Clean Wisconsin: No link between wind farm sounds and health impacts

Clean Wisconsin
Your environmental voice since 1970.
Contact: Tyson Cook, Staff Scientist, 608.251.7020 ext. 27

Study Finds No Link Between Wind Farm Sound and Health Impacts
Testing finds sound below threshold of hearing in homes near wind farm

Shirley, Wis. – A series of tests on homes near the Shirley Wind Farm in Brown County found no evidence linking low frequency sound from wind turbines to health impacts, according to a study released late last week.

“After testing three homes near the Shirley Wind Farm, scientists were unable to measure any low-frequency sound from wind turbines above the threshold of human hearing from within the homes,” explains Tyson Cook, staff scientist at Clean Wisconsin. “There are no peer-reviewed studies showing negative health impacts from wind turbine sounds below the threshold of hearing.”

The testing was conducted in early December 2012 by four independent firms at the request of the Public Service Commission (PSC). The PSC requested the testing as it decides whether to approve the Highland Wind Project, a proposal to construct a wind farm in St. Croix County that would bring clean, renewable energy to 29,000 homes and create up to 100 jobs.

“It’s important that we fully understand the impacts of our energy sources, which is why we wanted to see this study conducted,” said Cook. “Like others, this study finds no physical link between wind farm sound and negative health impacts.”

Wind farms offset the need to burn fossil fuels, which result in harmful pollution that threatens the health of our families. A poll conducted by a bipartisan research team in January of 2012 found that 85 percent of Wisconsin voters would like to increase the use of wind energy to meet the state’s future energy needs.

“While there is no evidence directly linking wind farms to negative health impacts, there are volumes of studies showing the disastrous impact of air and water pollution from burning fossil fuels,” said Cook. “By moving toward clean, safe energy choices like wind, we can help improve the health of families across Wisconsin.”


Clean Wisconsin, an environmental advocacy organization, protects Wisconsin’s clean water and air and advocates for clean energy by being an effective voice in the state legislature and by holding elected officials and polluters accountable. Founded in 1970 as Wisconsin’s Environmental Decade, Clean Wisconsin exposes corporate polluters, makes sure existing environmental laws are enforced, and educates citizens and businesses. On behalf of its 10,000 members and its coalition partners, Clean Wisconsin protects the special places that make Wisconsin such a wonderful place to live, work and play.

Clean Wisconsin: No link between wind farm sounds and health impacts

Clean Wisconsin
Your environmental voice since 1970.
Contact: Tyson Cook, Staff Scientist, 608.251.7020 ext. 27

Study Finds No Link Between Wind Farm Sound and Health Impacts
Testing finds sound below threshold of hearing in homes near wind farm

Shirley, Wis. – A series of tests on homes near the Shirley Wind Farm in Brown County found no evidence linking low frequency sound from wind turbines to health impacts, according to a study released late last week.

“After testing three homes near the Shirley Wind Farm, scientists were unable to measure any low-frequency sound from wind turbines above the threshold of human hearing from within the homes,” explains Tyson Cook, staff scientist at Clean Wisconsin. “There are no peer-reviewed studies showing negative health impacts from wind turbine sounds below the threshold of hearing.”

The testing was conducted in early December 2012 by four independent firms at the request of the Public Service Commission (PSC). The PSC requested the testing as it decides whether to approve the Highland Wind Project, a proposal to construct a wind farm in St. Croix County that would bring clean, renewable energy to 29,000 homes and create up to 100 jobs.

“It’s important that we fully understand the impacts of our energy sources, which is why we wanted to see this study conducted,” said Cook. “Like others, this study finds no physical link between wind farm sound and negative health impacts.”

Wind farms offset the need to burn fossil fuels, which result in harmful pollution that threatens the health of our families. A poll conducted by a bipartisan research team in January of 2012 found that 85 percent of Wisconsin voters would like to increase the use of wind energy to meet the state’s future energy needs.

“While there is no evidence directly linking wind farms to negative health impacts, there are volumes of studies showing the disastrous impact of air and water pollution from burning fossil fuels,” said Cook. “By moving toward clean, safe energy choices like wind, we can help improve the health of families across Wisconsin.”


Clean Wisconsin, an environmental advocacy organization, protects Wisconsin’s clean water and air and advocates for clean energy by being an effective voice in the state legislature and by holding elected officials and polluters accountable. Founded in 1970 as Wisconsin’s Environmental Decade, Clean Wisconsin exposes corporate polluters, makes sure existing environmental laws are enforced, and educates citizens and businesses. On behalf of its 10,000 members and its coalition partners, Clean Wisconsin protects the special places that make Wisconsin such a wonderful place to live, work and play.

RENEW Plans Honor for SC Johnson

Award Will Recognize Company’s Investment in Wind Energy

SC Johnson, the Racine-based consumer products manufacturer, will be one of several Wisconsin companies and organizations receiving awards from RENEW Wisconsin for their renewable energy investments in 2012. The award will recognize SC Johnson’s two utility-scale wind turbines that are now supplying electricity to its Waxdale production facility. The two turbines were formally commissioned at the plant in a ceremony this morning.

In recognition of forward-looking customer generators, like SC Johnson, and the businesses that serve them, RENEW will present awards at its January 11, 2013, Energy Policy Summit. The event will be held at the University of Wisconsin’s Pyle Center.

Called Powering Positive Action, RENEW’s summit will focus on strategies for expanding Wisconsin’s renewable energy marketplace for businesses and customers.

“Customer generators like SC Johnson have become the engines for clean energy development. The benefits of these investments don’t just flow to the installation owners, rather all of us gain from their contribution to a stronger economy and cleaner environment. For each of these reasons, they deserve recognition as well as our appreciation,” said Michael Vickerman, program and policy director for RENEW Wisconsin, a statewide renewable energy advocacy organization.

“Wisconsin is fortunate to have such innovative and conscientious employers setting examples for others to embrace,” said Vickerman.

“The Summit will help Wisconsin decision-makers decide on a productive mix of policies to sustain further growth in the clean energy marketplace.”
Read the news release from SC Johnson.

RENEW Plans Honor for SC Johnson

Award Will Recognize Company’s Investment in Wind Energy

SC Johnson, the Racine-based consumer products manufacturer, will be one of several Wisconsin companies and organizations receiving awards from RENEW Wisconsin for their renewable energy investments in 2012. The award will recognize SC Johnson’s two utility-scale wind turbines that are now supplying electricity to its Waxdale production facility. The two turbines were formally commissioned at the plant in a ceremony this morning.

In recognition of forward-looking customer generators, like SC Johnson, and the businesses that serve them, RENEW will present awards at its January 11, 2013, Energy Policy Summit. The event will be held at the University of Wisconsin’s Pyle Center.

Called Powering Positive Action, RENEW’s summit will focus on strategies for expanding Wisconsin’s renewable energy marketplace for businesses and customers.

“Customer generators like SC Johnson have become the engines for clean energy development. The benefits of these investments don’t just flow to the installation owners, rather all of us gain from their contribution to a stronger economy and cleaner environment. For each of these reasons, they deserve recognition as well as our appreciation,” said Michael Vickerman, program and policy director for RENEW Wisconsin, a statewide renewable energy advocacy organization.

“Wisconsin is fortunate to have such innovative and conscientious employers setting examples for others to embrace,” said Vickerman.

“The Summit will help Wisconsin decision-makers decide on a productive mix of policies to sustain further growth in the clean energy marketplace.”


Read the news release from SC Johnson.

Legislators set to speak at Powering Positive Action

Neither encouraged nor discouraged by state legislative election results, RENEW Wisconsin will hold its second annual energy policy summit to shape policy initiatives that will increase customer-driven renewable installations in 2013 and beyond.  Register now!

Set for Friday, January 11, 2013 in Madison, RENEW Wisconsin’s  summit, called Powering Positive Action, will synthesize the ideas and aspirations of business leaders, elected officials, and clean energy advocates into an achievable policy agenda.

This year a bipartisan legislative panel will outline their energy policy goals and identify specific initiatives that can move forward in the upcoming session.

Senators Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center) and Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse), and Representatives Chris Taylor (D-Madison) and Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel), and Chris Schoenherr, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Administration, have agreed to take part in the legislative panel. 

Other plenary sessions will focus on policies and practices that advance jobs and economic development through in-state development of renewable energy.  One promising initiative vigorously promoted by RENEW, called Clean Energy Choice, would allow businesses and residential households to directly access clean energy produced on their premises from third party-owned systems.

We would like policymakers to hear company representatives discuss the fit between on-site renewables and their ability to remain competitive in a period of great energy transition.

Over the lunch hour, RENEW will recognize a host of pioneering businesses that are advancing renewable energy use in Wisconsin.  This year several businesses and nonprofits took the reins of the renewable energy marketplace, and we wish to honor their outstanding achievements.

Former Colorado governor Bill Ritter will deliver the keynote address.  During his two terms, Ritter championed several innovative policies that are now fueling one of the healthiest energy economies in the nation.

Click to see registration details and other information about RENEW’s 2013 Energy Policy Summit.

var so = new SWFObject(‘’, ‘widget’, ‘300’, ‘115’, ‘8’, ”);so.addParam(‘wmode’, ‘transparent’);so.addVariable(‘url’, ‘’);so.addVariable(‘date’, ‘1/11/2013’);so.addVariable(‘title’, ‘Powering Positive Action!’);so.addVariable(‘location’, ‘Madison, WI’);so.addVariable(‘cMain’, ‘#336699’);so.addVariable(‘cSecond’, ‘#ff9900’);so.write(‘flashContent104053’);

RENEW thanks our current Summit sponsors:

Breakout Sponsors
DVO | Anaerobic Digesters – Bioenergy Session      
American Wind Energy Association – Wind Session            

Champion Sponsors                                    
Cullen Weston Pines and Bach
Organic Valley
W. W. Williams

Advocate Sponsors
Madison Solar
Michael Best and Friedrich, LLP
Prairie Solar Power & Light
Western Technical College
Supporter Sponsors
Baker Tilly
Clean Wisconsin
C.R. Boardman
Michels Corporation
Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Sierra Club – John Muir Chapter
Werner Electric Supply

Legislators set to speak at Powering Positive Action

Neither encouraged nor discouraged by state legislative election results, RENEW Wisconsin will hold its second annual energy policy summit to shape policy initiatives that will increase customer-driven renewable installations in 2013 and beyond.  Register now!

Set for Friday, January 11, 2013 in Madison, RENEW Wisconsin’s  summit, called Powering Positive Action, will synthesize the ideas and aspirations of business leaders, elected officials, and clean energy advocates into an achievable policy agenda.

This year a bipartisan legislative panel will outline their energy policy goals and identify specific initiatives that can move forward in the upcoming session.

Senators Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center) and Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse), and Representatives Chris Taylor (D-Madison) and Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel), and Chris Schoenherr, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Administration, have agreed to take part in the legislative panel. 

Other plenary sessions will focus on policies and practices that advance jobs and economic development through in-state development of renewable energy.  One promising initiative vigorously promoted by RENEW, called Clean Energy Choice, would allow businesses and residential households to directly access clean energy produced on their premises from third party-owned systems.

We would like policymakers to hear company representatives discuss the fit between on-site renewables and their ability to remain competitive in a period of great energy transition.

Over the lunch hour, RENEW will recognize a host of pioneering businesses that are advancing renewable energy use in Wisconsin.  This year several businesses and nonprofits took the reins of the renewable energy marketplace, and we wish to honor their outstanding achievements.

Former Colorado governor Bill Ritter will deliver the keynote address.  During his two terms, Ritter championed several innovative policies that are now fueling one of the healthiest energy economies in the nation.

Click to see registration details and other information about RENEW’s 2013 Energy Policy Summit.

var so = new SWFObject(‘’, ‘widget’, ‘300’, ‘115’, ‘8’, ”);so.addParam(‘wmode’, ‘transparent’);so.addVariable(‘url’, ‘’);so.addVariable(‘date’, ‘1/11/2013’);so.addVariable(‘title’, ‘Powering Positive Action!’);so.addVariable(‘location’, ‘Madison, WI’);so.addVariable(‘cMain’, ‘#336699’);so.addVariable(‘cSecond’, ‘#ff9900’);so.write(‘flashContent104053’);

RENEW thanks our current Summit sponsors:

Breakout Sponsors
DVO | Anaerobic Digesters – Bioenergy Session      
American Wind Energy Association – Wind Session            

Champion Sponsors                                    
Cullen Weston Pines and Bach
Organic Valley
W. W. Williams

Advocate Sponsors
Madison Solar
Michael Best and Friedrich, LLP
Prairie Solar Power & Light
Western Technical College
Supporter Sponsors
Baker Tilly
Clean Wisconsin
C.R. Boardman
Michels Corporation
Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Sierra Club – John Muir Chapter
Werner Electric Supply