Farm community rallies to support wind energy project

The farm community around Rosiere, Wisconsin, Kewaunee County, came together more than ten years ago to support a wind energy development, and they’re still thankful for the wind turbines.
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Iowa leads all states in use of wind energy

While Wisconsin officials drive wind energy development out of the Badger state, next-door Iowa leads, according to anarticle by Dan Piller in the Des Moines Register:

About 15 percent of Iowa’s electricity generation capacity now comes from wind, maintaining the state’s national leadership in figures released Thursday by the American Wind Energy Association.

With a major expansion by MidAmerican Energy, Iowa stands to rise to 20 percent this year.

“That’s a percentage close to what we see in Europe, and it’s exciting,” said Jessica Isaacs, senior analyst with the wind association.

Iowa still ranks second nationally in wind capacity with 3,675 megawatts, behind Texas’ 10,085 megawatts but still ahead of California’s 3,177.

Because of Texas’ larger electricity grid, Iowa’s 15 percent of total capacity coming from wind exceeds Texas’ 7.8 percent percentage of wind to total electricity.

Iowa’s total will grow this year with the addition of 593 megawatts by MidAmerican in Calhoun, Cass, Adams, Adair and Marshall counties.

The expansions will bring Des Moines-based MidAmerican to 2,316 megawatts of capacity, the largest utility-owned and operated wind generation portfolio among investor-owned utilities.

Power Down meeting, April 10

Our next meeting is now April 10 at 4:00 pm
The Pink House Studio 601 E Wright St in Riverwest

Here is a list of identified projects that we need leaders for. Feel free to explore the scope of these projects or collaborate with someone to cover these responsibilities. We are looking for people to work on these projects, and propose new ones for Power Down Week (PDW).

Outreach to Businesses: (PDW needs both Riverwest and Bayview Leaders) PDW is looking for people to organize an outreach to local businesses, to create a challenge/game and/or ask for donations for prizes.

Media: PDW is looking for someone to put together a press packet and be the contact for all media.

Off the Hook Challenge: Last year PDW had people pledge to give up their phones for the week. Organizers coordinated a central location where one phone was used in case of emergencies. We had volunteers to stay at that location and answer the phone if needed and then relay the message to the person who gave up their phone for the week. PDW are looking for someone to coordinate a similar initiative.

Website: PDW is looking for someone to coordinate the placement of information on websites, and manage the Power Down Facebook pages.

Powering Down Pledge: Last year organizers coordinated a game where people accounted for all of the `Power Down’ Activities and the most active people won prizes. This year there has been a proposal to simplify the game with 3+ levels of involvement. There would be a list of activities that a person could pledge to do, and if you pledge 3 things you are a `novice’, 15 things you are `involved’, and all of the things you are an `expert’. The person to coordinate this would be creative and figure out a fun game where people would get acknowledgement for their participation. (other elements proposed include a wrist band with a color for the level that you pledge, discounts or recognition by businesses for that level of pledge, and a nominal cost for getting a wrist band to pay for operating costs of Power Down Week) All of the elements of the game are up for debate.

Social Networking Wall: Last year many people enjoyed being offline, but still having a physical `facebook’ wall to reference during the week. Organizers created physical FB profiles at the kickoff event and they were posted at the Pink House all week for people to reference and leave notes. It was well received. PDW is looking for someone to coordinate a similar experience.

Kick Off Event: This is one of the most important elements of Power Down week. PDW is looking for someone to coordinate this event. Date, time, location, volunteers, activities. This might be a good project for more than one person or a group of people.

Scouts for Events: PDW is in need of people who have their eyes and ears open for events that are already happening during Power Down week that we can promote. PDW is also looking for fun events that we could partner with to help them use less energy.

Scouts for Workshops: PDW is looking for people who have skills they would like to share, or are willing to scout for local talent to bring the best workshops possible to PDW.

Email for more information.

Shortsighted energy plans just won't cut it; renewables needed

From an editorial in the Sheboygan Press:

President Barack Obama has twice in the last year called for the nation to reduce its dependence of foreign oil by embarking on a multi-faceted plan on energy.

Obama’s first call for energy independence was followed less than a month later by the Deep Water Horizon oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

We hope that the president’s latest energy initiative is followed not by a disaster, but by a commitment from Congress to develop a national energy policy. A commitment from the American people to be receptive of alternative energy sources would be nice, too. . . .

Until recently, we thought Wisconsin was poised to become a leader in helping the nation reach that goal.

Wind power was one area where Wisconsin was setting the pace.

The state had sensible rules on where wind turbines could be located in relation to residential properties and the state was on its way toward making progress on using this renewable energy resource. But those rules are on hold and are likely to be changed to the point where it will be impractical for companies interested in locating wind farms to do business in Wisconsin.

This is not only shortsighted in development of renewable energy sources, it is also a job-killer because the companies that now make wind turbines in Wisconsin are already talking about relocating to states where wind power is welcomed.

The easy thing to do is to keep relying on oil and coal to power our cars and heat our homes. The wise thing is to develop a long-range plan that relies on renewable energy.

Shortsighted energy plans just won't cut it; renewables needed

From an editorial in the Sheboygan Press:

President Barack Obama has twice in the last year called for the nation to reduce its dependence of foreign oil by embarking on a multi-faceted plan on energy.

Obama’s first call for energy independence was followed less than a month later by the Deep Water Horizon oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

We hope that the president’s latest energy initiative is followed not by a disaster, but by a commitment from Congress to develop a national energy policy. A commitment from the American people to be receptive of alternative energy sources would be nice, too. . . .

Until recently, we thought Wisconsin was poised to become a leader in helping the nation reach that goal.

Wind power was one area where Wisconsin was setting the pace.

The state had sensible rules on where wind turbines could be located in relation to residential properties and the state was on its way toward making progress on using this renewable energy resource. But those rules are on hold and are likely to be changed to the point where it will be impractical for companies interested in locating wind farms to do business in Wisconsin.

This is not only shortsighted in development of renewable energy sources, it is also a job-killer because the companies that now make wind turbines in Wisconsin are already talking about relocating to states where wind power is welcomed.

The easy thing to do is to keep relying on oil and coal to power our cars and heat our homes. The wise thing is to develop a long-range plan that relies on renewable energy.