RENEW Intervenes in Advance Plan 6

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin grants an award for RENEW to intervene in Advance Plan 6. RENEW’s intervention makes a case for revising utilities’ 20-year resource plans to incorporate more investment in renewable energy. RENEW hires Frank Jablonski to serve as legal counsel and Michael Vickerman to manage the intervention.

RENEW Founded by Don Wichert

Founded by Don Wichert, RENEW is incorporated as a 501©(3) charitable organization with a mission to promote the development and use of renewable energy resources in the state of Wisconsin.

Renewable Energy in Wisconsin Conference

RENEW organizes and hosts a two-day conference titled “Renewable Energy in Wisconsin – Working with the Environment.” Held at The Edgewater, the conference addresses the environmental trade-offs that arise from expanding renewable energy development and use. The keynote speaker is WorldWatch vice president Christopher Flavin.