Immediate release
November 17, 2008

More information
RENEW Wisconsin
Michael Vickerman

Clean Wisconsin
Katie Nekola
608.251.7020, ext. 14

Clean Energy Organizations Endorse Mishicot Wind Project

Representatives of Wisconsin’s leading sustainable energy organizations—Clean Wisconsin and RENEW Wisconsin–endorsed today a proposed seven-turbine windpower project currently under review by the Manitowoc County Board of Adjustment.

The project, proposed by Wisconsin-based Emerging Energies LLP, would be situated within the Town of Mishicot. The County’s Board of Adjustment is scheduled to deliberate further on Emerging Energies’ application at its next regularly scheduled meeting on November 17.

“We are impressed with many of the steps Emerging Energies is taking to spread the benefits of wind energy development to the host community, and especially to neighboring residents,” said RENEW Wisconsin Executive Director Michael Vickerman.

“Their Mishicot Wind Project has been a model of transparency and careful planning, right from the start.”

“The benefits from this project to Manitowoc County’s environment and economy are too great to ignore,” said Clean Wisconsin Energy Policy Director Katie Nekola. “The Mishicot Wind project deserves to be approved and built.”

Vickerman pointed to Emerging Energies’ commitment to incorporating industry “best practices” as another compelling reason why Manitowoc County should approve the project. Once the installation is energized, Emerging Energies plans to compensate neighboring residences within one-half mile of a wind turbine over the life of the project.

“RENEW commends Emerging Energies for volunteering to lead by example and abide by a set of development practices that we hope other developers will follow,” Vickerman said.

Blessed with some of the state’s strongest winds, Manitowoc County adopted a wind ordinance in 2004. Emerging Energies first proposed the Mishicot project in 2005. Progress since that time has been slowed by a countywide moratorium on wind development and the subsequent adoption of one of the most restrictive wind ordinances in Wisconsin.

“Emerging Energies has put together a stellar proposal that satisfies every reasonable public interest standard that can be applied to a wind project,” Nekola said. “The County has deliberated long enough on this matter. It deserves to be approved”