Family enjoys wind turbines

From an article by Rick Vanderlinde in The Alliston Hearld(central Ontario, Canada):

SHELBURNE — As Andria Hutchinson watched the giant wind turbines being erected around her home two years ago, she grew uneasy.

The windmills, with their massive concrete columns and large fiberglass blades, were beginning to dominate the flat farmland of Melancthon Township, just west of Shelburne.

“We didn’t know what to think when they were going up,” she says, gazing at the blades of a turbine spinning in the brisk breeze last Thursday. “They sat there all winter and we thought, ‘Gee how loud are these things going to be?’”

Two summers later, Hutchinson and her young family have grown to enjoy the 45 windmills built by Canadian Hydro in this Dufferin County township.

“We don’t mind them at all. There’s no real noise from what we can tell,” she says. “You basically have to stop walking along the gravel to hear them because your footsteps are louder than they are.”

Hutchinson, who lives on a farmstead but doesn’t have any of the windmills on her land, even enjoys the striking display of the white windmills.

“I found they actually relax you. They have a calming effect as the blades spin around,” she says. “It’s kind of nice.”

Non-Profits Renewable Energy Grants Workshop, Sept. 23

From the Web site of We Energies:

If you are interested in our renewable energy grants but not sure how to get start, attend our free Renewable Energy Grant Workshop on Sept. 23, 2008, at the Milwaukee Marriott West from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Pre-registration required.

According to the Web site, We Energies offers “Prescriptive and Custom Incentives to non-profit, charitable organizations that implement electric or natural gas-saving measures at their facilities. This guide, along with a conversation with a program representative, can assist you in determining your eligibility.”

Wind farm open house, Saturday, Sept. 13

The Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center, located in the towns of Calumet and Marshfield in northeast Fond du Lac County, is designed to generate 145 megawatts (MW) of electricity, and is capable of powering approximately 36,000 average residential homes. The site consists of 88 wind turbines.

Construction of the project began in June 2007. On May 19, 2008, Blue Sky Green Field was placed into commercial operation. The turbines are capable of generating more than 328 million emission-free kilowatt-hours annually.

Saturday, Sept.13
9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Blue Sky Green Field Office
N9470 County Highway W
Malone, WI 53049

Tours will be given approximately every 30 minutes. WE Energies invites you to stop by at your convenience during the tour hours listed above. No reservations required.

The turbine is located a short walking distance from the parkingarea. Please wear sturdy shoes suitable for walking on a graveled surface.

Webinar on renewable energy for green communities

Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative, is proud to sponsor a Webinar on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008 titled Sustainable Energy for Green Communities.

The Webinar is designed for individuals who envision a greener future for their communities. Participants will be presented an overview on how to create a community energy plan with energy sustainability as a key component. This plan focuses on areas such as carbon emissions and environmental quality, energy efficiency strategies to apply at the community level and a discussion on renewable resources such as solar, biomass and wind energy.

Participants will also learn how Focus on Energy can assist communities in implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. In addition, other community energy resources will be presented from the University of Wisconsin Extension Service, and the Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence through its Energy Independent Communities Program.

Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008
12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Those interested in participating in the Sustainable Energy for Green Communities Webinar can register online at The cost is $29.00.

Local government officials and planners, private planning consultants, plan commissioners, and other professionals and volunteers involved in sustainable community planning issues. (1.25 AICP Certification Maintenance credits, AICP approval pending)

Green Vision for Milwaukee

The Green Vision statement of the Milwaukee Office of Environmental Sustainability:

It’s about our economy.

It’s about our environment.

It’s about a New Milwaukee.

Milwaukee will be a livable city where our rivers and lakes are clean;
where our beaches are crowded with families enjoying the sand and water;
where our political leaders do not hesitate to innovate;
where our air is clear and our children can safely play outside on summer days;
where shopping and entertainment are within walking distance of our homes;
where employers in the hottest green technologies come to do business;
where our workforce is qualified and ready to work for these businesses;
where our city is known to young professionals around the country as a progressive place to live;
where we consider the future when we make decisions today;
where the story when it rains is how green and our streetscapes are, not that our sewerage plants have overflowed;
where citizens, businesses, and governments come together to find practical solutions our shared challenges;
and where we do the hard work to make this vision a reality.