Congress for the New Urbanism
CNU Wisconsin Group
Invites you to attend a great local opportunity to become involved in CNU and meet professionals and others with similar interests.

Presenting: “New Urbanism and You”

With Guest Speaker: Steve Filmanowicz, Communications Director, Congress for the New Urbanism

Steve will speak about the benefits of walkable urban development, ranging from more livable communities, to reduced carbon emissions – plus, how CNU is working to remove the barriers that stand in the way of great neighborhoods and sound transportation systems.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
5pm (light snacks served)
Office of Engberg Anderson Design Partnership
320 E. Buffalo – Corner of Milwaukee & Buffalo Streets, 53202
Take elevator to 5th Floor
Doors open until 6pm

Note: The CNU Wisconsin Group is developing a chapter of the national Congress for the New Urbanism – which seeks to expand its influence and capabilities through chapters. For questions, call Joan Herriges at 414-289-7685, or email