Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing, Oct. 6-8, Milwaukee

The Wisconsin Machine Tool Show (WMTS) features an Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Pavilion to introduce show participants to energy efficient, lean, green, and sustainable manufacturing processes.

The American Wind Energy Association will have a presentation on the wind industry supply chain.

Dave Jenkins from the Office of Energy Independence will update show attendees on ARRA programs and funds.

The German-American Chamber of Commerce will make two presentations:
+ Energy Efficiency in Germany: How U.S. Manufacturers Can Benefit;
+ Supply Chain Opportunities in Renewable Energy.

Focus on Energy will be the Gold Sponsor of the Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Pavilion. They plan to make a presentation each day of the show:
+ Controlling your Energy Costs – An overview of Focus on Energy;
+ A Case Study on Energy Efficiency;
+ Save Energy, Save Money – Getting started with energy self-assessments for small-mid size industrial facilities.

MATC’s Center for Energy Conservation and Advanced Manufacturing and RENEW are also sponsors.

Registration opens for Solar Decade Conference, Oct. 2, Milwaukee

From the Web page of the Solar Decade:

Join renowned industry experts as they discuss the benefits of solar energy for your home, business and career!

Now in its fifth year, the Wisconsin Solar Decade Conference is your opportunity to see firsthand the latest developments in the world of solar energy. Register today to hear from top industry experts and attend dozens of exhibits, workshops and panel discussions as you discover the state of the technology, the state of the market and where both will be tomorrow!

•Learn about the latest solar energy applications for your home and business
•Discover opportunities to tap the renewable energy market and expand your business
•Network with fellow builders, contractors, homeowners and business owners

Keynote speakers
Dr. Lawrence L. Kazmerski
Executive Director of Science and Technology Partnerships, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Dr. Lawrence L. Kazmerski, executive director of science and technology partnerships at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, is a solar-energy industry veteran who has authored hundreds of journal papers and several books on solar photovoltaics. For his years of research and work, “Kaz” has received recognition both nationally and internationally.

Travis Bradford
Founder and President – Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development

Travis Bradford is founder and president of the Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development, a nonprofit organization focused on harnessing the power of the business sector to develop cost-effective and sustainable solutions in technology. In his most recent book, Solar Revolution, Bradford argues that solar energy will become the best and cheapest choice for energy over the next 20 years.

Register here.

Rapids turbine blade maker gets $100,000 training boost

From a news release issued by the Department of Workforce Development:

WISCONSIN RAPIDS – On behalf of Governor Jim Doyle, Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Secretary Roberta Gassman today awarded a $100,000 workforce training grant to prepare the first of 400 workers for green jobs when a new Wisconsin Rapids business starts manufacturing wind turbine blades. . . .

The $100,000 grant awarded to the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board will be matched by more than $60,000 locally. Among the goals of the Renewable Electric Power project is to train 35 individuals, including dislocated workers, for the first openings at the Energy Composites Corporation. Earlier this year, the firm announced its plans to construct of a 350,000-square-foot, composites fabrication plant to manufacture wind turbine blades.

As part of the project, Mid-State Technical College is creating a 12-credit Composite Certificate, intensive , short-term, customized training in turbine blade fabrication. The 35 trainees are to complete six-months of instruction in June, allowing others to enter the pipeline for employment opportunities at the plant. In the process, the project will develop a green job career pathway for the emerging renewable energy sector in the north central region.

“This is our future,” Secretary Gassman said, “seizing green opportunities that will create good jobs for our citizens and fuel economic growth in the emerging industries of renewable energy, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing.”

Concordia installing solar power system

From an article in The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

Concordia University Wisconsin is installing a $250,000 solar electric system on its Mequon campus.

The system is expected to generate more than 30,000 kilowatt hours of power and will be mounted on Coburg Residence Hall. The project is part of the school’s “green” efforts.

About $170,000 of the project cost will be covered by incentives and grants including a $100,000 contribution from We Energies along with with $23,000 as part of a We Energies buy down program and a $47,000 Focus on Energy 2009 Solar Electric Implementation Grant.