USDA seeks applications to fund renewable energy and energy efficiency projects

From an announcement issued by the USDA:

On May 26, 2009, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it is accepting applications for Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants and loan guarantees. REAP (Section 9007 of the 2008 Farm Bill) is the former Section 9006 under the 2002 Farm Bill and provides incentives for the development/construction of renewable energy projects, such as anaerobic digester projects.

REAP renewable energy grants can provide up to 25 percent of eligible project costs, up to $500,000. Loan guarantees or grant and loan guarantee combinations are capped at 75 percent of eligible project costs. More details are available in the Federal Register at or on the USDA Web site

Application materials may be obtained by contacting one of USDA Rural Development State Offices, which are listed at or by downloading at Applications are due on July 31, 2009.

Workshop: Practical energy management for schools and government

From the announcement of a workshop hosted by Focus on Energy:

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Western Technical College – The Coleman Center
400 Seventh Street North
La Crosse, WI 54601

This hands-on training course targets the energy management challenges faced by schools and government facilities. This eight-hour session provides the customizable tools you need to set energy goals, track projects, and establish a successful energy management program or enhance existing efforts. The impact of a solid operations and maintenance program on your energy usage and costs will also be covered in this course. You will benefit in two ways by adopting the Practical Energy Management© (PEM©) process: you will reduce monthly energy costs and save staff time. You will also learn strategies for maintaining energy management activities over the long term.

Central Waters becomes Wisconsin's first green-powered brewery

Central Waters becomes Wisconsin's first green-powered brewery

From the Web site of Central Waters:

2009 has already brought about many changes and improvements for Central Waters Brewing Company. The biggest step has been the addition of roughly 1,000 square feet of solar collectors; 24 panels, in all. Solar collectors use energy emitted by the sun, and convert it into a more usable and/or storable form of power. The energy production of our new solar collectors is estimated to reach around 2500 therms per year. A payback from the system will be seen in about seven years, with an estimated savings of $1.4 to $1.5 million over the life of the system.

In addition to the new solar panels, Central Waters Brewing Company uses a radiant floor heating system, and more energy efficient lighting systems, motors in the equipment, and brewhouse. All of the materials used in the newly remodeled tap room are from recycled resources. Also, with the implementation of the new grain silo outside of the brewery, we are able to reduce the amount of packaging materials that come into the facility, therefore the amount of packaging that needs to be disposed of. In addition to the sustainability practices currently in use at the brewery, Central Waters works with local farmers to recycle the grain used in the brewing process. The spent grain is taken by these farmers and used as feed for livestock, and also used as compost.

The addition of the solar collectors, coupled with other sustainability practices, allows Central Waters Brewing Company to drastically reduce the consumption of natural gas, therefore greatly reduce our carbon footprint.

Central Waters Brewing Company…truly “making the world a better place, one beer at a time.”

Alliant Energy offers free, online business efficiency check up

From the site for Alliant’s Business Efficiency Check Up:

Have you ever wondered how energy-efficient your business is? Alliant Energy’s Business Efficiency Check Up can help!

This free interactive, online tool will help you find where your energy is going and how you can cut energy costs throughout your facility.

– Efficiency Fast Track: Identify energy-saving opportunities and get started on them – fast!
– Detailed Analysis: Make an in-depth energy assessment to get detailed recommendations and project assistance specifically for your business.
– My Benchmark: Compare your energy use to see how you stack up against the competition.
– Case Studies: View quick tips and examples of how similar businesses save energy.

After you’ve completed your check up, you can return at any time to review, track and evaluate the projects you’ve selected for your facility.

Alliant Energy offers free, online business efficiency check up

From the site for Alliant’s Business Efficiency Check Up:

Have you ever wondered how energy-efficient your business is? Alliant Energy’s Business Efficiency Check Up can help!

This free interactive, online tool will help you find where your energy is going and how you can cut energy costs throughout your facility.

– Efficiency Fast Track: Identify energy-saving opportunities and get started on them – fast!
– Detailed Analysis: Make an in-depth energy assessment to get detailed recommendations and project assistance specifically for your business.
– My Benchmark: Compare your energy use to see how you stack up against the competition.
– Case Studies: View quick tips and examples of how similar businesses save energy.

After you’ve completed your check up, you can return at any time to review, track and evaluate the projects you’ve selected for your facility.