Fighting for the 'Right to Dry'

From a story on WDIO-TV, Duluth, Minnesota:

It may surprise you but 44 states–including Minnesota and Wisconsin—don’t guarantee their residents the right to line dry their laundry. But a Superior lawmaker is making sure his clothesline-using constituents aren’t hung out to dry.

There’s a million different ways Northland residents can enjoy a Sunny sunday, but at Jan Conley’s household perfect weekend weather is reserved for hanging the laundry.

“There’s something iconic about hanging clothes out,” said Jan Conley of Lake Nebagamon. “I think there’s something really nice about it you know you feel good you’re outside you’re hanging clothes you’ve accomplished something and then when you’re done great I washed these clothes and they’re hanging out.”

A movement, dubbed the “Right to Dry” revolution by followers, began some years ago in Oregon, when homeowners’ associations began banning residents from line drying their laundry. Although none of those communities exist here, Representative Nick Milroy wants to protect those rights for his Wisconsin residents before they’re taken away.

“People really cherish their freedom in this country and I think taking away something as simple as allowing people to line dry their clothes is save money save energy it just doesn’t make send to me,” said Wisconsin State Representative, Nick Milroy of Superior.

Conley joined the “Right to Dry” movement a few years ago. She said using a dryer is a waste of energy and she wishes more of her neighbors would let the wind to handle the job.

“It’s a part of America. Its part of who we are,” said Conley.

More energy efficiency could create 9,000 jobs in Wisconsin

From an article by Larry Bivins in the Wausau Daily Herald:

WASHINGTON — In the absence of a national policy that puts a cap on carbon emissions, some environmental activists see an opportunity to place more emphasis on efficiency as part of the solution to climate change.

Advocates say the potential benefits to the environment, the economy and individual pocketbooks cannot be ignored.

One 2007 study estimates the U.S. could reap $1.2 trillion in electricity savings by investing $520 billion in energy efficiency measures by 2020.
In Wisconsin, a 2009 report by the Energy Center of Wisconsin said the state could create 7,000 to 9,000 jobs by 2012 and generate $900 million in savings by tripling its investment in energy efficiency.

President Barack Obama’s administration set aside $16.8 billion in economic recovery act money for research and development, building retrofits, renewable energy projects and weatherization, among other things.

Wisconsin was awarded a $20 million grant in April for its Wisconsin Energy Efficiency (WE2) program to retrofit commerical, industrial and residential buildings.

“Wisconsin has made big steps forward in recent years through energy conservation, energy efficiency and by investing in a clean energy economy,” Gov. Jim Doyle said in a statement declaring October to be Energy Awareness Month. “Through greater awareness we can continue to increase our energy independence, save money for families and businesses and create thousands of new clean-energy jobs in Wisconsin.”

More energy efficiency could create 9,000 jobs in Wisconsin

From an article by Larry Bivins in the Wausau Daily Herald:

WASHINGTON — In the absence of a national policy that puts a cap on carbon emissions, some environmental activists see an opportunity to place more emphasis on efficiency as part of the solution to climate change.

Advocates say the potential benefits to the environment, the economy and individual pocketbooks cannot be ignored.

One 2007 study estimates the U.S. could reap $1.2 trillion in electricity savings by investing $520 billion in energy efficiency measures by 2020.
In Wisconsin, a 2009 report by the Energy Center of Wisconsin said the state could create 7,000 to 9,000 jobs by 2012 and generate $900 million in savings by tripling its investment in energy efficiency.

President Barack Obama’s administration set aside $16.8 billion in economic recovery act money for research and development, building retrofits, renewable energy projects and weatherization, among other things.

Wisconsin was awarded a $20 million grant in April for its Wisconsin Energy Efficiency (WE2) program to retrofit commerical, industrial and residential buildings.

“Wisconsin has made big steps forward in recent years through energy conservation, energy efficiency and by investing in a clean energy economy,” Gov. Jim Doyle said in a statement declaring October to be Energy Awareness Month. “Through greater awareness we can continue to increase our energy independence, save money for families and businesses and create thousands of new clean-energy jobs in Wisconsin.”

What If You Knew How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient?

From a news release:

It’s Easier than You May Think with Focus on Energy

When it comes to energy efficiency, knowledge is power. This is why Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, wants homeowners to know about the program’s educational resources, technical assistance, and financial incentives available to help them improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Through Focus on Energy’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program, homeowners learn how to take control of their energy use—resulting in lower energy bills and safer, more comfortable homes.

“Fall is the perfect time to develop an energy-efficiency plan for your home; before temperatures drop and energy bills rise,” said Carter Dedolph, program manager for Focus on Energy. “And a homeowner’s first step against high energy bills is much easier than they may imagine, with the help of Focus on Energy.”

Step One – Getting the Answers You Need

Pinpointing poorly performing components of a home such as air leaks and insufficient insulation is key to lowering high energy bills. This is where the technical assistance and expertise of Focus on Energy comes in. With the help of Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and the program’s partnering consultants and qualified contractors, identifying these problems and their solutions is easier than expected.

The expert consultant will start by inspecting all systems in your home including testing the ventilation, heating and cooling equipment, air infiltration, and insulation levels. Once the evaluation is complete you will receive a comprehensive home evaluation report that identifies any problems, along with recommended solutions. And finding a contractor to complete the projects couldn’t be more convenient—your consultant can recommend trusted service providers in your area or you can choose your own contractor who partners with Focus.

“These are real solutions that will save energy and money, in addition to making your home more comfortable, safe, and durable,” explained Dedolph.

Step Two – Making the Improvements

Once recommendations have been made, the program’s qualified contractors can then implement the energy-efficiency improvements. By working with a program partner you’re guaranteed the work will be done to Home Performance with ENERGY STAR standards. In fact, at the end of the project, the consultant will return to re-evaluate the home and verify that the improvements are complete and effective. In addition, you may be eligible to receive Cash-Back Rewards offered through the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program.

To be eligible, Wisconsin residents must meet two criteria: their electric and/or natural gas utility or cooperative must participate in the program; and the resident’s dwelling must be a detached single-unit dwelling, mobile home, duplex, or three-unit building.

As part of a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program evaluation, a trained technician will conduct a blower door test, which helps identify and quantify the air leakage of a home. Finding and sealing air leaks can reduce heating costs and increase comfort.

What If You Knew How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient?

From a news release:

It’s Easier than You May Think with Focus on Energy

When it comes to energy efficiency, knowledge is power. This is why Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, wants homeowners to know about the program’s educational resources, technical assistance, and financial incentives available to help them improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Through Focus on Energy’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program, homeowners learn how to take control of their energy use—resulting in lower energy bills and safer, more comfortable homes.

“Fall is the perfect time to develop an energy-efficiency plan for your home; before temperatures drop and energy bills rise,” said Carter Dedolph, program manager for Focus on Energy. “And a homeowner’s first step against high energy bills is much easier than they may imagine, with the help of Focus on Energy.”

Step One – Getting the Answers You Need

Pinpointing poorly performing components of a home such as air leaks and insufficient insulation is key to lowering high energy bills. This is where the technical assistance and expertise of Focus on Energy comes in. With the help of Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and the program’s partnering consultants and qualified contractors, identifying these problems and their solutions is easier than expected.

The expert consultant will start by inspecting all systems in your home including testing the ventilation, heating and cooling equipment, air infiltration, and insulation levels. Once the evaluation is complete you will receive a comprehensive home evaluation report that identifies any problems, along with recommended solutions. And finding a contractor to complete the projects couldn’t be more convenient—your consultant can recommend trusted service providers in your area or you can choose your own contractor who partners with Focus.

“These are real solutions that will save energy and money, in addition to making your home more comfortable, safe, and durable,” explained Dedolph.

Step Two – Making the Improvements

Once recommendations have been made, the program’s qualified contractors can then implement the energy-efficiency improvements. By working with a program partner you’re guaranteed the work will be done to Home Performance with ENERGY STAR standards. In fact, at the end of the project, the consultant will return to re-evaluate the home and verify that the improvements are complete and effective. In addition, you may be eligible to receive Cash-Back Rewards offered through the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program.

To be eligible, Wisconsin residents must meet two criteria: their electric and/or natural gas utility or cooperative must participate in the program; and the resident’s dwelling must be a detached single-unit dwelling, mobile home, duplex, or three-unit building.

As part of a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program evaluation, a trained technician will conduct a blower door test, which helps identify and quantify the air leakage of a home. Finding and sealing air leaks can reduce heating costs and increase comfort.