the suspension.
“However, the Commission’s direction will help us create a clear plan
for 2014. We anticipate the residential prescriptive incentives for
Solar Thermal and Solar Photovoltaic to resume in January 2014.”
Focus has been providing incentives of up to $1,200 for solar hot water systems and $2,400 for solar power systems.
After Aug. 13, when the PSC is expected to finalize a recent decision
on the matter, Focus will no longer provide the incentives this year,
said Tamara Sondgeroth, director of operations at Focus on Energy in
The stop-start approach to funding renewables is bad for small
businesses that were hurt when renewable incentives were suspended two
years ago, said leaders at Renew Wisconsin, a renewable energy advocacy group.