Port of Milwaukee expects boost from wind-energy shipments in 2011

From an article by Rick Barrett of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The last oceangoing ship of the year steams out of the Port of Milwaukee this week, bound for Morocco with a load of soybeans, ending what’s been a good shipping season – with total tonnage down but steel shipments surging from a year ago.

The port handled about 1.9 million metric tons of cargo through Nov. 1, compared with 2.4 million a year earlier.

Most of the decline was blamed on fewer road-salt shipments, one of the port’s largest commodities.

About 32% less salt was brought into the port this year, largely because of a surplus from 2009, said Eric Reinelt, Port of Milwaukee director.

The port had strong exports of grain and mining equipment and high imports of steel, according to Reinelt.

It’s had visits from 207 ships, up from 191 at this time last year.

“The good news is that anything related to the overall economic cycle did fairly well,” Reinelt said. “Purchases of specialty steel products through the port, mostly from Europe, are up a whopping 50% over last year. . . .”

The port has made room for storage of wind-turbine blades, hoping to get more of that cargo business.

Earlier, Milwaukee’s port and terminal operators lost millions in revenue and about 25 jobs because of state rules that clamped down on the shipment of wind-turbine components on Wisconsin highways.

Caravans of the huge turbine parts were shipped through Duluth, Minn., and Beaumont, Texas, rather than Milwaukee.

But Wisconsin’s highway rules have been relaxed, Reinelt said.

“Next year, our big marketing effort is going to be in wind-power products. I think next year, and in 2012, we should see that business come back,” he said.

Also, the entrance ramp to Interstate-794 was widened this year so that trucks could get on the highway easier and not have to use city streets. That move was a huge improvement for the port and its terminal operators, Reinelt said.

State grant to fund green training for workers

From an article by Nathaniel Shuda and Nick Paulson in the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune:

A Wisconsin Rapids manufacturer will serve as a pilot site for a statewide clean-energy training center, the state’s top workforce official said this week.

Energy Composites will host the Pre-Engineering Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Innovation Academy, supported by a nearly $95,000 state grant, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development announced Monday.

“We hope to see these kinds of investments get the right kinds of skills to Wisconsin workers, so our businesses can thrive here as they have access to skilled workers,” DWD Secretary Roberta Gassman said.

The academy will provide about 15 workers with entry-level skills training and career exploration in the engineering field for potential employment in the bio-refining industry, as well as a certificate program that recognizes math, science and technology skills, including project management, she said.

Distributed through the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board, the grant is one of several statewide, totaling $430,385, to help train workers in central Wisconsin for careers in advanced manufacturing, clean energy, health care and information technology.

Though officials announced the grants less than a week after NewPage Corp. announced it will close its Whiting mill, the timing is a coincidence, Gassman said. The program has been in the works for a while.

But the training, especially in advanced manufacturing, could benefit workers who lose their jobs at NewPage.

Money disappears for Intermodal train shed work

From an article by Marie Rohde in The Daily Reporter:

No money is available to build a train shed at the Milwaukee Intermodal Station even though the project is required to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards.

The money for the station improvements had been included as part of the $810 million Milwaukee-to-Madison high-speed rail project that was rescinded by the federal government last week in light of opposition by Gov.-elect Scott Walker.

The Intermodal Station project was to construct a storage and maintenance building for new trains that run between Chicago and Milwaukee. It also included construction of platforms and an ADA-compliant connection to the station.

Steve Kulm, a spokesman for Amtrak in Chicago, said Amtrak has spent more than $109 million to bring some 200 stations around the U.S. into compliance and is working to bring all the nation’s train stations into compliance. However, he said, he does not know if money for the Milwaukee project is available.

“Where the money might come from, I don’t know,” Kulm said. “I can’t say that we’ve identified a funding source.”

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation project was supposed to begin in the spring.

“There are no other sources of funding for the project,” said Peg Schmitt, a WisDOT spokeswoman. “In terms of what we do next, I don’t know.”

Despite the lack of money, the state could be forced to come up with $18 million to complete the project if a lawsuit is threatened. The ADA requires public places be accessible to those with disabilities.

Diana Sullivan, disability rights and access specialist with Milwaukee-based Independence First Inc., said her organization will meet this week to discuss whether to file a complaint if the state project is not completed. Independence First, a nonprofit advocacy agency, has successfully used the federal law to improve accessibility elsewhere.

“We were up in arms over the Riverwalk and Summerfest,” Sullivan said. “We talked to the U.S. Attorney and reached a settlement.”

The Intermodal Station in Milwaukee could face the same type of action, she said.

Walker wrong to turn back train

From an editorial in the La Crosse Tribune:

Scott Walker isn’t even governor yet, and he has lost an $810 million game of chicken with our money. He has undoubtedly lost jobs and certainly will lose the company that moved to Wisconsin to help build trains for high-speed rail.

And, he’s declaring victory.

He’s off the rails before the train even left the station.

He told us that he didn’t want to contribute to runaway federal spending. He didn’t want to invest in high-speed rail. Instead, he wanted to use the federal money to improve Wisconsin’s roads.

That was a wonderful theory — but the federal government repeatedly told him that the money would go for high-speed rail projects.

And, the feds told Walker that if Wisconsin wasn’t interested, other states would get our money.

California, here it comes. Yes, you’re the big winner of $624 million, courtesy of your friends in Wisconsin. Florida, you’re getting $342.2 million of our money. Washington, here’s to you — $161.5 million from the Badger State. Even you, Illinois, our cursed neighbors to the south: You’re getting $42.3 million from Wisconsin.

Scott Walker is thoroughly pleased to hand you this money, courtesy of the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

Monday rally to declare jobs emergency in aftermath of train decision

Milwaukee: Monday’s rally at City Hall in support of high speed rail will focus on the Milwaukee jobs crisis created by the re-direction of funds to other states. Now that Governor-elect Walker’s decision has apparently cost Wisconsin 13,000 jobs, and risks losing the new Talgo high speed rail plant in Milwaukee, the coalition will demand that Walker include Milwaukee job creation in the upcoming special legislative session.

What: High Speed Train and Milwaukee Jobs Crisis Rally

Where: Milwaukee City Hall Rotunda

When: Monday, December 13, 12 Noon

Who: Good Jobs & Livable Neighborhoods project of Citizen Action of Wisconsin, and coalition partners.

In addition, on Thursday December 16th at 7 PM there will be a major town hall meeting in the neighborhood that would be directly affected by closing the Talgo high speed rail plant. The meeting will be held at the New Hope Baptist Church, 2433 W. Roosevelt Dr., Milwaukee. The meeting will be led by Reverend Willie Brisco and State Senator Spencer Coggs.