Empower customers to overcome institutional and cultural barriers to renewables in Wisconsin!

From a presentation by Michael Vickerman, Program and Policy Director, titled Progress or Retreat? Constructing a Viable Policy Road Map for Renewables in Wisconsin at the MREA Energy Fair, Custer, WI, June 16: 

  • Climate change issue losing currency
  • Natural gas emerging as the new silver bullet.  100 years’ supply at rock bottom prices?–NOT!!!!
  • RE incentives have been rebranded as subsidies
  • Utilities groaning under excess generating capacity 
  • Revenue growth no longer a certainty 
  • Investment is passé – cost-cutting now the rage.  Consequently, utilities are backpedaling from renewables 

 See the full presentation here.

RENEW Rips WPS’s Net Metering Proposal

For immediate release
May 23, 2012

More information
Michael Vickerman
608.255.4044, ext. 2  

Another example of company backsliding on renewables 

In documents filed in conjunction with its pending rate case, Green Bay-based Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (WPS) proposed several rollbacks to its net metering service that would, if approved, sharply restrict a customer’s ability to generate electricity from renewable energy resources and sell a portion of it back to the utility.

Net metering allows customers to sell the unused output from their solar electric or other renewable energy system back to the utility at the full retail rate from month to month, so long as the surplus electricity is less than or equal to the customers’ usage in a 12-month period.

Currently, WPS customers may install solar or wind energy systems on their premises up to 100 kilowatts (kW). Beginning in January 2013, WPS would roll back that capacity limit to 20 kW.

WPS has also proposed to cap the overall size of its net metering offering at one-half of one percent of 2011 summer peak. No other Wisconsin utility has ever sought to impose capacity-based limits to its net metering service.

“What WPS proposes would be a really bad deal for customers installing small renewable energy systems serving their homes or businesses,” said Michael Vickerman, program and policy director for RENEW Wisconsin, a nonprofit advocacy organization promoting renewable energy use in Wisconsin.

“These service changes are clearly intended to discourage its customers from investing in solar and small wind energy systems,” Vickerman said. “If WPS gets its way, the renewable energy marketplace in that part of Wisconsin will slow down significantly.”

“At a time when the customers and communities in WPS territory are looking to renewable energy to support new jobs and manage their energy costs, the company is doing its level best to take that option away from them,” Vickerman said.

As an intervenor in WPS’s rate case, RENEW Wisconsin will ask the Public Service Commission to:
• Reject WPS’s proposal to impose a system-wide cap on net metering service;
• Maintain the current maximum system size at 100 kW; and
• Base WPS’s calculation of net energy on annual usage instead of monthly usage.

“What we will ask for is a standard of service that is already offered by two Wisconsin utilities: Madison Gas & Electric (MGE) and Xcel Energy,” Vickerman said. “WPS’s proposal is a particularly egregious example of company backsliding.”

Vickerman noted that MGE, which also has a pending rate proceeding before the Public Service Commission, did not propose any changes to its net metering service for 2013 and 2014.

 “We urge the PSC to work toward a uniform net metering policy for the state using MGE’s and Xcel’s service as a template,” Vickerman said.

Vickerman added: “WPS, it should be remembered, was the driving force behind the “Outsource Renewable Energy to Canada Act,” which was signed into law in 2011. That law lets utilities apply the energy they purchase from large Canadian hydropower sources toward their renewable energy requirements, at the expense of in-state renewable energy providers. Within that context, WPS’s net metering proposal constitutes another slight to Wisconsin’s renewable energy marketplace.”


RENEW Wisconsin is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) that leads and represents businesses and individuals who seek more clean, renewable energy in Wisconsin. More information on RENEW’s Web site at www.renewwisconsin.org.

Catching Wind updates Wisconsin wind news

Catching Wind, a newsletter from RENEW Wisconsin, includes the following updates on wind in Wisconsin:

Siting rule survives challenge, takes effect
Capping a bitter four-year struggle, the Legislature cleared the path for wind energy development to resume in Wisconsin under clear and consistent rules.

By adjourning without passage of bills restricting wind development, the Legislature allowed a statewide permitting rule developed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) to take effect.

Community wind sweeps into western Wisconsin
Two privately owned utility-scale wind turbines are set to rise this spring near Organic Valley Cooperative’s distribution center in Cashton, home of Wisconsin’s first Community Wind project. Called Cashton Greens, the wind project is a joint venture of LaFarge-based Organic Valley and La Crosse-based Gundersen Lutheran Health System.

St. Croix County Wind Project seeks PSC approval
In a first for the Badger State, western Wisconsin, specifically, St. Croix County will provide the backdrop for a high-profile permitting battle over a utility-scale wind energy project. The 41-turbine project would be located in the towns of Forest and Cylon, about 30 miles northeast of Hudson.

RENEW Cheers End of Wind Siting Impasse

Immediate release
March 16, 2012

More information
Michael Vickerman
Program and Policy Director

RENEW Cheers End of Wind Siting ImpasseImproved Regulatory Climate Will Attract New Projects

Capping a bitter four-year struggle, the Legislature cleared the path for wind energy development to resume in Wisconsin under clear and consistent rules.

By adjourning without passage of bills restricting wind development, the Legislature allowed a statewide permitting rule developed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) to take effect. That rule, which the PSC issued in late 2010 after extensive deliberation and public comment, was suspended by a legislative oversight committee on March 1, 2011.

“During the PSC rule suspension, wind development slowed to a virtual standstill, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars in construction and manufacturing opportunities, as well as a significant revenue hit to landowners and local governments,” said Michael Vickerman, Program and Policy Director of RENEW Wisconsin, a statewide organization advocating for more clean renewable energy.

For 2012, wind energy companies in each of the states surrounding Wisconsin are constructing hundreds of megawatts of new generating capacity, compared with a projected addition of five megawatts here, enough to power only 1,000 houses, according to Vickerman.

“We hope this outcome will end the wind industry’s exodus to greener pastures. As with any other economic sector, the wind industry will flourish in a welcoming environment where the rules of the road are clear and consistently applied. We believe that the long-delayed rule will provide the certainty needed by investors, contractors, local governments, and landowners.”


News releases

11.12.12 State’s Renewable Standard Delivers Positive Results
09.27.12 RENEW Raps We Energies’ Radical Proposal to Restrict Net Metering
09.11.12 Utilities Get C on Renewable Energy Report Card
07.17.12 Cashton Greens Community Wind Project Plows New Ground
07.11.12 RENEW Announces New Members of Board of Directors
07.05.12 Focus on Energy Resumes Offer of Renewable Energy Incentives
05.23.12 RENEW Rips WPS’s Net Metering Proposal
04.17.12 PSC Issues Flawed Decision on Renewable Energy
03.16.12 RENEW Cheers End of Wind Siting Impasse

10.13.11 RENEW Puts Solar Hot Water on the Wisconsin Map
09.27.11 Montfort Wind Farm Marks 10th Anniversary
08.08.11 Statement of Michael Vickerman on Alliant’s Iowa Wind Energy Project
07.20.11 RENEW Debuts Wisconsin Renewable Energy Map
07.18.11 National Study Vindicates Wisconsin’s Clean Energy Policies
07.05.11 Funding Hiatus Darkens Outlook for In-State Renewables
05.13.11 We Energies Terminates Its Renewable Energy Program
04.15.11 Rising Diesel Prices Fuel Higher Electric Rates
03.30.11 Second Wind Developer Foresakes Wisconsin for Greener Pastures
03.27.11 Hostile Regulatory Climate Sinks Brown County Wind Project.
03.01.11 Suspension of Wind Siting Rule endangers state’s economic future
01.18.11 Walker’s wind siting proposal strips local control
01.10.11 Landowners and municipalities to reap millions from wind farm operations for 2010

12.09.10 PSC Approves Final Wind Siting Rule; Improve Clean Energy Outlook
12.01.10 Wisconsin Cannot Afford to Ignore Rising Cost of Coal
09.16.10 MGE Rate Filing Rewards Fossil Fuel Use, Penalizes Renewable Energy
07.07.10 Uniformity Cited as Key to Wind Siting Success
06.09.10 Village of Cascade Installs Two Wind Turbines at Wastewater Plant
06.04.10 DOE program recognizes Vickerman for wind advocacy
05.24.10 Canadian company’s first U.S. turbine spins plenty of power for cranberry farm
04.27.10 Renewable Energy Not Responsible for MGE Rate Increase
04.23.10 RENEW Wisconsin Calls for Veto of Waste-to-energy bill
04.21.10 We Energies Wins Praise for Support of Clean Energies Job Act
04.15.10 RENEW Wisconsin Backs Amended Clean Energy Jobs Act
01.29.10 Hearing on Clean Energy Jobs Act bill trivialized Advanced Renewable Tariffs
01.21.10 RENEW denounces WMC’s “fact-free flip-flop” on energy bill
01.11.10 Wind project approval will recharge state’s economy

12.22.09 Think tank flunks renewable energy analysis
12.15.09 Report: Wind turbines cause no human harm
10.30.09 PSC Approval of Bay Front Project Advances Wood Over Coal
10.23.09 Solar Outlook Set to Dim in 2010
09.15.09 State Senate strongly backs new rules for wind projects
08.27.09 PSC opens door for more in-state renewable installations
07.09.09 Statement on PSC approval of Alliant’s Bent Tree project
05.08.09 State snares federal dollars for renewable energy work
01.22.09 Manitowoc County Says “No Can Do” to Windpower Project

12.03.08 RENEW, Farmers Union, and partners launch Homegrown Renewable Energy Campaign
11.17.08 RENEW, Clean Wisconsin endorse Manitowoc wind project
11.11.08 RENEW’s reaction to PSC rejection of Cassville coal plant
01.16.08 Calumet County morass blocks wind projects again

12.18.07 Trempealeau sharply limits wind service