Regional transit authority for Milwaukee gets state budget panel OK

From a story by Scott Bauer in The Capital Times:

The Legislature’s budget committee on Friday approved a plan to use a mixture of higher sales taxes and car rental fees to pay for high-speed rail and other transit projects in the two most populated parts of the state.

The measures, part of the two-year state budget, must pass the full Legislature and be approved by Doyle before it becomes law.

In Dane County, a half-cent sales tax could be imposed to pay for commuter rail and other transit projects.

In Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha counties up to $16 could be charged on car rentals to pay for a commuter rail line connecting the three southeastern Wisconsin cities. A new board created to oversee the rail line’s construction also could levy $50 million in bonds to help pay for it. The project has been discussed for years but always stalled over ways to pay for it.

Also, Milwaukee County would be allowed to impose a 1 percent sales tax to pay for a countywide regional transit authority. The $132 million raised each year would pay for transit, parks, cultural and emergency medical services. Fifteen percent would go to the city of Milwaukee.

On a 9-7 vote, the committee voted against Gov. Jim Doyle’s proposal to create a regional transit authority in the Fox Cities to help pay for the existing regional bus system using up to half a cent sales tax. . . .

Commuter rail supporters include environmentalists, business groups, organized labor and local governments, and organizations representing the disabled and elderly. They supported commuter rail to ease congestion, create jobs and spur economic development.

Bipartisan group of legislators introduce wind siting bill

Bipartisan group of legislators introduce wind siting bill

Terry McGowan of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 139 speaks at the press conference for the introduction of a bill to set uniform siting standards for wind projects in Wisconsin.

From a news release issued by Sen. Jeff Plale, Rep. Jim Soletski, Sen. Randy Hopper, and Rep. Phil Montgomery:

MADISON – A bipartisan coalition of Wisconsin legislators announced that they are introducing legislation that calls for the creation of uniform siting standards for wind energy projects. Senate Bill 185 (SB 185), and its Assembly companion, directs the Public Service Commission (PSC), after public input, including a stakeholder committee, to establish by rule, permitting standards to be applied by local or state government to wind energy installations, regardless of size and location.

“Too many wind projects are victims of delay tactics and other obstructions,” Senator Jeff Plale, Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Utilities, Energy, and Rail said. “SB 185 will enhance Wisconsin’s economy by protecting and creating “green-collar” jobs; it will attract new investment to our state and support state energy policy. I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure that we can make Wisconsin more attractive to wind energy and achieve the resulting economic and environmental benefits.”

“A sensible wind energy policy will help Wisconsin harness the jobs and growth opportunities that green power provides,” stated Representative Jim Soletski, Chair of the Assembly Energy and Utilities Committee. “I am excited to be working with a bipartisan group of legislators from diverse regions of the state to remove the obstacles to more development of wind power in Wisconsin. By advancing this legislation, Wisconsin utilities can move toward meeting their obligation to generate clean energy and much needed jobs can be created for our workers.”

“We can’t build a 21st century energy infrastructure by digging in our heels,” Senator Randy Hopper said. “This legislation will ensure that interested parties from all over our state can take part in developing the Public Service Commission’s guidelines.”

“Wind power is job-creating power,” according to Representative Phil Montgomery. “A fair and uniform state standard for siting wind developments will create an environment of investment in our state while moving us closer to our green energy goals.”

In addition to RENEW, the following organizations issued statements of support for Senate Bill 185: CREWE, Clean Wisconsin, Citizens Utility Board, Customers First!, Renewegy, Wind Capital Group, WPPI/Municipal Electric Utilities.

Wind in Wisconsin: Permitting Crisis

From a presentation on wind permitting in Wisconsin by Michael Vickerman, executive director, RENEW Wisconsin:

Why are so many wind projects serving WI utilities located out of state?

1. The wind resource is stronger in states to our west, which reduces the per/MWH cost of development.
2. It is proving exceptionally challenging to secure a permit to build wind projects in Wisconsin, especially those under 100 MW.

Bill to protect bikers approved

From an article by Nick Halter in the Wausau Daily Herald:

Both houses of the Wisconsin Legislature on Tuesday passed bills that would fine drivers who open their doors without first checking for bikers.

The bill, which is expected to be signed by Gov. Jim Doyle, would fine motorists up to $40 for the first offense and up to $100 for the second time in one year. The bill also eliminated the part of the law that requires bicyclists to stay three feet from vehicles.

Nick Holzen, 26, a mechanic at City Bike Works on Third Street in Wausau, said he has been hit by a car in the past and is glad attention is being paid to the issue. He said bike sales are way up at Bike Works and there will be more bicyclists hitting the roads this summer.

“With the economy down, there will be more people out on the road,” he said.

Renewable Energy Projects: Guiding Your Through the Process

From a fact sheet published by Focus on Energy:

Many people are interested in using renewable energy to meet their home or business energy needs, but sometimes the process is not clear and people don’t know where to turn for help. Use the steps below as a guide to help you discover whether renewable energy can work for you. . . .


Contact Focus on Energy to learn more about renewable energy choices. We have fact sheets and case studies featuring solar water heating, solar electricity, passive solar design, bioenergy and wind turbines for homes, farms and businesses. Renewable
energy incentives are also available. Call 800.762.7077 for more information.

Building a new home that's ready for renewable installations

From a fact sheet published by Focus on Energy:

Rising energy costs and concern for energy security and the environment are driving forces in a growing trend to incorporate renewable energy technology into residential housing. Focus on Energy and the Wisconsin ENERGY STAR® Homes Program recognize this as an opportunity for builders. The following checklist of building details is a first step to promote and market the construction of new homes that are built “ready” for future renewable energy installations.

To maximize the potential benefit of any future solar renewable energy system, the following should be considered when planning and building a home.

1. Reduce loads
Reduce or minimize energy loads where possible through the home’s heating, cooling, water heating and electrical systems. At a minimum the home should satisfy the Wisconsin ENERGY STAR Homes Program building performance standards and, where possible, incorporate ENERGY STAR qualified lighting, appliances and HVAC systems.

2. Maximize solar access
To maximize solar access, face the roof surface and pitch within 30 degrees of due south. The roof should be unobstructed from both the winter and summer sun and have a slope of between 30 degrees and 60 degrees. For more information on solar access, see the Passive Solar Design fact sheet or contact the Focus on Energy Renewable Energy Program at 800.762.7077 for solar site assessment information.

3. Follow zoning laws and applicable codes
Wisconsin State law does not allow zoning or covenants that restrict the use of a solar energy system except for reasons of health and safety. Also investigate applicable Uniform Dwelling Code and the National Electric Code as they pertain to any pre-installation requirements.