by jboullion | Mar 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
From a news release issued by Johnson Controls:
MILWAUKEE – (March 24, 2010) – Johnson Controls (NYSE: JC), the global industrial leader in providing energy efficient and sustainable products, services and solutions, will showcase notable Wisconsin energy projects and best practices at the 2010 Green Energy Summit, March 24-26, at the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee.
“Supporting the advancement of renewable and green energy technology is essential to the economic and environmental future of Wisconsin,” said Don Albinger, vice president of renewable energy solutions at Johnson Controls Building Efficiency. “The Green Energy Summit is a great way to bring Wisconsin business leaders together to share solutions and ideas that will create a more sustainable future. Johnson Controls is proud to be a founding partner of the summit.”
Johnson Controls executives will participate in key plenary sessions and workshops that demonstrate the future of green energy solutions in the state.
Featured Sessions
• Green Business Strategies for the Midwest – Mary Ann Wright, vice president and managing director of Johnson Controls’ Business Accelerator for Advanced Energy Storage Solutions, will address how hybrid and electric lithium-ion battery technologies are leading the charge to a sustainable energy future.
• Green Energy Initiatives and Development – Don Albinger, vice president of renewable energy solutions at Johnson Controls Building Efficiency, will discuss how the integration of energy efficiency and renewable solutions can help schools, businesses and government buildings reduce costs while making a positive impact on the environment.
• Job Opportunities in the New Green Economy – Jim Simpson, director of higher education solutions in the Americas for Johnson Controls Building Efficiency, will talk about the future of green jobs in Wisconsin as they relate to colleges and universities.
Other topical sessions that Johnson Controls representatives will speak at include The Role of Water in the New Green Economy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Management, and a Solar Thermal Symposium.
by jboullion | Mar 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
From a letter to the Wisconsin legislature from Public Service Commission (PSC) Chair Eric Callisto:
Yesterday [March 12, 2010], several interest groups wrote legislators urging opposition to the Clean Energy Jobs Act. The groups warned that the cost of renewable energy standards and enhanced energy efficiency programs would be “enonnous” and the benefits only “nominal.” Once again, the clean energy naysayers have it wrong. Enhanced renewable portfolio standards and increasing our efforts in energy efficiency reduce our dependence on imported energy, keep more of our energy dollars here at home, and help to ensure that Wisconsin and our country is competitive in the global energy economy.
You should know that the memo from clean energy opponents includes some key factual errors.
In particular, it claims that enhanced energy efficiency programs will add $700 million in new costs for consumers, citing a report by the Energy Center of Wisconsin (ECW). In reality, we will save money on our energy bills the IOOre we do on energy efficiency. It is common sense — the less energy we consume, the less we pay on our utility bills.
As for the ECW report, what it actually concludes is that Wisconsin consumers will save $900 million per year in energy costs if we invest between $350 and $400 million in energy efficiency programs; and if we invest roughly $700 million in energy efficiency. Wisconsin consumers will save $2 billion per year in energy costs. . . . Incidentally, ECW also found that enhancing our energy efficiency programs would support between 7000 and 9000 new jobs. The
bottom line is that if we don’t invest in energy efficiency, we will be spending significantly more on new generation.
The memo also claims that meeting a 25 percent renewable portfolio standard will add more than $15 billion in extra costs for consumers. Increasing our renewable energy portfolio can reduce Wisconsin energy costs in the long run, particularly when implemented alongside enhanced energy efficiency programs – as the Clean Energy Jobs Act envisions. The enclosed, recent Public Service Commission analysis, confirms that.
by jboullion | Mar 12, 2010 | Uncategorized
From a news release issued by Wisconsin Environment:
West Allis –The Clean Energy Jobs Act will benefit West Allis and the greater Milwaukee area by creating new jobs, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and helping to protect the environment for future generations. That was the message at a town hall meeting last night at the West Allis public library to discuss the Clean Energy Jobs Act, a bill being considered by the legislature targeted at developing the state’s clean energy economy.
At the meeting, business and labor leaders stressed the importance of the legislature passing the Clean Energy Jobs Act to drive the creation of new jobs in the Milwaukee area through manufacturing and installation of clean energy technologies such and wind turbines and solar panels, along with energy efficiency and home retrofit programs.
“Helios USA will be the first solar manufacturer in Wisconsin,” said Steve Ostrenga, CEO of Helios USA, a company preparing to open a new plant in Milwaukee that will employ 54 workers. “We are optimistic about the future of Helios USA given the combination of ready workers, available resources and movement of clean energy policy in the state Legislature.”
In February, Spanish firm Ingeteam cited similar reasons for choosing the Menomonee Valley to open their first North American factory to build wind turbine generators, a plant that will employ 270 workers. The company said the area’s manufacturing base and proximity to the I‐94 corridor were major draws giving Wisconsin a competitive advantage.
by jboullion | Mar 5, 2010 | Uncategorized
From a letter by PSC Chair Eric Callisto to the special committees on clean energy jobs:
. . . [W]hat follows is a summary of preliminary PSC cost modeling of the RPS and energy efficiency components of the CEJA. . . .
The modeling shows that in every case in which GHGs are monetized (i.e., there is a compliance cost associated with emitting GHGs), the cost of the CEJA is less than the cost of the status quo over the long run. That is, we will in all likelihood be spending more on electricity in the long run if we don’t act now and enact enhanced renewable portfolio standards and take more aggressive action on energy efficiency. . . . (Note: emphasis in original letter)
Table 4 (Note: Tables 1 – 3 were deleted for this summary) shows the forecasted impact of the proposed legislation on monthly electricity bills for an average residential customer. As in previous tables, these values show the incremental impact of the CEJA compared to the Status Quo. For example, the table indicates that monthly bills will be $1.08 lower under CEJA than under the Status Quo if GHG emissions cost $10/ton. Monthly bill impacts were not calculated for commercial and industrial customers because bills in those customer classes vary more widely than residential bills. . . .
by jboullion | Mar 4, 2010 | Uncategorized

From the newsletter of John Muir Chapter of the Sierra Club:
At the annual Great Waters Group Holiday Party, John Bahr was named this year’s GWG Environmental Hero. Each year a volunteer receives this honor for his or her efforts in “Exploring, Enjoying, and Protecting the planet.”
John has worked diligently for the past five years on the issue of global warming and energy conservation. He has raised awareness of this important problem through talks to anyone who will listen and through meetings with civic and business leaders. He has targeted his home community of Wauwatosa, helping it develop practical ways to reduce its energy use.
He now sits on a Wauwatosa committee that is developing a strategy to make the entire community a “Cool City.” Congratulations, John. The Great Waters Group stands behind you in all your efforts.