Wisconsin's energy experts answer your questions on interactive Web site

From a news release issued by Focus on Energy:

(April 27, 2009) – What’s the best way to reduce my home’s cooling costs? Are there tax credits available for my renewable energy project? What’s the most energy efficient hot water heater? Could new lighting fixtures save my business money? These are among the thousands of questions Wisconsin residents are asking themselves every day. Thankfully, there’s an easy and accessible resource where they can get their energy questions answered, as Focus on Energy has launched a new interactive Web site titled ‘Ask Focus on Energy’ (askfocusonenergy.com).

“The purpose of the Web site is to fulfill the public’s growing desire for easily accessible information on the timely topic of energy,” said Kathy Kuntz, program director for Focus on Energy. “Given the economic and energy climate, consumers and businesses are now, more than ever, looking to learn how energy efficiency and renewable energy relates specifically to their needs.”

How the Web site Works
When you visit the ‘Ask Focus on Energy’ Web site you have the opportunity to submit a question, or search other questions that may relate to your area of interest. Once your question is submitted, if it is similar to a question already on the site, the answer will immediately appear. However, if your question is unique from any on the Web site, it will be sent to a panel of Focus on Energy experts for review. If your question is selected, it will be answered by one of our experts and posted on the Web site.

As so many people have similar questions and shared interests, you can also search a variety of energy-related topics to see what other people are asking. And to stay even more connected, you can now find Focus on Energy on Facebook and Twitter. These communities allow you to stay up-to-date on the questions and answers being added to the new Web site, as well as get regular energy saving tips.

Solar hot water—straight from the garden

Ben and Nancy Collins weren’t only thinking about energy savings when they installed a solar hot water system at their Platteville residence to serve their family of six. They also wanted to influence their children’s attitudes toward
renewable energy use.

Says Nancy Collins: “We want our children to grow up thinking that it’s normal for families to harvest solar energy.”


Solar hot water systems for multifamily

Water heating can be a significant cost in the operation of multifamily residential buildings. On average, water heaters account for between 15 and 25 percent of the energy consumed by residents in multifamily dwellings, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the independent statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Energy. For some multifamily residences, a solar water heating system, which uses the sun’s energy to preheat water entering an existing gas or electric water heater, may be a cost effective means to reduce monthly heating bills.


Solar hot water douses rising energy costs at Madison's fire stations

When Madison set out in 2004 to become what Mayor David Cieslewicz called a “green capital city,” not one municipal property had yet taken advantage of solar hot water. Four years later, each of Madison’s 11 firehouses is equipped with a solar hot water system, serving anywhere from 45 percent to 60 percent of the buildings’ collective hot water loads and offsetting 205 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions each year. It’s fair to say that no other city in the country has been as aggressive or as successful as Madison in incorporating solar water heating into its municipal buildings.


Getting Serious About Solar Water Heating (SWH)

From a presentation by Michael Vickerman at the 2009 Wisconsin Renewable Energy Summit, Milwaukee, March 25-28:

Value Proposition to System Owner
+ Less expensive (on a life-cycle basis)
+ Predictable return
+ Negligible risk

Value Proposition to Society
+ Emission-free
+ Non-depleting
+ Indigenous
+ Highly secure

SHW Potential in Wisconsin
+ Can offset between 2.6% to 4.1% of NG use
+ Avoiding 150 million therms/year
+ Saving $150 million annually (2006 prices)
+ Offsetting 820,000 metric ton of CO2