Our members are invested in advancing clean energy in Wisconsin. RENEW Wisconsin works on this mission every day by leading individuals who want more clean, renewable energy in this great state.


RENEW has successfully advanced renewable energy throughout Wisconsin since 1991, and the financial support of our members has been paramount to our success. We represent our members at the Public Service Commission (PSC), the State and U.S. Capitols, and in communities across the state, ensuring their voice for clean energy is heard.

From environmental to economic benefits, clean energy offers something for everyone. And RENEW is making meaningful strides to build a stronger, healthier, and smarter Wisconsin by advancing clean energy. Our members care about keeping jobs and investments in Wisconsin, expanding access to renewable energy, and enabling our children and grandchildren to inherit a better future. If you care about Wisconsin communities, join or renew your membership with RENEW today!


Hear What Our Members Have to Say

We are proud members of RENEW because we know they are leading and representing those of us who care about clean energy in Wisconsin. With clean energy policies being challenged, we need RENEW more than ever. Please join us in supporting their important work!

Maureen and Randy

Random Lake, WI

Renewable energy is the future. Organizations like RENEW Wisconsin help lead the way to create the clean world we want to leave our grandkids.

Bill and Gayle

Bayfield, WI



By joining RENEW Wisconsin you are providing a base of support upon which RENEW Wisconsin can thrive. Your donation is a direct investment in clean, renewable energy for Wisconsin.

Membership starts at just $50/year. We encourage you to make a lasting impact by signing up as a sustaining member through monthly, quarterly, or annual donations. Whichever you choose, your contribution will help to advance renewable energy in Wisconsin!

If you prefer to join by check, please print and fill out our membership form and return it, with a check made out to RENEW Wisconsin, 214 North Hamilton Street, Suite 300, Madison, WI 53703.

RENEW Wisconsin does not sell or share our membership list with anyone.

Already a member? You can adjust your membership details and preferences using the button below!

Are Membership Payments Tax-deductible?

Yes, membership fees to RENEW Wisconsin, a 501c3 charitable organization, are tax-deductible.


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