Webinar on renewable energy for green communities

Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative, is proud to sponsor a Webinar on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008 titled Sustainable Energy for Green Communities.

The Webinar is designed for individuals who envision a greener future for their communities. Participants will be presented an overview on how to create a community energy plan with energy sustainability as a key component. This plan focuses on areas such as carbon emissions and environmental quality, energy efficiency strategies to apply at the community level and a discussion on renewable resources such as solar, biomass and wind energy.

Participants will also learn how Focus on Energy can assist communities in implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. In addition, other community energy resources will be presented from the University of Wisconsin Extension Service, and the Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence through its Energy Independent Communities Program.

Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008
12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Those interested in participating in the Sustainable Energy for Green Communities Webinar can register online at www.ecw.org/sustenergy. The cost is $29.00.

Local government officials and planners, private planning consultants, plan commissioners, and other professionals and volunteers involved in sustainable community planning issues. (1.25 AICP Certification Maintenance credits, AICP approval pending)

Green Drinks in Milwaukee, September 10

Cities across the U.S. host Green Drinks events. Here’s how the Sierra Club describes Milwaukee’s:

Anyone interested in green and sustainable is welcome. No rsvp necessary and feel free to pass this notice on to others interested. What is Green Drinks? Green Drinks is a monthly event where you can meet people, network, do a business deal, learn something new or maybe even find a job! Check out www.greendrinks.org to get an idea of the scope of this movement! Join like-minded people in an informal and unstructured setting to talk about the latest sustainability happenings in Milwaukee and globally. Meet people in various green professions. Have a drink (alcoholic or not) . . .

Green Drinks is held at 5:00 pm on the second Wednesday of the month at Ardor (non-smoking Pub), 607 N. Broadway. The next gathering is Wedesday, September 10.

Everything renewable and efficient

From Focus on Energy’s Information Center:

Focus on Energy’s Information Center is your ultimate resource for energy efficiency and renewable energy tips and information. Enjoy free access to a library of product and equipment data, fact sheets, case studies, technology updates, industry best practices and more.

Let Focus on Energy give you the information you need to make more informed energy efficiency and renewable energy decisions.

Buy products made from renewable energy!

From an article by Steve Kokette, signit2@hotmail.com, creator of the “Buy Products From Renewable Energy” bumper sticker and author of Money Saving Conservation Products and Projects for the Homeowner.

Recently Governor Doyle suggested Wisconsin could become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy. Doing so would be extremely beneficial for the state in many ways, even if you’re not a believer in global warming. Seventy percent of the U.S. economy is consumer driven, and if consumers started consciously spending their money on the thousands of products made with renewable energy, it could help clean the air, and the water.

It feels strange living in an era when life often seems to be regressing in the very places it started. When I was young, the DNR did not recommend limiting your intake of Wisconsin caught fish. Then in the late 60s, a short stretch of the Fox River polluted by paper mills was so polluted the DNR recommended people eat a limited number of fish from these waters. Since the late 60s the number of Wisconsin waters with DNR fish consumption limitations slowly grew over the years, until a few years ago the DNR recommended fish consumption limitations for fish caught in all Wisconsin lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams. This is not progress.

If you want to reduce acid rain, when you buy products, try to buy products made from renewable energy. If you want to reduce mercury pollution, buy products made from renewables. If you want to reduce particulate matter in the air, buy products made from renewables. If you want to help those with respiratory problems, which might include yourself and/or people you know, buy products made from renewables.

Every person who renews a membership or joins RENEW will get a free bumper sticker!

Green marketing means walking the talk

From a column in The Daily Reporter by Jennifer L. Guslick, marketing coordinator for Hunzinger Construction, Brookfield:

Four years ago the supplies and processes I used to do my job as a marketing professional were based on attributes like color, texture, cost, benefits, functionality, quality and necessity. Then my employer, Hunzinger Construction, shifted toward sustainability.

I began looking for ways to perform my job that would create the least environmental impact — from the supplies and tools I choose to the processes I use to perform my job.

One of the first things I looked at was paper. We switched to post-consumer-content recycled paper produced by wind mills and began utilizing Forest Stewardship Certified paper.

We also looked to The Marek Group for much of our printing needs. The Marek Group uses soy-based inks and is an FSC-certified printer.

“We went through the FSC certification process so we would be able to provide our clients with an environmentally sound option for their printed material,” said Marek Vice President Ben Rocco. “We feel it is all of our responsibility to do our part to manage our natural resources.”