Adapted from the on-line monitor site of Northern Power Systems:
Wausau East High School was given a very generous gift by the Walter Alexander Foundation to inspire and motivate students to study renewable energy. Wausau School District is the first School District in the state to have a Northwind 100. Lauren Ebbecke, science teacher at WEHS, also received a wind energy opportunity grant from Focus on Energy to fund the turbine. The Northwind provides about 5% of the power for Wausau East High School, saving about $14,000 each year in electricity bills.
The wind turbine will provide students with a unique learning experience. All students (K-12) will have access to real-time data on wind speed and energy output, gaining a practical understanding of renewable energy and power generation.
The site shows the amount of electricity generated since the turbine was installed (4,265 kWh), the avoided amounts of pollutants (sulfer dioxide, carbon dixoxide, and nitrogen oxides), and other environmental measures.