RENEW Wisconsin hosts Renewable Energy Policy Summit, Jan. 13, 2012

REtaking Initiative – REframing Message REvitalizing Economy
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Pyle Center, UW-Madison Campus
702 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53703
Wisconsin’s renewable energy marketplace is going through a tumultuous period. We need to chart a new course for 2012 to address the ongoing policy uncertainties and emerging marketplace realities.
RENEW WI invites stakeholders from around the state to join us in shaping the renewable energy community’s 2012 policy agenda.

If you want to build or buy any part of today’s energy economy, this is a conversation you want to be part of. Join RENEW members, businesses, energy customers, and legislators to craft a robust policy platform for renewable energy in Wisconsin.

Breakout Groups will discuss strategies for:

Expanding Market Access for Customers and Generators;
Economics of Renewable Production;
Regulatory Environment for Renewable Production ;
How do we choose who we want to be customers of?
Summit Outcomes
Summit Statement for enacting an Energy Economy that works for Wisconsin, with RENEW Wisconsin facilitating working groups throughout 2012.

More information and registration at
RENEW Wisconsin Renewable Energy Policy Summit.

RENEW Wisconsin hosts Renewable Energy Policy Summit, Jan. 13, 2012

REtaking Initiative – REframing Message REvitalizing Economy
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Pyle Center, UW-Madison Campus
702 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53703
Wisconsin’s renewable energy marketplace is going through a tumultuous period. We need to chart a new course for 2012 to address the ongoing policy uncertainties and emerging marketplace realities.
RENEW WI invites stakeholders from around the state to join us in shaping the renewable energy community’s 2012 policy agenda.

If you want to build or buy any part of today’s energy economy, this is a conversation you want to be part of. Join RENEW members, businesses, energy customers, and legislators to craft a robust policy platform for renewable energy in Wisconsin.

Breakout Groups will discuss strategies for:

Expanding Market Access for Customers and Generators;
Economics of Renewable Production;
Regulatory Environment for Renewable Production ;
How do we choose who we want to be customers of?
Summit Outcomes
Summit Statement for enacting an Energy Economy that works for Wisconsin, with RENEW Wisconsin facilitating working groups throughout 2012.

More information and registration at
RENEW Wisconsin Renewable Energy Policy Summit.

Chippewa Valley Sustainable Energy and Development Series Begins Oct. 13

The City of Eau Claire and Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce are pleased to present a series on sustainable energy and development. See attachment for more details. Please consider attending one or all of the remaining sessions.

Bright Future: Solar Electric, October 13th
Event link:

Building Green: A LEED Primer from the Field, November 3rd
Event link:

GeoExchange: From Concept to Completion, December 7th
Event Link:


The Energy Center University, powered by the Energy Center of Wisconsin

High performance windows and wall assemblies
Oct 25, 2011 • Eau Claire, WI
There are dozens of ways to design and spec both new and retrofit high performance wall assemblies. There are an equal number of ways to integrate high performance windows into those same assemblies. Which ones work the best; which are the most cost-effective or easily detailed? Which material selections fit together for optimal moisture management?

Come learn the building science principles that drive high performance wall design and specification. Bring your own plans, details, photos, and drawings to work on all the nitty-gritty details with your peers and your instructor. There is always more than one way to do high performance walls and windows; the principles remain the same while the details can vary quite a bit. There is no one right way and we will explore best practices in contexts that you and the instructor provide, using 2-D drawings and 3-D mock-ups.
Link to more:

HVAC retrofits for energy conservation
Nov 9, 2011 • Eau Claire, WI
Reduce energy use and save money using variable frequency drives, direct digital controls and CO2-based demand controlled ventilation systems. Ryan Hoger will present the most current information regarding each of these technologies plus case studies showing dollar savings from HVAC retrofits at this full-day workshop. He’ll review sales tools that can help you predict energy savings for your clients, present a summary of applicable codes and standards, and discuss future code changes.

Advanced lighting retrofits
Dec 8, 2011 • Eau Claire, WI
Learn how to cost-effectively retrofit commercial lighting to efficiency levels that qualify for EPACT tax deductions. We’ll address lighting retrofits for a variety of commercial applications, including offices and high bay settings.

You don’t need complicated, costly dimming systems to effectively reduce lighting energy use in office environments. Find out how high-Kelvin and high-performance T8s, extra-efficient fixed-output ballasts, one- and two-lamp 2×4 kits and fixtures, one lamp per cross section suspended indirect/direct fixtures and LED task lights can cost-effectively provide very low power densities as well as very high lighting quality.
There are a multitude of technologies that can replace energy-wasting standard metal halide, high pressure sodium and mercury vapor lighting in high bay settings. We’ll discuss the best applications for improved T8 and T5HO lamps and ballasts, induction, electronically ballasted pulse-start metal halide, T8VHO, solid state metal halide and LEDs.

More information:
Ned Noel / Associate Planner / City of Eau Claire / 203 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire, WI 54701
tel: 715.839.8488 / fax: 715.839.4939 / e-mail:

Aldo Leopold Banquet on March 3rd

The UW- Eau Claire Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) In Support of the UW-Eau Claire Confluence Center & Watershed Institute Presents the 6th Annual Aldo Banquet & Silent Auction.

Join us for this very special evening, featuring:
• Introduction of the Aldo Leopold land ethic
• Exquisite Native American dining: Smoked Buffalo with wild rice, nut-crusted river trout, and
…gourmet vegetarian options
• Musical entertainment courtesy of the “Stoop Singers”
• Special guests appearances by:
• Kenny Salwey: “Mississippi: Tales of the Last River Rat”
– Joe Knight: Eau Claire Leader Telegram outdoor writer/author
– Dr. Sean Hartnett: UW-Eau Claire Geography and Anthropology Department
– Dr. Garry Running: UW-Eau Claire Confluence Center & Watershed Institute
– Sam Worple and the student staff at the Environmental Adventure Center

Tickets: $15.00 Students $20.00 Faculty/Staff & Community Members.

This year’s proceeds benefit the Wisconsin Youth Success Program (WYSP); connecting Aldo Leopold with the “Next Generation”
Call Dan Langlois at 715-836-3616 or email for more information.