Ten simple things you can do

From the City of Eau Claire’s Green Website:

How can I decrease my energy consumption?
1. Turn off lights. Did you know roughly 40% of our electricity use is from lighting our indoor spaces? By simply turning off lights when not present you can save serious greenbacks!

2. Use more daylight instead of artificial for indoor lighting. Research has shown daylight increases productivity and reduces absenteeism in the workplace. Natural light has a profound effect on the stimulation and regulation of the human body. For instance, the human eye turns daylight into electrical impulses, triggering the release of the chemical serotonin, which is essential for emotional well-being. Additionally, ultraviolet light from the sun creates Vitamin D through our skin producing calcium for healthier bones & teeth.

3. Unplug it! When not in use unplug chargers, non-essential power strips, etc. Turn off your computer and monitor before you go out. Decrease use of space heaters by having a sweater or cardigan handy when you get a little cold.

Energy efficiency programs for apartments and condos

From Focus on Energy:

Whether you are a resident of an apartment or condominium, own apartment buildings, or are a condo owners’ association, Focus on Energy has energy saving programs for you. Choose the program that is best for you.

Programs for Apartment and Condo Residents
The Apartment & Condo Efficiency Services Program provides energy efficiency information for residents of apartments or condos. Whether you are looking for tips to keep your apartment comfortable and keep your energy bills low or need help finding ENERGY STAR® qualified products, we can help.

Programs for Apartment Owners
Focus on Energy’s Apartment & Condo Efficiency Services Program specializes in energy efficiency for new and existing multi-unit residential properties. Owners, developers and residents turn to us for the information, technical expertise and financial incentives to help them make their properties more energy efficient.

Menomonie commission endorses governor's energy goals

From an article in the Dunn County News:

Last year, the Menomonie City Council approved the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. This year, the Plan Commission is urging the council to adopt Governor Jim Doyle’s “25×25 Goals.”

Both are more than just pieces of paper, explained Wendy Sander of Cedar Corporation at the commission’s June meeting.

“The governor’s goal is to be generating 25 percent of our state’s electricity and transportation fuel from renewable sources by 2025,” she said, noting that by signing the agreement, the city would become eligible to receive grant funds to help pay for projects aimed at energy efficiency and sustainability.

“A specific one we’re looking at is the energy block grant,” Sander said. “We’re doing some work on the fire station right now that is extremely eligible for that program. It would score higher if the council had passed the 25×25 plan. … It’s similar to the climate protection agreement.”

Several months ago, the city council authorized upgrades to the aging mechanical and electrical systems in the downtown fire station, city engineer Charlie Jones told the commission.

“When we were in the process of doing the plan and getting ready for the bid, through diligent research, we found the grant,” he said. “That actually delayed the bidding process, because we believe we can get some grant dollars to help pay for the upgrades to make it more efficient.”

Chippewa Falls school district saves computer energy

From a report published by Focus on Energy:

Computers waste a lot of electricity if they remain turned on when not in use. As the Chippewa Falls Area School District recently discovered, the cost savings from reducing computer-related energy use can make a real difference. The district began turning computers and monitors off during evenings and weekends and saw an immediate budgetary impact. The cost reduction from this one energy saving measure saved a staff position that would have been eliminated due to budget cuts.

“We always tell our schools they can cut energy costs in a lot of different ways,” said Charlie Schneider, program manager for the Focus on Energy Schools Program. “Many steps are small, but they can really add up.” Focus on Energy’s Schools Program maintains an on-line maintenance listserv for over 100 school building and grounds managers around Wisconsin. When participants have a good idea or a question about any maintenance issue, including energy efficiency, they share it with colleagues by posting it to the listserv. Recently, a Focus on Energy staff member alerted participants about a free software program created by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This program automatically puts networked computer monitors “to sleep” when they are not being used.

Bob Severson, the director of buildings and grounds at Chippewa Falls Area School District saw this message and was intrigued by the energy savings potential. His district currently owns and operates 1,150 computers. And he knew that his schools, like many around Wisconsin, do not have a formal system for putting computers into “sleep” mode or turning them on and off during evenings and weekends. . . .

The energy savings are real: this one energy saving step will save the district approximately $30,000 each year. And, at a recent school board meeting where difficult budget issues were being decided, it became clear that this unexpected reduction in energy costs will help offset a proposed staff cut.

For more information about computer use in schools, call Focus on Energy at 800.762.7077.

Alliant Energy offers free, online business efficiency check up

From the site for Alliant’s Business Efficiency Check Up:

Have you ever wondered how energy-efficient your business is? Alliant Energy’s Business Efficiency Check Up can help!

This free interactive, online tool will help you find where your energy is going and how you can cut energy costs throughout your facility.

– Efficiency Fast Track: Identify energy-saving opportunities and get started on them – fast!
– Detailed Analysis: Make an in-depth energy assessment to get detailed recommendations and project assistance specifically for your business.
– My Benchmark: Compare your energy use to see how you stack up against the competition.
– Case Studies: View quick tips and examples of how similar businesses save energy.

After you’ve completed your check up, you can return at any time to review, track and evaluate the projects you’ve selected for your facility.