RENEW says renewable energy can reduce gasses

From a presentation on July 11, 2012, at a Capitol news conference in the state Capitol:

Pathways to Increase Renewable Energy

1. Allow private companies to sell renewable energy to home and building occupants if the renewable system is on private property;
2. Allow fair and uniform net energy billing and interconnection policies;
3. Increase Focus on Energy funding for renewables;
4. Reinstate utility renewable energy commitments;
5. Increase renewable energy requirements.

RENEW says renewable energy can reduce greenhouse gases

From a presentation on July 11, 2012, at a news conference in the state Capitol:

Pathways to Increase Renewable Energy

1. Allow private companies to sell renewable energy to home and building occupants if the renewable system is on private property;
2. Allow fair and uniform net energy billing and interconnection policies;
3. Increase Focus on Energy funding for renewables;
4. Reinstate utility renewable energy commitments;
5. Increase renewable energy requirements.

RENEW says renewable energy can reduce greenhouse gases

From a presentation on July 11, 2012, at a Capitol news conference in the state Capitol:

Pathways to Increase Renewable Energy

1. Allow private companies to sell renewable energy to home and building occupants if the renewable system is on private property;
2. Allow fair and uniform net energy billing and interconnection policies;
3. Increase Focus on Energy funding for renewables;
4. Reinstate utility renewable energy commitments;
5. Increase renewable energy requirements.

Focus on Energy Resumes Offer of Renewable Energy Incentives

Immediate release
July 5, 2012

More information
Don Wichert
Interim Executive Director

Focus on Energy Resumes Offer of Renewable Energy Incentives

Financial incentives to support customer-sited renewable energy systems are once again available from Focus on Energy, the ratepayer-funded energy efficiency and renewable energy program in Wisconsin. About $2 million will be available for solar, wind, biomass, and biogas energy systems between now and December 31, 2012.

The resumption of renewable energy incentives marks the end of a suspension on applications for funding support that lasted six months for residential customers and an entire year for business customers.

“We are pleased that the funding uncertainties with Focus on Energy are behind us and that the renewable energy program is back up and running,” said Don Wichert,

Interim Executive Director of RENEW Wisconsin (RENEW), a nonprofit renewable energy advocacy organization.

“With the resumption of incentives, there is no need for customers to ‘wait and see’ what the future holds.”

In January, RENEW Wisconsin delivered a letter, signed by over 150 businesses, schools, and local officials, to the Public Service Commission asking the agency “to exercise its oversight authority over Focus on Energy and restore funding, without delay, for renewables at a level consistent with previous years’ allocations.” In early March, RENEW organized a similar write-in campaign to the PSC with over 200 comments submitted.

“I am hopeful that the reinstatement of incentives signals a closer working relationship between renewable energy businesses and Focus on Energy administrators,” Wichert said.


RENEW Wisconsin is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that leads and represents businesses, organizations, and individuals who seek more clean renewable energy in Wisconsin. More information on RENEW’s Web site at

What’s Up with Focus and other Renewable Topics

Highlights of an ad hoc update and planning Webinar by Don Wichert, RENEW Wisconsin – May 30, 2012. Click HERE to see the full PowerPoint presentation. (Listen to the presentation here. Requires registration.)


Webinar Topics
RENEW’s 2012 Action items
Focus on Energy Funding
Third Party Ownership
Net Metering
2013 Policy

RENEW’s 2012 Action Plan

  1. Organize WI renewable energy stakeholders
  2. Grow business opportunities for renewables
  3. Promote fair value pricing for renewable energy
  4.  Encourage state government support
  5. Revive utility support
  6. Guide reasoned permitting
  7. Maintain & increase renewable energy standards

Meeting with Shaw

Asked a number of questions

  • Actual 2011 expenditures in Focus and renewables
    • List of commitments by tech and $ in 2012
    • Copy of the Total Resource Cost (TRC) calculator
  • Shaw said they are flexible in considering options for Focus renewable funds 
  • Need to roll out program by July 2, 2012
  • RENEW to prepare options by June 1

2012 Focus Funding: Options

  • $10 million is available to SPEND in 2012 
  • $2.1 million is available for new projects to SPEND
    • Energy efficiency qualified only? 

Three program options:

  • Reverse auctions for res and non-res @$700,000 each, leverages ~$6 million @~$0.8 per kWh per year
  • Loan program @$700,000, leverages $10,000,000 in loans and $200,000 for PR and administration
  • First come-first serve residential, RFP non-residential

Questions [During the presentation, participants answered a several questions on presentation topics, including the following ones.]

Q. Should Focus spend vs. obligate the $10 million in incentives this year?
A. Spend: 43% Obligate: 39% Don’t know: 18%

Q. Do you think Focus should limit applications to only those who meet efficiency guidelines?

A. Yes: 37% No: 63%

Q. Should there be carve outs or a minimum level of funding for all technologies?

A. Yes: 61% No: 39%

Q. What percent of the funds should be allocated to residential and non-residential sectors?

A. Res: 46.5% Non-res: 53.5%