Earth Day Celebration, April 26, at Havenswood State Forest

John Bahr, a member of RENEW Wisconsin’s Board of Directors, will make four presentations at the Earth Day Celebration at Havenwoods State Forest:

10:00-10:15  Alternative energy sources
11:00-11:15   Cool Cities program
12:30-12:45  Wind power
1:15- 1:30       Global warming

Saturday April 26, 2008
Havenwoods State Forest
6141 N. Hopkins Street, Milwaukee
1 block west of Sherman Blvd. on Douglas Ave.

John began his career with General Electric doing process and product design. After receiving a Ph. D. in biomedical engineering he was appointed to a faculty position by the Medical College of Wisconsin where he did research, system development and taught in the Department of Pediatrics and Obstetrics. He has authored several books and technical papers, and went on to manage two new national businesses in medical data processing before retiring. He also chairs the Energy and Global Warming Committee for the Sierra Club.

Renewable energy financing workshops set, April 18 & April 25

From the Office of Energy Independence:

MADISON – The Wisconsin Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the Office of Energy Independence will host two free renewable energy financing workshops for industry businesses and researchers. The workshops will provide information about the new Wisconsin Energy Independence Fund (WEIF), a renewable energy loan and grant program administered by Commerce, as well as other available renewable energy resources.

“I am pleased that Commerce is able to offer these free workshops as another step toward Wisconsin’s energy independence,” said Commerce Secretary Jack L. Fischer, AIA. “Governor Doyle’s Clean Energy Wisconsin plan calls for $15 million annually in grants and loans for research and development, commercialization or adoption of new technologies, and supply chain development.”

Information about how to apply for the WEIF program, eligibility, and program requirements will be explained at the meeting.

The workshops will be held in:

Madison: Friday, April 18 from 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Commerce, 201 W. Washington Avenue.

Stevens Point: Friday, April 25, 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., UW-Stevens Point, Legacy Room, Dreyfus University Center, 1015 Reserve Street.

The application period for the first round of funding will run from April 1 to June 2, 2008. For application materials and more information about the program and a program fact sheet, visit the Department of Commerce.

The Office of Energy Independence (OEI) has additional information on other state programs, federal grants, and private funds available for clean energy and fuel-related projects. Contact David Jenkins, OEI, (608) 264-7651,