The Wisconsin Rapids Tribune published an opinion piece by Sen. Julie Lassa on June 26, 2014. Below, is an except:

“I had a great time last weekend at the 25th Annual Midwest Renewable Energy Association fair in Custer, in the northeast corner of the 24th Senate District. It’s always a fascinating place to visit, since it brings together thousands of people from all over the country to see the latest in wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable energy technologies, as well as related items such as electric cars, energy efficient fixtures and appliances, sustainable building methods, and so much more.

But while I was pleased to see many local and regional consultants and vendors, I noticed that nearly all the manufacturing of these clean energy systems was happening far away. Just to take solar power as an example: Many of the photovoltaic panels sold by local vendors are manufactured elsewhere — some in other states, some in Germany or China. If there were any solar panels on display that were manufactured in Wisconsin, I missed them.

I found it interesting that the Wellspring Renewable Energy Program, which started in Milwaukee and is dedicated to promoting a buy-local approach to building solar energy markets, has to source its ‘locally manufactured’ solar panels from manufacturers in Minnesota and Illinois.”

Read the rest of Sen. Lassa’s commentary