From an article by Brian Reisinger in the Wausau Daily Herald:
Alternative energy is something officials in the Wausau area say they want to encourage among residents, but properly regulating such technology remains uncharted territory.
From wind turbines to solar panels to electric cars, enabling the use of alternative energy comes with benefits and challenges.
Kelly Warren, a volunteer with Wausau’s Commission for a Greener Tomorrow, said energy alternatives only will be feasible if people and government scale back consumption.
“The first thing should always be to conserve,” he said.
In the meantime, local governments are addressing the issue to varying degrees.
Weston’s Village Board could consider an ordinance Monday that identifies wind as an important resource while placing height and other restrictions on turbines.
Administrator Dean Zuleger wants the village to foster such alternatives, possibly by using money from business development districts.
“You have to be willing to be forward-thinking with those folks in the business community that want to give that a shot,” Zuleger said.