We Energies recognized for one of nation’s best green power programs

From RENEW Wisconsin’s Michael Vickerman:

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory today released its annual assessment of leading utility renewable energy subscription programs across the nation. Several programs offered by Wisconsin utilities finished in the Top 10 in four categories of performance. Deserving of kudos are We Energies, Madison Gas & Electric and two municipal utilities–River Falls and Lake Mills–served by WPPI Energy. Congratulations on a fine performance last year!

Individual program rankings are as follows:

* We Energies’ Energy for Tomorrow program came in 8th in total renewable energy sales and 10th in total number of customer participants.
* Madison Gas & Electric’s Green Power Tomorrow program posted the 4th highest customer participation rate and ranked 6th in terms of program sales as a percentage of overall retail electricity sales.
* The River Falls municipal utility posted the 9th highest customer participation rate and ranked 3rd in terms of program sales as a percentage of overall retail electricity sales.
* The Lake Mills municipal utility posted the 10th highest customer participation rate.

Though NREL does not keep track of solar capacity that were supported by renewable energy subscribers, it’s worth mentioning that from 2006 to 2008 We Energies leveraged the installation of 1 MW of customer-owned solar capacity through its Energy for Tomorrow program. Alliant and MGE also offers a 25 cent/kWh solar rate that is also supported by program subscribers.

For more information about NREL’s 2008 assessment, go to: http://www.nrel.gov/news/press/2009/679.html

Help the MREA at Move Some Earth Day, Saturday, April 25!

From an announcement from the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, Custer, WI:

Enjoy Earth Day with friends and help support the MREA! Move Some Earth Day brings together volunteers to help improve our demonstration site, so we can better promote and educate others about renewable energy and sustainable living.

We have a variety of projects and need a variety of skills. Bring tools such as rakes, shovels, chainsaws, etc. All volunteers should bring gloves.

We need help in the following areas:
• Cleaning the ReNew the Earth facility
• Landscaping and mowing
• Preparing the pond for spring
• Cleaning shower trailer at campground
• Turning compost & Many other projects!

Move Some Earth Day happens rain or shine.

We Energies offers R&D grants, scholarships to conferences

We Energies Renewable Energy Research and Development (R&D) Grant Program

We Energies has established the Renewable Energy Research and Development (R&D) Grant Program to offer financial assistance in the form of a grant (up to a maximum award of $200,000) to conduct research on renewable energy technologies that results in the generation of electric energy, or to help demonstrate a renewable energy product associated with the production of renewable electricity. Eligible applicants include We Energies electric business and non-profit customers. Organizations other than We Energies customers may apply if partnered with a customer. A proposed research project must be located within We Energies electric service territory, or if not located within the service territory it must clearly provide local benefits to the electric service territory. Grants are intended for research and development endeavors that will clearly advance a technology or product, and will clearly contribute positively to the renewable energy industry. Applications received on an ongoing basis through 2009.

We Energies Renewable Energy Scholarship Program
The 2009 Renewable Energy Scholarship Program provides grants to We Energies electric customers or individuals employed by a We Energies customer to attend a renewable energy conference. Eligible participants of this Scholarship Program include:

+ Private industry representatives whose companies are located within We Energies’ electric service territory, whose companies are engaged in the training, development or manufacturing of a renewable energy product or technology. Also considered are representatives of companies that are actively pursuing on-site installation of a renewable energy generating facility. Applicants must be full-time employees in good standing and directly engaged in renewable energy related activities.
+ Full-time staff members of non-profit organizations engaged in activities directly related to the renewable energy industry, such as policy development, where such activities have a direct impact within We Energies’ electric service territory.
+ More information.
+ Also, separate scholarship program for K-12, Post-Secondary and Community Educators.

Case study of renewable energy, City of Eau Claire

From a case study of the Eau Claire Waste Water Treatment Plant:

The City of Eau Claire generates methane gas from its Waste Water Treatment Plant to help copower the facility. The following is a summary of computed savings at the plant using the methane gas produced during the Anaerobic Digestion of biosolids, and the generators to unitize this gas. The volume of the plant’s gas production is 24,000 kWh or as indicated . . . .

Thus, an estimate of $203,868 of annual savings occurs at the Waste Water Treatment Plant using a by‐product of the anaerobic digestion process. However, because of the higher price of energy, the City has been running the generators typically from 18‐24hours per day, so the savings have been greater. The City has been using this gas in generators for over 27 years, so the savings have been very significant.

Grants available to fund staff positions on energy savings

From a news release issued by Focus on Energy:

MADISON, Wis. (March 17, 2009) – Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative, announced new staffing grants today to help businesses, manufacturers, farms, schools and government facilities throughout the state complete energy efficiency projects.

“Businesses don’t need to let staffing issues become a barrier to energy savings,” said Ken Williams, Focus on Energy’s Business Programs director. “Focus on Energy is committed to helping companies overcome barriers that prevent them from completing energy efficiency projects.”

The grants will fund up to $80,000 for a full- or part-time employee or consultant to work on-site and manage energy efficiency projects that otherwise would not be completed due to a lack of human resources. Grant funding will go toward the salary and benefits of a project manager who will oversee and engineer energy savings projects.

The grant is designed to help businesses hire new staff or retain existing employees who might otherwise be at risk of lay-off. Partnering or neighboring companies are encouraged to submit a joint application and share an employee or consultant between businesses.

“Focus offered a similar program last year that was very popular and produced even more energy savings projects than expected,” Williams explained. “We are pleased to offer an expanded version of the program for 2009.”

Interested businesses should visit focusonenergy.com/competitive_incentives for more information. Applications must include a list of potential projects, as funding is based on the energy savings from those projects and is paid when projects are completed. Applications must be received by April 30, 2009. In addition, completed energy efficiency projects are also eligible for Focus on Energy financial incentives that can be found at focusonenergy.com/incentives/business.