Keep blowing wind power forward

From an editorial in the Wisconsin State Journal:

The exciting possibility of harnessing significant wind power using giant turbines offshore on Lake Michigan moved closer to reality last week.

State officials said three developers are contemplating various ways to erect hundreds of wind turbines on the water that could transmit clean energy back to land.

The plans are only conceptual. Yet state officials are wisely encouraged and seriously exploring several options, potential costs and hang-ups.

Wisconsin is not a windy state. And attempts to build giant wind turbines on land in the past have faced fierce opposition from some neighbors who don ‘t like the look or sound of them.

That ‘s what makes the prospect to putting turbines on lakes Michigan and Superior so appealing. The wind over the lakes is notoriously strong. And if positioned far enough off land, the turbines won ‘t be visible to shoreline property owners who might otherwise object.

Photo from the National Renewable Energy Lab.

Local leaders cite new report as boosting KRM

From a report just released by the Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPERG:

Milwaukee, WI – The KRM Commuter Rail line and other public transportation projects received a boost as civic leaders held an event at the Milwaukee Intermodal Station calling for approval of financing and citing a major new report on oil savings and other benefits from public transportation across the country. The WISPIRG report, A Better Way to Go: Meeting America’s 21st Century Transportation Challenges with Modern Public Transit, examines the challenges faced by America’s transportation system and the benefits of existing rail and bus projects in Wisconsin and other states.

According to the report, transit in Milwaukee is responsible for 1.1 million gallons of oil saved and $3 million dollars saved that would have otherwise been spent on gas. With rising gas prices, the report underscored the value and need for lawmakers to invest in transit. Around the country transit saves 3.4 billion gallons of oil each year, prevents 541 million hours of traffic delay and reduces global warming pollution by 26 million tons. Demand for public transportation is booming nationally, with transit trips far outpacing the growth of auto miles or population since 1995.

Challenge the Governor's Task Force on Global Warming

From Hans Noeldner:


Let’s challenge the Wisconsin Governor’s Task Force on Global Warming to take its own medicine! Please contact the co-chairs and urge them to:

(1) Determine the “Carbon Footprint” of the Task Force’s upcoming
meeting on Thursday, April 18

(2) Establish specific greenhouse gas reduction targets for
subsequent Task Force meetings

(3) Announce the Task Force’s April 18 “Footprint” and its reduction
targets (via press conference or press release)

(4) Measure “Carbon Footprints” for all subsequent meetings

(5) Provide the public with a final report

Email your request to:

Tia Nelson, co-chair

Roy Thilly, co-chair


(1) The job of the Task Force on Global Warming is to design policies
that will slash Wisconsin’s greenhouse gas emissions 60 to 80% below
1990 levels by the year 2050.

(2) Unfortunately, preliminary calculations indicate that the Task
Force’s current policy recommendations fail to even reduce emissions
below current levels. Clearly there is MUCH MORE work to do!

(3) Why should the Task Force measure its own Carbon Footprint and
establish its own reduction goals? Because when Task Force members
begin to “walk the talk”, they will make an essential shift in their
THINKING – from the abstract and hypothetical to specific ACTIONS
here and now – for example, on their way to and from Task Force

(4) Is this a tall order? No. Here is what needs to happen:

a. Task Force members who drive to meetings would either record
actual fuel consumption or estimate fuel consumption based on
distance traveled and MPG for their vehicle

b. In lieu of recording actual travel distances, driving members
could use Google Maps to compute their totals

c. Wisconsin Public Power Inc. would measure/estimate/prorate heating
and electrical consumption in facilities used by the Task Force

d. Task Force support staff would compute the totals

Kenosha resident generates green power, profits from wind & sun

From a press release issued by Focus on Energy:

KENOSHA, Wis. — Charles Heide of Kenosha is the latest Wisconsin resident to discover the benefits of clean, renewable energy, including reduced energy costs and the satisfaction that comes from helping preserve the environment. His recently completed solar electric and wind systems feed surplus power back to the grid, resulting in monthly energy bill credits.

In June 2007, Heide installed a large 35-kilowatt (kW) wind turbine and in September2007, he installed a 10.5 kW solar electric system. The projects were completed with the help of nearly $65,000 in grants from Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy program.

Each year, Heide’s wind and solar electric systems will generate more than 87,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power eight typical Wisconsin homes. The renewable energy produced by these systems will offset the burning of 44 tons of coal and the release of more than 100 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and a major contributor to global climate change.

Wind turbines in Lake Michigan? It's being studied

From an Associated Press article by Todd Richmond published in the Green Bay Press-Gazette:

MADISON — State regulators want to study what it would take to implant giant wind turbines in Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, a move that might someday lead to new power for Wisconsin but cost millions of dollars and transform serene lake views.

The three-member Public Service Commission voted unanimously today to begin assessing whether the concept can be executed, the power it could generate, the costs and public sentiment.

“There’s enough unanswered questions that it’s a matter of public policy. We should explore it,” said Eric Callisto, commission Chairman Dan Ebert’s executive assistant. “The economics have to dictate this makes sense. But right now we’re in something of an information vacuum.”

Gov. Jim Doyle’s global warming task force recommended the commission, the state Department of Natural Resources and the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands convene a study group on offshore generation in Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. The task force said Wisconsin doesn’t have the same wind quality as western states and should at least examine offshore prospects.

The study group should explore costs, issues related to lake bed development and impact on birds, the task force recommended. The group also should explore a partnership with the state of Michigan in offshore efforts. Callisto said the PSC hopes to complete the study by the end of the year.