Solar and Agriculture Land Use Report

Baileys Harbor
Faith / Religious
20.3 kW
Eland Electric
July 2018
Catholic Youth Expeditions is a camp and retreat for young Catholics outside Baileys Harbor. Like many religious organizations, Catholic Youth Expeditions wanted to be better stewards of the Earth. As an organization for children and young adults, they felt compelled to invest in solar to supply the retreat with a clean, renewable energy source for the future. They partnered with Eland Electric, Focus on Energy, RENEW Wisconsin, and other partners throughout Door County to make their solar project possible. Now the camp is powered by “energy from heaven.”
The solar array at Catholic Youth Expeditions was championed by Father Quintin Mann. In addition to the 20-kilowatt array, Father Quinn aims to add more renewable energy elements to the retreat. Solar is already powering his electric skateboard, and he hopes to swap his two diesel buses for an electric bus that the youth can use for their retreats outside the camp. The solar project at Catholic Youth currently offsets 20-30% of the camp’s electric needs, but Father Quinn hopes that one day the entire camp will be powered completely by renewable energy.
Catholic Youth Expeditions fosters the Catholic Christian community through expedition retreats of prayer, the proclamation of the Gospel, and outdoor adventure. They offer dozens of annual camping retreats and host over 500 high school students and young adults from across the country. Catholic Youth Expedition’s location is a perfect venue to offer leadership in environmental sustainability. The camp works with today’s youth to set an example of the church’s mission to care for creation.
The 58 ground-mounted solar panels offset approximately half of the annual electric use at the 7.3-acre campus.
Catholic Youth Expeditions hopes to electrify the whole campus and its fleet of vehicles; a truck, a van, and two buses.
RENEW Wisconsin’s Solar for Good initiative fosters the expansion of solar power among mission-based nonprofits and houses of worship in Wisconsin. Through a generous partnership with the Couillard Solar Foundation, RENEW Wisconsin awards grant-funding or solar panels to nonprofit organizations, helping them switch to clean, renewable, solar energy.