From a news release issued by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development:
State Labor Secretary says UW-Platteville on track with new clean energy degree
PLATTEVILLE – Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Secretary Roberta Gassman said today Governor Doyle’s Clean Energy Jobs Act will create 15,000 jobs by 2025, including career opportunities for graduates of a new clean energy degree program at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
“Governor Doyle’s comprehensive clean energy package will create thousands of good, family-supporting jobs, grow our economy and help Wisconsin gain its energy independence,” Secretary Gassman said. “His plan will mean career opportunities for our workers of tomorrow, including UW-Platteville students pursuing the new bachelor’s degree in renewable energy.”
Governor Doyle’s Clean Energy Jobs Act implements recommendations of his Global Warming Task Force to address climate change and grow the state’s green economy. The comprehensive package would:
Require use of renewable energy sources for 20 percent of Wisconsin’s needs by 2020and 25 percent by 2025. This will ensure more energy dollars remain in the state. Wisconsin currently spends $16 billion per year on imported energy to heat homes and fuel cars and trucks.
Increase energy efficiency and energy conservation efforts with graduated statewide electricity savings goals, leading to a 2 percent reduction in energy use by 2015 and annual reductions thereafter.
Create jobs, more than 1,800 in the first year, many of them construction jobs, according to new industry-recognized research. Economists and policy analysts estimate the package will create 800 to 1,800 new construction jobs per year through 2025 and more than 2,000 manufacturing jobs once the energy act provisions are fully implemented.
Secretary Gassman addressed students and faculty in the new on the first day of the spring semester. She applauded the university’s decision to offer a four-year degree in renewable and sustainable energy. The decision was prompted by the popularity of a minor degree in renewable energy that the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science offered to students in all fields of study.