Alliant Energy offers customers tips on how to cool off electricity costs

From a news release issued by Alliant Energy:

“Higher summer temperatures and humidity levels mean higher electric bills. This is a direct result of the increased use of air conditioning and other appliances,” says Tim Heinrich, Director of Customer Support Services for Alliant Energy. “However, there are many free and low-cost ways to stay cool and comfortable this summer – while keeping electricity costs in check.”

Customers utilizing window air conditioners may want to consider using a timer to turn on the air conditioner half an hour before returning home rather than running it while you’re gone. Be sure to keep the filters clean to maximize performance. If possible, locate the unit in a window that is most central to the area you are cooling and on the shadiest side of the building. Customers in the market for a new window air conditioner should make sure it is the proper size; it’s better to get one that’s too small than too large. A larger unit will start up and turn off more frequently and won’t be as effective at dehumidifying the air.

For customers with central air conditioners, Alliant Energy suggests keeping them well maintained to ensure peak efficiency. That means scheduling yearly maintenance and regularly checking the refrigerant charge as well as indoor and outdoor air coils.

Setting back thermostats or using a programmable thermostat during long periods of time, such as at night while you are sleeping or during the day when no one is home, allows homeowners to save energy without having to sacrifice comfort. Resist the urge to override the pre-programmed settings. Every time you do, you use more energy and may end up paying more on your energy bill.

Used in combination with your air conditioner, a ceiling fan will allow you to raise your thermostat setting without reducing your comfort. The airflow produced by the ceiling fan creates a wind-chill effect, making you feel cooler. Be sure to turn the fan off when you’re not in the room to save energy – ceiling fans cool people, not rooms.

Finally, the less you use air conditioning, the less electricity you use. If you keep your windows closed to keep humidity out while the air conditioning is off, a well insulated home should only rise a few degrees throughout the day while you’re not home.

Alliant Energy offers a few additional tips for customers to save energy and reduce electric bills, by:

* Keeping window blinds and shades closed during the day.

* Grilling outside or cooking with microwaves instead of conventional ovens.

* Using the dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded. If available, use the dishwasher’s energy-saving features such as partial-load setting and no-heat drying cycle.

* Replacing incandescent light bulbs, which generate heat, with more energy efficient fluorescent bulbs as they consume less energy and last longer.

* Considering whether maintaining a second refrigerator or freezer unit is worth the additional $150 dollars it costs a year to run. If so, place the extra unit in the basement where it is naturally cooler so the appliance will not have to cycle as frequently.

For additional information on how to become more energy efficient year-round, Alliant Energy encourages customers to contact Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, by calling 1(800)762.7077 or visiting

Going green one shade at a time

From an article by Stefanie Scott in Wauwatosa Today:

Program outlines steps to energy improvements

Going green may seem like a daunting task. But it doesn’t require saving the world or even making major lifestyle changes overnight.

A new Green Neighbor Program – a collaboration of the city’s Energy Committee, local Sierra Club chapter and Renew Wisconsin – encourages residents to start small and look at energy usage within their households.

The program aims “to get people to think about energy efficiency and the environmental impact in their own homes and what specific actions they can take to for improvement,” said John Bahr, chairman of the committee’s Energy Efficiency efforts.

One-on-one advice
Free home energy-efficiency consultations will be offered Aug. 18 at Wauwatosa Public Library. Professionals from the energy and home improvement fields and experienced homeowners will meet one-on-one with interested residents.

Consultants will address problems areas such as drafts, cold spots and high heating bills. Then they will discuss typical solutions such as do-it-yourself projects or appliance purchases that may qualify for tax credits or rebates.

Homeowners should bring a recent utility bill or WE Energies account number so consultants can review energy expenses and compare them with typical expenses for similar-sized homes in the area, Program Coordinator Michael Arney said.

“The homeowner benefits by having a more comfortable home and lower energy bills,” Arney said. “Energy efficiency increases property values and, on the broadest level, it reduces our fossil fuel dependency and our carbon emissions.”

Consultations are meant to serve as a starting point.

Magic Energy

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From Madison Gas and Electric:

It’s magic when kids can learn… and laugh! That’s the goal of the MaGicEnergy show. For years, performer Bob Kann has taken the program into schools and libraries throughout the area.

Watch the story to see how Bob uses magic and comedy to entertain and inspire! See why audiences walk away armed with specific tools to conserve energy and protect the environment.

Interested in bringing MaGicEnergy to your school or library? Click here and tell us about your group.

Magic Energy

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From Madison Gas and Electric:

It’s magic when kids can learn… and laugh! That’s the goal of the MaGicEnergy show. For years, performer Bob Kann has taken the program into schools and libraries throughout the area.

Watch the story to see how Bob uses magic and comedy to entertain and inspire! See why audiences walk away armed with specific tools to conserve energy and protect the environment.

Interested in bringing MaGicEnergy to your school or library? Click here and tell us about your group.

Magic Energy

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From Madison Gas and Electric:

It’s magic when kids can learn… and laugh! That’s the goal of the MaGicEnergy show. For years, performer Bob Kann has taken the program into schools and libraries throughout the area.
Watch the story to see how Bob uses magic and comedy to entertain and inspire! See why audiences walk away armed with specific tools to conserve energy and protect the environment.

Interested in bringing MaGicEnergy to your school or library? Click here and tell us about your group.