Eligibility relaxed for energy-efficiency assistance

From a media release issued by Focus on Energy:

More Wisconsin residents may now be eligible for Focus on Energy’s assistance program which offers limited-income homeowners low-cost efficiency improvements to improve the comfort, safety and affordability of their homes. The assistance program called Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, is now seeking applications from homeowners with incomes between 150-250 percent of the poverty level, which is a significant increase from the past maximum of 200 percent. To put the new maximum into perspective, a family of four’s maximum eligible annual income increased to $53,000 from the previous $42,400. . . .

Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, is part of Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy program. Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offers qualifying homeowners a no-cost energy evaluation performed by a qualified program provider. Depending on the results of the evaluation, the home may receive energy efficiency improvements, such as adding insulation, finding and eliminating drafts, replacing an inefficient heating system, installing compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and more. Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR will pay 90 percent of the costs of the energy efficiency improvements – the homeowner pays just 10 percent.

Energy efficient homes save energy and money all year long. In summer, a home that’s properly sealed and insulated stays cooler and more comfortable, reducing the need for fans and air conditioners during hot daylight hours. In winter, energy efficient homes keep warm air inside, improving comfort and reducing heating costs during Wisconsin’s coldest months.

Homeowners wishing to apply for Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR are encouraged to call Focus on Energy at (800) 762-7077 or visit focusonenergy.com to download an application.

River Falls partners with state for energy independence

From an article in the River Falls Journal:

River Falls committed early last month to join the Wisconsin Energy Independent Community Partnership, a state-led program aiming to generate 25% of Wisconsin’s fuels – used for electricity and transportation – from renewable resources by the year 2025.

A press release from the River Falls Municipal Utilities and Governor Jim Doyle’s Web site says the city joins 11 other community members of Wisconsin Public Power, Inc., the city’s power supplier, in committing to help the state achieve energy independence.

River Falls plans to reach this goal by using renewable fuels, taking advantage of diverse resources and reducing energy consumption. Participation in the program enables access to more federal and state funding as well as technical assistance in developing renewable sources.

DNR employees accept challenge to save gas

From an article by Brad Bryan in the Leader Telegram (Eau Claire):

Imagine driving from Eau Claire to Alaska’s border with Canada five times. Or going around the world at the equator almost one and a quarter times.

That’s the number of miles – more than 29,000 – that 85 Department of Natural Resources employees did not drive during their recently concluded 28-week Gas Free Challenge.

Finishing on Halloween, the challenge coaxed intrepid employees in the 19-county West Central Region to brave spring rains, summer storms and autumn chills. In doing so, they kept 12.39 tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide) from being released into the atmosphere.

Their goal, however, was less about environmentalism, cost-savings and fitness than it was about awareness.

“I think that once people actually try it and recognize they can get to work on their bikes, it will change how they think about how they get to work,” DNR worker Beth Norquist said.

Superior pushes home weatherization program, state offers heating assistance

From an article by Mike Simonson of KUWS posted on BusinessNorth.com:

Superior’s weatherization program held an open house Thursday to get the word out on how people can make their homes more energy efficient. Joe Cadotte reports.

Superior weatherizes over a hundred homes every year. Through the program, they replace and fix everything from furnaces to light bulbs, saving homeowners 20 to 30 percent on utility bills. Superior Weatherization Program Spokesperson Jean Dotterwick says money is available to weatherize 120 homes in the area, but many people hesitate to apply.

“Elderly or older people just don’t feel they have the right to it. Anytime they have fuel assistance we get a notice of that, and we will often send out letters to these people who haven’t been weatherized yet.”

Superior resident Adam Johnson is having his home weatherized. Johnson says he’ll save over $7,000 through the program.

“It allows us to be able to live in a house that isn’t drafty. My kids don’t have to have boots on, you know what I mean? Not boots, but they don’t have to have extra coats on, stuff like that.”

State Senator Bob Jauch of Poplar says 175-thousand families in Wisconsin will receive heating assistance this year. In addition, thousands of homes will be weatherized.

Oakdale Electric Coop to participate in all of Focus on Energy programs

From a media release issued by Focus on Energy:

Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative, announced today that Oakdale Electric Cooperative officially became a program member beginning October 1, 2008. The utility serves approximately 15,000 customers throughout Monroe and Juneau counties and portions of Jackson, Sauk and Wood counties. . . .

Oakdale Electric Cooperative will participate in the Business, Residential and Renewable Energy offerings under the Focus on Energy umbrella. The benefits of participating include:
· Business Programs that help manufacturers, commercial businesses, farmers, schools and local governments reduce operating costs, increase their bottom line and improve productivity and employee and customer comfort. The programs offer technical expertise, training and financial incentives to help implement innovative energy management projects.
· Wisconsin ENERGY STAR Homes, Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and Apartment & Condo Efficiency Services Programs that encompass new and existing homes,
multi-family construction and remodeling projects for all types of residential dwellings. These programs help homeowners and landlords integrate energy improvements into their remodeling projects, as well as deliver newly-built homes, apartments and condominiums that are comfortable, safe, durable and energy efficient.
· Lighting and appliance programs that increase the availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products ranging from compact fluorescent light bulbs to heating and cooling equipment. These efforts deliver lower energy bills for residents and businesses and increased sales for retailers and contractors.
· Renewable Energy Programs that help residents and businesses harness energy from sunlight, wind and organic materials.
· Targeted Home Performance that reduces energy bills while increasing comfort and safety for income-qualified participants